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Everything posted by ruruzest

  1. How can he manage to look so cute falling down? Like this is a treat for my fans I remember, actually not really exactly when) , the time when I was learning ice skating, the first sensation of no balance when I first stepped on the ice, so scary, and after a month or so , I fell on my bottom the first time, it was so terrifying, it was a hard fall, that I quit right then. (
  2. Vay de chi in ra roi dem di AC ha, tui em nghi sao, chac de het thu cua vn fans trong mot phong Bi Chung roi de o ngoai la to Yuzu from a very big base which has so many many Vietnamese fan?
  3. Chao cac ban, chi chop nho den mot vai Cau tho cua thi si Viet nam post Len day cho tui em doc choi nha, sua chut de thich hop voi Yuzu " Da Yuzu trang ta chang can anh sang, toc Yuzu mem ta chang thiet mua xuan, tren doi nay chang co giai nhan, nen ta goi Yuzu la " nhan sac" " Yuzu la ai, nguoi hay la tien, Yuzu co tuoi hay khong co tuoi
  4. Re : the bolded note about Yuzu not dressed Olympic gold with recycled programs i think people said that because they are scared for their faves. Just my reasoning, they think with two powerful programs like that , the OLG is a given for Yuzu. To say that they belittle the most prestigious medal in the field ( however , in my own opinion, Olympic is just another big comp just like WC or GPF, e hem, now how do I make this text smaller so that nobody can read it). Can they really deny the level of difficulty, the beauty, the fierce competition when the best of the best (aka Yuzu ) deliver unquestionable performances cleanly?i don't think so
  5. Hay qua xa , chi thich em dung nhung hinh y nghia di Chung voi text
  6. Troi dat Viet chu dep the, de thuong qua xa em a. Viet tay thay hay hon em oi, hinh nhu Yuzu Viet thu cho co gi nguoi Russian d , cung Viet thu tay luon , vay moi chuyen cho tinh cam de hon em
  7. Just like Kurt revered in H&L " you can chase me but you can never catch me" , in a sense, score aside in some cases, who can have the whole package like Yuzu, who is great at " everything ". Not to mention the way fans admire his personality , he who remembers of reporters met only once , he who helps cleaning the ice surface, he who makes silly faces in CM, he who gives credit when credit due ( acknowledged Boyang on quad, on other on spin...he who throws kisses left and right to already-nose- bleeded fans.. also he whose falls are so adorable .
  8. Is it just me or with the fitted sleeves his arm movements look very sharp and more decisively?
  9. Ole and wooo indeed
  10. If I were the judge to whom he walked in front and got that kind of intensive stare, I'd give him all the GOE I can and some more and then I'd keel over and die happily.
  11. I would love love for Enrique Como attending all of Yuzu' s performances!! His gushing over Yuzu's movements, the way he got excited and choked up, the way he singing along with the music " bam bam bam ....", the way he urged " please, please " before a difficult element... priceless
  12. Wow, same here , it's understandable that every time some one calls me , I just feel proud and emotional at the same time
  13. Imagine he's in the competition with that kind of pose and killer stare...he is just like a warrior with looks that can kill, charging ahead and annihilate everything on his path...his opponents will be like . But the funny thing is that he'll return to his adorable self with cute smile and bowing to coach...I remember in some interview ( sorry don't know which one) some skaters said they feel intimidated by Yuzu ' s presence on the ice rink..
  14. Cha hay qua , chi nghi viet tay se Dac biet hon do Yuzu chac la phai biet doc cursive chu ha thuong may nuoc chau a day viet bang cursive ma di nhien japanese THi khac roi nhung hinh nhu chi thay Yuzu viet note la cursive do
  15. I love love love reading your posts, looking for it all the time , love your dead pan, sense of humor and witty thoughts, nononono , don't talk about r****ment, just the thought of it drives me to depression, and I don't think he will though, he has to go to Milan to secure three spots for Japan right ? And yesssss! Beijing 2022 please!
  16. I just love and admire his self- awareness "I'm good at everything ", no false modesty, very direct, very goal- oriented, and knows what he wants. Humble as he is , he's not afraid to declare his strength and other times admits his weaknesses. He has that kind of honesty and innocence that I found adorable and admirable at the same time. Watching his performance evokes strong emotion in me; I who have never followed figure skating before ...and I also think about countless hours of practice, all the bruises from falling and the will to get up and do it like a hundred more time, the years he has to be away from his own country and his pop and sister....my life as a whole becomes much more interesting because of him , and to be able to share the same interests and rant here in this forum with so many like - mind fans is the icing on the cake! thank you everyone for all the fun posts, the informative posts, the random posts, the just emoticon posts, the dissatisfied posts...I love reading all of them.
  17. O ACI co hop thu de fan bo thu vo dang hoang nha, o co Quang do duong San bang . nghi den luc duoc tan mat thay than tuong luot di tren mat bang
  18. Chi se rang chia xe luc o ACI voi tui em ha. Em co the Viet tieng Viet gui cho chi roi chi dich ra English dum cho em duoc , o mat cong gi het, chi San long
  19. Khong co chi em, chi San sang lam chim bo Cau dua THU cho tui em ,cung la fan cuong het ma😍
  20. Oh no, o Phai , chi noi la THU cua chi Kia, vi chi nho co Kia Viet Japanese dum chi nen chi Phai nhin va copy lai , con cua em thi chi chi can print thoi yeah , chi nghi Yuzu doc English chac la Kha hon speaking , thoi viet hoa la canh thoai mai di cho Yuzu doc de thay fan thuong qua di ha
  21. Cu Viet nhung gi minh suy nghi la duoc, chi nghi vay . Vi chi nho nguoi ta dich ra Japanese nen hoi Bi han che nhung gi minh muon noi nhung thoi, Khong sao het , tam minh chan thanh la duoc roi em ha
  22. U , con lau ma, tu tu viet di em , chi nghi Yuzu se doc do, chi thi Phai la mo copy lai Japanese co do Viet cho chi , Phai rang Len chu o Viet lon thi to trac
  23. Duoc chu em , San sang em gui pm voi attachment roi chi in ra dem di cho
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