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Posts posted by Deliverpooh

  1. 2 hours ago, Terrapin said:

    I think people are becoming more critical now that he is a two-time OGM, but yeah, Yuzu always made it clear that one of his major inspirations was Johnny Weir. He really likes the androgynous beauty and sparkles and has always worn these kinds of apparels. But Yuzuru has definitely made this style his own (the biellman, the inna bauer, the more introspective aspects of his performances etc belong to him, as well as being tributes to other persons who inspire him). Plus, I've always found it funny that his other hero should be Plushenko whose style is so different from Weir's. There is a quiet kind of power in Yuzuru' skating which could be more linked to Plushenko's style. And anyway, these two programmes this year are explicitely dedicated to these two skaters, so of course there 's bound to be some similarities with them. 

    Well said.

  2. Congratulations to Yelim Kim for making it to the JGPF:balloons-smiley:

    -3 spots for Shcherbakova, Tarakanova and Kostornaia

    -Only Kanysheva and Trusova can end up above her still

    -Tarusina has two silvers as well, but a lower total score, meaning the sixth spot will be hers in any case.

  3. 12 hours ago, TallyT said:




    This turned up on my pinterest, no credit (if anyone knows, tell me) but I thought it still needed sharing...

    This looks like Final Fantasy cover art.



  4. 1 hour ago, Murieleirum said:


    Just from the top of my head, I've always had trouble with 義 and 議 or 織 and 職. Although these are not recent kanji so I guess at all levels you have to fight to distinguish kanji lol! 


    Edit: ah, I should specify that by 'hard to distinguish' I don't mean that I cannot see that there is a difference - more like, I switch their meaning/reading very easily. 

    Thank you!

    Maybe it helps that you wrote them down here. It helped me with some words:).


    I always forget how to write Sweden, so I might as well just put it down here too: スウェーデン


  5. On 9/17/2018 at 10:39 AM, Murieleirum said:


    Although I guess it's a killer for a foreigner to study both Japanese and Chinese. I mean, I'll learn my kanji allright! I'll learn ALL the Chinese characters! :68556365:

    I'm starting to enter that phase of Kanji where you have to start really paying attention to every radical, and not just approximate what you see... because you will have 20-30 kanji looking alike. I envy Chinese for their abilities developed earlier to distinguish and recognize thousands of characters... 



    Can you give an example of kanji that you find hard to distinguish?


    I also downloaded a nice app called 'kanji tree', which allows you to practice kanji in all sorts of ways. Even if I have just a minute or two to spare, I play with it.

  6. On 9/14/2018 at 9:31 PM, Sammie said:

    How cute! He going to wonder what the heck are these monsters on the ice next to his Pooh :tumblr_inline_mqt4grU8ua1qz4rgp:

    That would be great :)

    EDIT: I just realized I made my 100th post talking about crocheted Nessies:laughing:

  7. Sometimes I notice that my Japanese skills are quite uneven. I would say I'm somewhere in the middle of intermediate. I know some words that are quite obscure and advanced, but at other times I notice that I don't know quite basic words.

    I did a test online and realized that I didn't even know the word for beside. It's 横 (yoko). A while back I had the same with 床 (yuka), which means floor:shocked:


    Does anyone else have the same thing, or is it just me?

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