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Posts posted by Deliverpooh

  1. On 6/21/2017 at 4:24 AM, kaeryth said:

    One of my favourite mascots have nothing to do with Yuzu (that I know of. hehehe)


    32fbd8b0f25d4f9882ed1a1171841bfbbf2b22ea     7d6a10f728f256b0a5fab11aa1ab27a379b6f1f2

    (C) ana-cooljapan [broken link]


    Isn't she the cutest? Sora-yan is the mascot for Osaka International Airport.


    According to Sora-yan’s official profile, she lives in Osaka International’s La Sora Deck terrace and entertainment complex, and her job is to bring smiles to the facility’s visitors. Sora-yan has an interest in fashion, with a collection of snappy silk scarves of the type flight attendants in Japan wear, and enjoys going for walks in and around the airport.


    This one is so cute!


    I will post some mascot photos I took in Japan later.

  2. On 7/13/2018 at 7:34 AM, Winnie_20 said:

    I became a fan a few years ago, and been trying to watch the major competitions since. I clung to the television last month during the European championships. IIRC the whole event was streamed live on eurovisionsports tv. :67638860:


    Last yea, vcq17 introduced a bunch of us to the wonders of men's rhythmic gymnastics, however, and that is just my favorite. If I'm really bored, I'll go to youtube and watch some of that. The topic is here. 


    Thanks for pointing that out. I've read the topic and thought it was really cool.

    Had no idea it was such a big thing in Japan.


    I have a question: is there also such a thing as warhorses in this sport?

  3. I read some of the manga as well (never finished because it was too expensive to buy), so I am looking forward to finishing the story finally:68556365:


    The Animation is really good and judging by the mobile phones in the anime, it's set in present times, not the eighties.

  4. On 7/5/2018 at 7:31 PM, Winnie_20 said:

    I guess they all saw Trusova’s scores and suddenly realized they *really* need to step up their game. ;-)


    Unfortunately I probably won’t be able to see the JGPs live this year. Maybe I should block a couple of weeks in October for solid straight JGP catching-up... 

    Haha, that will take lots of time, even if you only pick one discipline. I did the same thing with the latter competitions lasy year as I was visiting Challengers at that time and couldn't watch live. 

  5. On 7/12/2018 at 11:47 PM, Sammie said:

    I watch it whenever I can. But this Chopin one I like a lot. Maybe cus of Yuzu. But everything on point. 

    Thanks for introducing me to her!


    As I said, I know little about the sport, but apparently she won Olympic gold twice:eeking:

  6. I only just started getting interested in the sport and know little about it. The ribbon is my favourite so far.

    From what I gather, the reigning queens are Russian twins Dina Averina and Arina Averina.


    This is Dina with the ribbon:



    Is there anyone else who watches this?



  7. On 7/4/2018 at 11:33 PM, LadyLou said:

    Alena Kostornaia?

    Yes, she's only still 14, iirc to turn senior she had to be 15 by 1st July, she misses the requisite by less than two months :/

    Imo she's one of those rare skaters for whom age limits don't apply, she's already so refined, I can't wait to see how much better she can get! Hopefully skating gods will spare her major injuries and growth issues :tumblr_inline_n18qr5AMus1qid2nw:

    (one reason why I'm happy Rika is already going senior, despite not winning any medal in JGPF or JWC, is that she has a whole season to get a bit of space all for herself and built her reputation before the debut of Eteri's stronger jr girls. Knock on wood that she'll overcome her nerves issues and shine) 


    Alena said something about wanting to compete with the seniors already. She did once at Russian Nationals, which is hardly the easiest competition, and got third place there. I think she would be well ready and a major threat next season. Both she and Alexandra have this fearless attitude that I find admirable.


    I also agree with you about Rika Kihira. Let her grow a bit and win some medals before having to compete with the wonderkids again. Same goes for Sofia and Daria. They now both got a senior GP spot (Daria even two), which will be harder next season.


    I'm also looking forward to see what Nana Araki can do.

  8. On 6/20/2018 at 2:34 PM, Anzi said:

    ごんばわ,私は安子です。私は中國の留学生,私がアメリカに留学する。As I started to focus on Hanyu two months ago, I decided to learn Japanese. I believe the best way to understand a specific social culture is to learn its linguistic context. THAT"S WHY I AM HERE~ Nice to meet you guys!!!!

    Nice to meet you as well :). Are you learning by yourself or in a course?

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