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Posts posted by Deliverpooh

  1. 4 minutes ago, LadyLou said:

    the audience was as shook as me at the score :tumblr_inline_ncmiffG34Z1rpglid:

    Well... my podium is a mess anyway, but at least I got Alina... so Eteri swept ladies golds  (plus two other medals)

    And again, what's happened to the tech panel overnight? 

    And wow Caro almost got to the podium:eeking:

    Poor Waka, and Satoko kept her poise despite the shock. 

    Not a brilliant gpf for jpn, across disciplines.

    Jr ladies stole the show (and Alina is barely out of juniors herself :laughing:)

    And Maria got silver, as everytime I place her out of podium :smile: I bring her luck :biggrin: Now her chances for the third only spot are even higher

    Please russians at Olys please

    Yeah, in juniors Eteri-students got all three medals. And even another one of her girls skated clean at the grand prix finals. That competition was insane. Seniors weren't quite as clean, but it was still exciting. Eteri and her charges can go home with big smiles.


    Not to mention she has another junior, who might be better than all of them, but is getting back from injury now.

  2. 1 minute ago, Fay said:

    Masha might have made her claim of the third spot much stronger now... 

    She should pretty much have it now, I think, unless she does really badly at Russian Nationals.


    The last few months, she has done a lot of medal-grabbing for Russian figure skating, even if she never won.

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