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Just now, Hydroblade said:

Well, italian is really similar to spanish, both are romance languages and they sound so similar it's irritating to me :P in duolingo i got the first part of the tree completely covered by the placement test. That's how similar they are. 


Here in Mexico i guess it's a cultural thing :) probably related to our colonial past haha. The divisions are clearly marked.


Aaah I see!


Yes, I am quite bothered by their similarities as well :laughing: because I've studied spanish at middle school for 3 years, and I was good at it, so I can pretty much understand everything, but when it gets to speaking, I get very shy because I never practice it, and I don't want to make the mistake to use an italian word and assume that it's just the same in Spanish. 


In Italy, we have a running joke that you can put an 'S' at the end of any italian word, and that's going to be Spanish. Of course, it's far from the truth, so actually speaking fluently both languages is harder than anyone thinks, imo! 

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22 minutes ago, sister555 said:

That's interesting.  I heard of the word "duzen" in German.

In grammar, one should use Sie for a person who is not your family.


But in colleges or high schools, you want to call your friend more "friendly".

So someone would say, "Let's duzen".


Duzen means using Du to a person who is familiar with you, although s(he) is not your akin.


*They use "du" to families, pets, or God.


Ref. http://www.lang.osaka-u.ac.jp/~tsuda/kouza/kouza03.html


And youngsters use "Du" (beginning with capital D) to their friends.


Ref. http://www.newsdigest.de/newsde/archive/germans/132-9.html

(This article is kind of a must-read, it's very interesting!!)


Do you have similar examples in other European languages??

See, I'm German and I don't always know when to use 'du' or 'Sie', so I'd rather we did it like in English (where there's only 'you')
I'm confused enough with two already, nevermind the hundreds of different ways Japanese has to address people :headdesk:

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21 分ぐらい, axelnojutsu said:

See, I'm German and I don't always know when to use 'du' or 'Sie', so I'd rather we did it like in English (where there's only 'you')
I'm confused enough with two already, nevermind the hundreds of different ways Japanese has to address people 


そうなんですか!!(驚愕) それって日本語で言う「微妙」ってやつ!?








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6 hours ago, sister555 said:



Yes and it's very convenient! :D


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1 hour ago, sister555 said:


はい、私のような怠惰な人のためにそれは特に素晴らしいです!(I hope that was correct, I still struggle so much with making my own sentences :text-line-smiley-138:)

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8 minutes ago, axelnojutsu said:

はい、私のような怠惰な人のためにそれは特に素晴らしいです!(I hope that was correct, I still struggle so much with making my own sentences :text-line-smiley-138:)

Haha in my case it's not because i am lazy but because it sounds weird to keep repeating 私 :slinkaway:

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9 minutes ago, Hydroblade said:

Haha in my case it's not because i am lazy but because it sounds weird to keep repeating 私 :slinkaway:

Thinking about it, this would also solve that fanfiction problem where people are described in increasingly ridiculous ways to avoid repeating their names or saying he/she over and over :space:

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4 minutes ago, axelnojutsu said:

Thinking about it, this would also solve that fanfiction problem where people are described in increasingly ridiculous ways to avoid repeating their names or saying he/she over and over :space:

"The girl with long ebony black hair with purple streaks and red tips that reached her mid-back and icy blue eyes like limpid tears turned around to see him" :P ?  

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5 時間前, axelnojutsu said:

はい、私のような怠惰な人のためにそれは特に素晴らしいです!(I hope that was correct, I still struggle so much with making my own sentences :text-line-smiley-138:)




But that makes foreigners to learn Spanish or Italian a bit hard, especially for beginners!!!

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Oh, a little tip.


有用な is usually used in business scenes or dissertation.


We usually use






Or we just say in Twitters,




BTW, I usually use 私 in my Twitter!!

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イッヌ または いっぬ







「ぬこ」画像検索: https://www.google.co.jp/search?q=ぬこ&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiV1vTLzb7UAhXFlpQKHcqrB9gQ_AUICigB&biw=1164&bih=813


「イッヌ」画像検索: https://www.google.co.jp/search?q=イッヌ&hl=ja&site=webhp&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&sqi=2&ved=0ahUKEwjIipfZzb7UAhWDmpQKHfKZBTcQ_AUIBigB&biw=1164&bih=813


おまけ: http://fesoku.net/archives/77855




ぜひ「ぬこ 顔文字」でGoogle検索してみてください:67512117:

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4 minutes ago, sister555 said:

「役につ立」? Annagram??

Haha the title of the drama is 逃げるは恥だが役に立つ :P that's why I remembered the koi dance.

Also I chose that word because the examples on the dictionary didn't sound "business like", although I didn't look thoroughly because I was at work :P

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