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Posts posted by GoldMedalist

  1. 47 minutes ago, Yatagarasu said:

    And Skate Detroit has started today, with its absolutely ridiculous pricing for (a terrible) livestream.


    Here's the top two that we care about really

    1. Courtney Hicks - 63.13 3F1Lo, 3Lz, 2A
    2. Mirai Nagasu - 58.21 3A(<<,2ft), 3F(fall), 3Lz2T


    Doesn't seem particularly good for Mirai but of course, still off season. More at RS


    Courtney :happy0158:

  2. 1 minute ago, Yatagarasu said:


    Add the 4Lz. He can keep a 4 quad program that way and have room for an emergency 5 quad layout for one. I mean we have to wait and see, who knows what he'll choose.


    But thinking about what someone will 'blame' him for is a pointless exercise and he'd never let that lead his actions. Someone will always blame him for something - too many quads, not enough quads, not enough variety, too few transitions, he looks down too much, his arms are noodley, he doesn't point his toe ... because that's what those people do and they will always find something to yap about. So basically they're not worth our time, never mind his. Plus do you really think Yuzuru would ever skate an 'empty' program? That's not who he is.

    People are blinded by quads. They are like "oh 4 quads, 5 quads, well, there is nothing else, just quads".  And don't care anymore, don't even look closely at the performance.  That's what bothers me

  3. Well, what does "upgrade the layout" mean? More quads? More different quads? Crazy combos? Figure skating is not just jumps and i don't want people to blame him that he is "just jumps" (and they will). The youngsters can do 10 quads if they want, but Yuzuru is more than that, he has other qualities as well

  4. 3 minutes ago, meoima said:

    Well this is not about other skaters, but about Yuzuru. I am just saying, as a fan of Yuzuru for long, knowing his personality to a somewhat extent, I am just sure he will upgrade his layout. 


    But maybe there is no need for it. I would like to see some new spins :popcorn:

  5. 2 minutes ago, meoima said:

    Yuzuru needs a huge upgrade in the layout which I believe it's his plan (knowing him for years, his personality is that... it)

    Scores each season are different. Last season they slowed down Yuzuru's scores and make the gap with other skaters shorter. They do not want to break the system yet. But next season, the scores will break free. Judges will give all top concenters like +3 and 9.75 and even 10 like candies. Because... "We will change the system anyway lol lol, why not give out giant scores for everyone!!" <-- That's their logic with the ladies and the men, even the ice dance are hitting the ceiling because judges feel happy to have a new system.


    But will the "quadstars" land their quads?  Why does everyone expect them to land the jumps consistently? There was so much hype about Boyang, and Chen and Uno, they were already crowned world champions and blah blah, right at the beginning of the last two seasons . Well, not much happened since then :roll:

  6. I don't think Yuzuru should have 5 quads in his program. He should focus on other elements and on consistency. Many quads doesn't make you automatically win, we saw it with Boyang, with Nathan, Uno even Chan had 3 quads. None of them has broken Yuzuru's 3 quads WR yet, even with inflated scores, for a reason :popcorn:

    As long as Yuzuru has a good skate at the olympics, it doesn't really matter if he doesn't win. He is the only current skater, who is a olympic champion, 2 time WC, 4X GPF champ, 4x national champ (so far) and who has broken 11 WR. All these things speaks for itself. Whoever is going to win the olympics,  won't achieve as much as Yuzuru did.  Olympic champs come and go. Many of them r**** and are forgotten, but not Yuzuru :2lbkos0:

  7. 11 minutes ago, meoima said:

    As someone who grows up around classical musicians, I have to say Mozart is not over-rated at all. The greatness of Mozart is to make things so effective and memorable and so friendly to everyone even though the way he composed music still followed a strict standard of the classical era. 



    I'm really annoyed by all these "mozart here, mozart there..." since my childhood, just because he was a "wonder child" :roll:. I can't hear it anymore, I think there are so many composers out there, who are better than him, but are ignored because they weren't "wonder children" :disappointed:


    Back to zuzu :spacealien:

  8. 15 minutes ago, Murieleirum said:


    Uhmm, pardon the :offtopic: but I feel personally offended if someone says Mozart is overrated :rofl: I fell in love with him during my fourth year of history of music, relatively late if you consider I spent 6 years studying music without really appreciating him. Mozart was gifted as a child, and went all around Europe with his bigger sister (equally brilliant) to perform, but that was nothing compared to his adult accomplishments. It's not just the fact that he wrote everything that was musically possible with the current (current at his time) musical system, thanks to his never dying creativity and child-like imagination, it's not just the fact that the themes he used in his ballets and operas were new, prohibited, controversial (they were about love, they made fun of kings), just like his persona, thus he was very underrated during his life time, no, even hated, during his short life time, it's not just the fact that he paved the way for Romanticism through his last creations (which means he was a revolutionary, ahead of his time, like a lot of musicians in history) (see: Requiem), therefore, I can assure you there wouldn't have been any Beethoven without Mozart. It's his effortlessness, the easiness with which music came to him, as if it was the most natural thing in the world - and the reason most of Mozart's themes are remembered and loved even today isn't because he was a "wonder child", but because he was a crazy, crazy child in the body of an adult, that wrote music through unfiltered passion and love for all that is human.

    Of course, with this comment I could only condensate some of the reasons why he is fundamental to know and appreciate, but I suggest you to listen to his Magic Flute, his Requiem, his Barbiere di Siviglia, anything you can put your hands on, tbh.


    I compared Mozart and Yuzuru because of this 'easiness in doing impossible things' and their 'child-like love for life/music/skating', but it was just an example, to compare two geniuses together. There are many other musicians I could compare Yuzuru with. 


    Of course, you have every right not to like Mozart. But saying he is nothing special and he is overrated is another thing. 

    (Mozart uber OUT. Sorry for the huge OT.)


  9. 55 minutes ago, Murieleirum said:


    Yes, what makes me angry is that I think about the hours, the days, the months Yuzuru spends every time he has to insert a new jump, to make it technically perfect and to put difficult steps before and after it, and that has no meaning for some judges. They are trying to diminish his genius, much like when Mozart went to court and they told him he was playing "Too many notes", LOL. (Sorry, the example has been on my mind for months. To me, Yuzuru is a skating genius as much as Mozart was with music.) And then Shoma comes along and yes, you said right, he didn't have many good 4loops. I've seen various and they annoyed me because of the little height and distance (and the free leg during landing) 

    Sorry, but Mozart is overrated :noshake: People think he is  a "genius" bc he was once a "wonder child", but in reality, he is nothing special  :shrug:

    Yuzuru is like a mix of Beethoven's and Dvorak's music- powerful, godlike, deep and pretty at the same time :worship:

  10. 12 minutes ago, Yuazz said:

    Why do I feel like the judges don't like yuzu to win anything again in the sport. They're like,  "you're too 'old'. It's 'boring'. Unless you bring the new quad like the younguns. We don't give you the perfect score." :yznotimpressed:

    As long as he still skates better than the others, it doesn't matter if he wins or not. People know who the real champion is, they remember performances, not medals :yes:

    And the fact that he is forced to be better than others, it makes him a better skater and champion :goe:

  11. On ‎18‎.‎5‎.‎2017 at 23:22, ShiroKJ said:

    I'm pissed because I got 3 paper cuts within a few hours so I ended up just wearing gloves the rest of the day. :mad0066:


    And white chocolate is gross. Don't try to pass that stuff off as real chocolate. 


    I LOVE white chocolate :loveeyes: :love:

  12. Everyone who watched him at coc 2014 should know that he would survive anything :evilgrin0030:  He is the ultimate manga warrior, one of those who are broken, showered in blood and half dead but still continue the fight :swordfight:


    Yuzuru has that "beast mode", like Mari in Evangelion ( i love that scene :devil3:)

  13. 7 hours ago, sallycinnamon said:


    It depends on your contract? Is there a possibility in there that they can end the contract within that 6 months?

    I wish you good luck though. :fingerscrossed:


    I guess they can do whatever they want.... I hope i can stay longer than 6 months, i've been unemployed for almost 5 years :smiley-shocked034: This country is a mess


    But thank you :thankyou:

  14. I started a new job in february (6 month contract) and today i got a call from my boss who said  i don't need to come to work tomorrow and on friday, bc there is not enough work right now (which is true) and now i'm worried   i'm going to lose my job if this problem continues. :smiley-sad058:

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