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Posts posted by Deliverpooh

  1. Watched now. Some of the things I loved:


    Anastasia's program seems more difficult compared to what she did earlier in transitions. She was very powerful and earned that personal best

    The great relationships between all the coaches and the skaters.

    Sofia still singing along.

    Alena's Ina Bauer.

    Ted gasping when Alexandra did her first jumping pass. You can tell he really wanted to say something. In fact, what even is this girl? She is such an amazing skater and performer. And she's landed clean quads in practice (really hope we get to see one in the FP). Poweful, while so small. That Makkachin looks so big when she's holding it:laughing:


    And all of them were clean. Incredible.



  2. Wish I could watch this, but have to work
    The JGP for ladies was of such high quality (often better than seniors) and I can't wait to see who wins. Think it will be Alexandra, as she was consistent and is a technical powerhouse. They'really all great though, and I hope Anastasia does as well as she did in Salzburg.
    And look at that audience. Wish there could be half as much interest in the other junior grand prix venues, but maybe that's coming. Brisbane filled up its venue nicely (yes, it was small), maybe it can be build from there. 
    And for the FP we have a quad and triple axel in the programs. What if Anna wasn't injured, it would have been insane.

  3. On 02/12/2017 at 2:09 PM, WinForPooh said:





    On 02/12/2017 at 2:09 PM, WinForPooh said:

    I wish I was one of those people who found useful things stress-busting. Like running or cleaning. Instead I bake things that are yummy but definitely not good for us, and I drink wine and beer.




    Thought prompted by long overdue cleaning of kitchen cupboards that resulted in three giant bags of long expired things to throw away.

    Wine is not always a bad thing:tumblr_inline_mp4i2vHXDy1qz4rgp:

    And taking a walk is really good too, especially in a park or forest.


  4. On 22/11/2017 at 8:11 PM, sallycinnamon said:


    Later, yes... but not now, I also work and unfortunately I wouldn't have enough time for a puppy.

    I understand. That's the exact reason I don't have pets now :(

  5. On 30/11/2017 at 7:14 PM, xeyra said:

    Feature on the Japanese ladies fighting for 2 spots for Olympics. In Japanese. Cue the ugly tears because so many good ladies and only 2 spots. :cry:

    Note: Kaori is now in the conversation too, whereas before I think she wasn't mentioned so much. 



    It's interesting indeed. Kaori seems to have pulled ahead of Marin at least.

  6. 6 minutes ago, Neenah said:

    Would we lose all the magazines, CM's and Japanese fluff pieces if he did that?..  If so, then no thanks, I would rather have him stay as disguised space kitty


    Also, what if his home planet does not have ice shows or forbid fan cams :smiley-shocked034: how will we live without this :kitty:


    ETA: and this is my 1000 post  :smiley-laughing021: 


    Congratulations on your 1000 post.


    And I wouldn't worry. If there were no more magazines etc, there would be Yuzuru hollograms skating around on your table.

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