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9 分ぐらい, sweetwater said:

I'm sorry! I didn't notice that you've already started answering the questions :facepalm:


You don't have to apologize!!  You answered almost all of the questions, so it was a great improvement!!


Now kaerb, could you designate the parts you still cannot transcribe with timestamps, please?

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7 minutes ago, sweetwater said:

Hi, everyone! I’ve been checking this thread sometimes as a Japanese and as a person who’s been learning foreign language myself. My target language is English, so I was on my way to the new thread sister555 created, but please let me join this thread too to comment on @kaerb’s questions above.




Yuzu says “用意されてたらちょっと怖いです” here. They are talking about Yamato Tamura, who crashed in a past episode of Kenji no heya when the guest was Daisuke Takahashi, so they are joking about it that if another empty chair is in the room, it might be a sign that Yamato would crash in this episode too, saying 椅子が用意されてたら怖い.


As for “声かけられたりしてました”, your guess is right. Yuzu was the one who was being massaged and Yamato sometimes talked to him in such moment.



Here he says “どんな状況でも跳べる人はいるわけなんで” (means “some people can jump in whatever situation they are in”).

言い訳 is noun. Adding する makes it a verb (言い訳する).



”誰にも…誰にもって言うか、そういう、メディアとかに自分から発信することって絶対なかったと思うので” is what he says here.



Yes, he uses the word “濃密” here. He means the time from his senior debut until his winning 4CC silver medal was short, but he learned how hard to compete at the senior level intensively during the period.




どうもありがとうございます〜 Thank you for explaining the chair thing!

  • Apologies for perhaps a nitpicky question but I'm curious about why he used 声かけられたりしてました. I understand his use of かける to be 掛ける meaning 'to cast' and he's using a passive form - to me, it sounds like he's using a sort of distant/indirect way of talking like he was getting massaged and Yamato's voice sort of...washed over him or something? Not sure if that's correct or not! Is it to show respect for Yamato that he doesn't just use something more direct like Yamato-sanと話しました or 会話をしました?
  • "どんな状況でも跳べる人はいるわけなんで" - What does the 'わけ' in 'いるわけ' add? Why doesn't he just use 'どんな状況でも跳べる人はいるなので?' (I'm assuming なんで is an abbreviation of なので - please correct me if I'm wrong?)
  • What does 濃密 actually mean? Because the dictionary is translating it as 'thick/dense'. He says いろいろかなり濃密にその時間を過ごしたな but I couldn't figure out what the expression means. Does it just mean the time passed very 'densely' (as in 'intensively')? 
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6 minutes ago, sister555 said:


You don't have to apologize!!  You answered almost all of the questions, so it was a great improvement!!


Now kaerb, could you designate the parts you still cannot transcribe with timestamps, please?

Thank you so much for your help! Perhaps a little confusingly, half my questions were actually about translation/understanding the words instead of trouble hearing the lines so I'm sorry for the slight confusion.  :headdesk: Sweetwater did a wonderful job answering my questions there ( : 


My other thing I couldn't hear was here (6:29) - if you can tell me what the lines mean, even better or I will try translating haha.


"長年そうSingleと言うあれから離れてたと言うのもあるしダンスも_____。Yuzu: じゃ_____??

Kenji: それで最後の方はほんまdeath dropみたいなAxelを飛んだの、で教えてもらってからしっかりちゃんと飛べるようになって毎回飛べるようになった."


And here: "Lutzは一般だけ___おりったんですよね。すごいギリギリなやつ."

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26 分ぐらい, kaerb said:

My other thing I couldn't hear was here (6:29) - if you can tell me what the lines mean, even better or I will try translating haha.


"長年そうSingleと言うあれから離れてたと言うのもあるしダンスも_____。Yuzu: じゃ_____??


Thank you!!  Let me fill in.


Y: 長年、その、シングルというあれ(=that, refers to category) から離れてたというのもあるし、(アイス)ダンスのエッジってちょっと違うんじゃないですか?

K: いや、あのねえ、エッジはねえ、シングルの(エッジ)。

Y: シングルの? じゃあ、やっぱり跳び方がw


More to follow later!  (I need a short sleep.)

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45 分ぐらい, kaerb said:


どうもありがとうございます〜 Thank you for explaining the chair thing!

  • Apologies for perhaps a nitpicky question but I'm curious about why he used 声かけられたりしてました. I understand his use of かける to be 掛ける meaning 'to cast' and he's using a passive form - to me, it sounds like he's using a sort of distant/indirect way of talking like he was getting massaged and Yamato's voice sort of...washed over him or something? Not sure if that's correct or not! Is it to show respect for Yamato that he doesn't just use something more direct like Yamato-sanと話しました or 会話をしました?
  • "どんな状況でも跳べる人はいるわけなんで" - What does the 'わけ' in 'いるわけ' add? Why doesn't he just use 'どんな状況でも跳べる人はいるなので?' (I'm assuming なんで is an abbreviation of なので - please correct me if I'm wrong?)
  • What does 濃密 actually mean? Because the dictionary is translating it as 'thick/dense'. He says いろいろかなり濃密にその時間を過ごしたな but I couldn't figure out what the expression means. Does it just mean the time passed very 'densely' (as in 'intensively')? 

About “声かけられたり”, I think your interpretation is probably right, although we can’t be sure what exactly Yamato said to him and how. If “talking to” doesn’t fit this kind of situation, how would you say in English?


As for adding “わけ”, it’s hard to explain… or I should say I don’t know exactly why he has to add it here. But I think by adding “わけ”, the fact “どんな状況でも跳べる人はいる” sounds more like what everybody knows, what everybody takes as normal thing. I think he often uses this kind of expression when talking about something difficult (or what people think difficult) to make it nothing special, which he has to deal with like nothing. He tends to be hard on himself, you know?


濃密 means thick/dense, but it also means “rich” in some context. In this context he means his first year in senior circuit was packed with experiences I think. I’ve translated Japanese commentaries for 4CC2011, and in those commentaries the play-by-play announcer commented that he said such thing before the competition.


ETA: “どんな状況でも跳べる人はいる” + ”なので” will be “どんな状況でも跳べる人はいるので”.  I can’t explain why we have to omit “な”, though…

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14 分ぐらい, sweetwater said:

As for adding “わけ”, it’s hard to explain… or I should say I don’t know exactly why he has to add it here. But I think by adding “わけ”, the fact “どんな状況でも跳べる人はいる” sounds more like what everybody knows, what everybody takes as normal thing. I think he often uses this kind of expression when talking about something difficult (or what people think difficult) to make it nothing special, which he has to deal with like nothing. He tends to be hard on himself, you know?


Sorry for interrupting, but this page might help:  https://dictionary.goo.ne.jp/thsrs/17297/meaning/m0u/


In this context, 「いるわけなんで」 is a colloquial form of 「いるわけなので」and is the same usage as


Its usage should belong to 【1】of [使い分け].   Hope this will help understanding a bit easier. :)


So as you might well expect, Yuzuru's speech style is extraordinary logical and 理系!! :)



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24 分ぐらい, sister555 said:


Sorry for interrupting, but this page might help:  https://dictionary.goo.ne.jp/thsrs/17297/meaning/m0u/


In this context, 「いるわけなんで」 is a colloquial form of 「いるわけなので」and is the same usage as


Its usage should belong to 【1】of [使い分け].   Hope this will help understanding a bit easier. :)


So as you might well expect, Yuzuru's speech style is extraordinary logical and 理系!! :)



Thank you:thankyou: The page you linked was helpful. If only there was an English version of it...

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5 分ぐらい, sweetwater said:

Thank you:thankyou: The page you linked was helpful. If only there was an English version of it...


Thank YOU!!  I'm so happy!! (sobs)  kaerb, please try to read that page when you have some time ...

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50 minutes ago, sweetwater said:

About “声かけられたり”, I think your interpretation is probably right, although we can’t be sure what exactly Yamato said to him and how. If “talking to” doesn’t fit this kind of situation, how would you say in English?


As for adding “わけ”, it’s hard to explain… or I should say I don’t know exactly why he has to add it here. But I think by adding “わけ”, the fact “どんな状況でも跳べる人はいる” sounds more like what everybody knows, what everybody takes as normal thing. I think he often uses this kind of expression when talking about something difficult (or what people think difficult) to make it nothing special, which he has to deal with like nothing. He tends to be hard on himself, you know?


濃密 means thick/dense, but it also means “rich” in some context. In this context he means his first year in senior circuit was packed with experiences I think. I’ve translated Japanese commentaries for 4CC2011, and in those commentaries the play-by-play announcer commented that he said such thing before the competition.


ETA: “どんな状況でも跳べる人はいる” + ”なので” will be “どんな状況でも跳べる人はいるので”.  I can’t explain why we have to omit “な”, though…


36 minutes ago, sister555 said:


Sorry for interrupting, but this page might help:  https://dictionary.goo.ne.jp/thsrs/17297/meaning/m0u/


In this context, 「いるわけなんで」 is a colloquial form of 「いるわけなので」and is the same usage as


Its usage should belong to 【1】of [使い分け].   Hope this will help understanding a bit easier. :)


So as you might well expect, Yuzuru's speech style is extraordinary logical and 理系!! :)



Hmmm that's an interesting question. It may be a situation where the nuance doesn't quite translate. I think the closest translation would be 'I listened to Yamato speak/I listened to Yamato's words while I was being massaged' (which conveys the passive/respectful side but makes Yuzu the subject of the sentence which differs from Japanese). However, it implies it's not so much a conversation as Yuzu just lying there and soaking up Yamato's wisdom. If they're actually having a conversation, 'Yamato spoke to me while I was being massaged' is probably closest? 


Ahh okay, so わけ is used in a similar way to はず? I've never heard わけ used that way but I've learned はず so I sort of understand what you're saying. はず generally translates to 'I expect' so maybe something like 'I expect a lot of skaters can jump in any condition'. Thank you for linking me! (the problem with JP dictionary is....I need to read the JP explanations haha :tumblr_inline_mg16f5AQHM1qdlkyg:


Thank you both for your help! I've learned a lot today~

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2 時間前, kaerb said:

Ahh okay, so わけ is used in a similar way to はず? I've never heard わけ used that way but I've learned はず so I sort of understand what you're saying. はず generally translates to 'I expect' so maybe something like 'I expect a lot of skaters can jump in any condition'. Thank you for linking me! (the problem with JP dictionary is....I need to read the JP explanations haha :tumblr_inline_mg16f5AQHM1qdlkyg:


Ahh.  Yes, please... That is best described in the JP dictionary.


2 時間前, kaerb said:


Thank you both for your help! I've learned a lot today~


No problem!!  Teaching each other is fun!! :)


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Please allow me for being slightly off topic, but I cannot help introducing this account:



The thing is, although she commands flawless Japanese, she's a German!!

I confess I had imagined the account was "he", but it turned out to be a beautiful lady!!





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I’ve finished reading General Thread and now I see how this conversation started. Sorry everyone for crashing in so abruptly! Next time I’ll try not to cut in rudely, or do my best to crash in cutely like Yamato…:bow:

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6 hours ago, sister555 said:



I just typed what I heard, which is why everything is in hiragana. I thought that maybe another point of view could have been useful and guide other people who wanted to try and decipher Yuzu's mumbling :P I never said it was correct

6 hours ago, sister555 said:


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2 時間前, sweetwater said:

I’ve finished reading General Thread and now I see how this conversation started. Sorry everyone for crashing in so abruptly! Next time I’ll try not to cut in rudely, or do my best to crash in cutely like Yamato…:bow:


Haha you have never crushed in, so no worries!!! :)


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