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Posts posted by Deliverpooh

  1. On 8/29/2018 at 9:32 AM, kaeryth said:


    Not quite sure about each competition but maybe it depends on the event/organizers? Though it's known that the money won is definitely not enough and that why some have to set up gofundme's.


    I remember Finlandia 2013 had a prize money of 3000 euros (donated by the Finnish Figure Skating Association) mainly because of Yuzu's reaction when he heard it :tumblr_inline_mqt4grU8ua1qz4rgp:. The trophies were donated by the city of Espoo. So it might be that prizes (including cash prizes) might depend entirely on the organizer's budget (hence, French event planning).


    That's so funny :)

  2. 3 hours ago, ruruzest said:

    Yuzu threw the last apple pig to the very back seating  audience . Now why does this little action make me emotional ? He’s such a considering, kind young man who never ceases to amaze me. :sadPooh:

    Lovely clip. Thank you for sharing!

  3. On 8/22/2018 at 12:37 PM, Lunna said:

    I passed N5 :coolio: though my scores are far from the best... not Yuzu level more like falling all over the place Kolyada :rofl:

    Will try N4 next, not sure about December though... to many FS events in November :giggle:


  4. 23 hours ago, Mastyaeva said:

    Zhenya is joining Russian team in the training camp in Novogorsk (from 5 September), before she takes part in the test skates of the Russian team (9 September). This is an official info from the Russian FS Federation. I think, this is a good news, but I really wonder who will come with her to Russia.


    Good to hear! It will be nice for her to reconnect with the others. 


    On 8/20/2018 at 12:35 PM, PapiandPooh422 said:

    Yehey! Anna! I missed her! :tumblr_inline_n2pjd0dgUw1qdlkyg:

    I am happy, but hope she is really ready and we don't get a repeat of last year. 

  5. On 8/17/2018 at 9:37 AM, robin said:


    I think so, too. If everyone just reduced their meat intake it would make such a big difference!! I guess I am also flexitarian? lol first time I hear the term 

    If I look back at how I ate when I was younger, I'm like 'wow, I ate way too much meat". It's not necessary or good to eat that much at all, but it's how I was raised:sadPooh:

  6. I found this sentence in a study app and thought it sounded like something figure skating fans might say:



    Although she is skinny, she is strong.


    わり has a meaning similar to "unexpectedly"

  7. On 8/15/2018 at 8:58 PM, Yatagarasu said:

    JGP of course, there's something special about that one.


    Yuzuru's everything. 


    Whatever meltdowns we end up having that hopefully do not include him so I can bring out the popcorn (it's skating, there are always meltdowns. Including my own)


    And definitely looking forward seeing how the new rules are going to be applied. It will drive me crazy but I really do want to see it.

    Yes, pretty much this as well. I hope Yuzu will be injury free and just enjoys himself this post-Olympics season.

  8. 13 hours ago, sallycinnamon said:

    I was a vegetarian for a short time when I was 17-19 years old but my weight dropped from around 53/52 kg to 45 after not eating meat for about one year, I wasn't really well so I decided to eat it again. I have never eaten much meat in my life before or after it, but I need a little.

    I eat more veggies and fruits since I was a vegetarian. And I like fish a lot, too, that's something we don't eat here often at all (probably only around Christmas time).

    I didn't know you would lose that much weight of it, but it's not good of course if you're already quite slim. 

    Do you get your fish from a market?


    6 hours ago, axelnojutsu said:

    I’ve been vegan for almost 2 years now :carrot_::tumblr_inline_ncmifaymmi1rpglid:


    Currently I’m looking into zero waste and trying to limit myself to local products as well, but I do love myself some mango or avocado sometimes so it’s still a work in progress  :tumblr_inline_mqt4grU8ua1qz4rgp:

    Wow, you're doing really well. I'm also trying to buy less food that comes in plastic. It's quite ridiculous how much there is surrounding our food. I love avocado too and eat quite a lot of it. It's really the thing that helps me the most in the change towards becoming a vegetarian, as it shows me that you have really delicious food that is not meat.

    10 hours ago, mewana said:

    Many of my friends are vegan, and they eventually persuaded me to become vegetarian (Sometimes I cheat with the rare fish once a month though so not fully fledged). For my whole life I haven't really been that excited about eating meat (Fried Chicken as an exception), so making the transition, especially surrounded by vegan friends, was not the most difficult for me. I don't know about ever making the transition to veganism though, b/c I love cheese/cake/cheesecake with a dying passion. :hachimaki: 

    I have a lot of vegan and vegetarian friends. They were smart in just cooking delicious meals or suggesting we go to vegetarian restaurants. It showed me how much good food there is without meat.

  9. First, I'm looking forward to the JGP and talking with you all about it in the competition threads:happy0065:

    The ladies field is just absolutely insane.


    Then, I'd like to see Yuzu compete and hopefully reign supreme this season:tumblr_inline_n18qr7hmfk1qid2nw:.


    I'd also like to see what will happen with pairs and dance now that some of the strongest teams won't compete.


    And for silliness, I hope Disney will give Yuzu a chance to decorate Pooh clothes.

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