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29 minutes ago, Melodie said:

Ironic, really, when you consider when FS came to Japan, it first came to Sendai. On top of that, both of Japan's Olys gold medalists to date come from Sendai. 


As for Yuzu, there are many reasons but I don't suppose we will ever know them all. What most have agreed upon (that I have seen so far) are that Yuzu is way to independent and can't be controlled; he is not from the right region and under the right coaches; he has been affirming his position/rising up the rank way too quickly; he is way too strong and so beloved by his fans, he overshadows (and outnumbers in terms of number of fans) pretty much all other JPN skaters; etc.. Also, his honesty might just be too much for some (remember that one time he pretty much shut Hashitmoto up during an athlete camp?).


It is what it is tho. The mystery of why a young man from Sendai is so hated by his federation (and other federations) is a puzzle for the century.

What's this thing about him shutting Hashimoto? I'd love to know :)

The upside of it is that we know he's pure, self-made, he fought for everything he got with tooth and nails, and that's why we love him so much. Propped-up pets can't replace, won't replace him, EVER. And I'm sure that he has and will continue to inspire generations of beautiful skaters.

Hopefully at some point, JSF leadership will change. Japan Judo Fed was really toxic for a while, and then they overhauled the leadership and it got much better. And talking about traditions - Judo is one of the most traditional, hierarchical, macho thing possible, and I was very happy to see that changes are possible. Just got to hope. 

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22 minutes ago, YuDai said:

I obviously prefer Yuzuru's skating over Yuma's and Shouma's as well (hence I'm posting here(: ), but to me it seems a little unkind to comment (negatively) on an athlete's appearance, although of course people have their own preferences.

A part of Yuzu’s appeal is his physical attractiveness. Physical attractiveness, personality, skating ability, these are components of being a super star. I am not trying to be mean, I didn’t call him names or ridicule him, but am only honest about my feelings, which I clearly stated were  “in my opinion”. So, in my opinion, Yuma does not meet Yuzu’s level in any of these categories. I thought we were allowed to state preferences on this website, as just about every post here does. I don’t see how saying I don’t find Yuma attractive is any worse than saying I don’t like his personality or skating, which you apparently think is ok to say. But, in any case, I’m sorry if I offended you. That certainly wasn’t my intent. 

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1 hour ago, eren said:

Yuzu is an outlier. He transcends this sport. Even if he doesn’t skate, he shines elsewhere. People love him for a reason. How hard is it for JSF to know if they can take a minute to hear what people say? Oh they’re just too aloof to do that — very very narrow-minded. They’ll never learn to think big like the cosmic Yuzu. Yuzu is trying to save this pathetic sport while they’re ruining it to the core. BTW, even if Yuma won 3 consecutive Olympic golds, he wouldn’t receive 1/1000 the popularity that Yuzu enjoys in China. Sad but true. 

I have only spent a few weeks in Japan, so I am no expert, but I think you are correct that Yuzu is an outlier, and Japan does not like outliers. Japan is not a country that strives for diversity. On the contrary, they strive for homogeneity. They like rules and rule followers. They like oneness in body and mind. Yuzu, as we all know, lives on his own planet. He is strong willed, and is not easily controlled. He does what he thinks is best and right. Even though Yuzu is very Japanese, he is not the typical Japanese.The typical Japanese person wants to be a part of the group, not an individual. Superstars are not part of the group, but are different. Different is diverse, and diversity isn’t desired, especially by the powers that be, in their society. So, the powers that be want him out. 

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Translation of what Javi said (from where he starts talking about yuzu, 1:20 first video)

I'm not a professional translator, sorry if something doesn't sound quite right in english


J: well Yuzuru Hanyu in the short program had in the beginning , his first jump a very big mistake. He was supposed to do a 4S but he popped it to a 1S


Other dude: We are gonna see this now, he makes the whole movement to gain inertia and when everyone thinks he is gonna do the quad  (video is playing) *here the commentator makes a sound* exactly.


J: There Yuzuru complained there was a hole. I don't think it was hole and directly think it was his foot, his right foot that at the moment of sliding, this is a  just a support foot *touching the boot* that we put on the ice just a few moments before jumping. If at this very moment your foot stays a bit behind, you arrive at the back part of the blade, it picks the ice and slows down completely your rotation. I think this is the true mistake that Yuzuru had. It's true there could be a surface inside the ice that might've disturbed him too but that's a game we all play. The ice is a surface that ,like in the ¿??, the snow is for everyone. If there is a hole it can affect you or another person. To me that's a problem but not an excuse, at the end the mistake is done, it's true it's a shame but I put it more on his jump entry mistake on this foot *ẗouches the boot* (lmao) than on the hole (So basically what I understand is he thinks the hole was there but that his mistake was more due his own take off than on the hole) 


Other dude: it's to be careful on the details. To be an olympic champion you need to check everything to the minimum detail. *Irrelevant chat with the other dude, the third dude just says he has worn skates once and felt it was very hard, etc*


Okay the part where they talk about the gifts:

* They show the photo of the letters Yuzu got* 

Dude 1: this is a pic about the thousands of letters that people have sent to the japanese. Please explain this fan phenomenon and if it's normal, or if it's only for him (the letters I think) or if other skaters receive them.


J: No, this is something totally for Yuzuru. It's a fan phenomenon he has in China and Japan. He is at the end a very famous and followed person. He has millions and millions of fans that follow him in, at times, a crazy way. We can see all the the things that he receives. I've seen a lot of these gifts in exhibitions (galas) where I'm with him and you can't imagine what (other people) gift him *lol at his expression here*. I'm talking about very expensive brands: shoes, t-shirts, things that can even cost 600/700 euros per gift. 


Dude: and does he answer any letter?


J: No because imagine the quantity, you just saw *referencing the letters pic* 


Dude: or does he pick one randomly, is there a way?


J: No I don't think so, at the end the level (quantity of the letters) it reaches is very extensive to answer because if you answer to one you need to answer all of them




This post has been tagged by yuzuangel as [NEWS].
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54 minutes ago, Melodie said:




OK back to Javi, this is the whole thing. Can someone fluent in Spanish affirm whether it is better or worse than what we have heard? 


My Spanish is from South America so I'm missing nuance, and is not my native language so I will wait for a full translation from someone else, but this is what he talks about in full context: Nathan had a perfect program and someone needed to skate perfectly to beat it, talks about what went wrong with Yuzu - the phrasing about the hole and etc is all awkward, he uses the skates to demonstrate - then later someone asks him if is normal for a skater to receive that many gifts - he says no, only Yuzu was like this since their training days, mentions his fans and comments the gifts were really nice even (he mentions they were expensive). 


His comments about the hole are still the same I reckon, but now we have the full context. 


Edit: Just saw now that @Hanmgse translated!


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13 minutes ago, Hanmgse said:

Translation of what Javi said (from where he starts talking about yuzu, 1:20 first video)

I'm not a professional translator, sorry if something doesn't sound quite right in english


J: well Yuzuru Hanyu in the short program had in the beginning , his first jump a very big mistake. He was supposed to do a 4S but he popped it to a 1S


Other dude: We are gonna see this now, he makes the whole movement to gain inertia and when everyone thinks he is gonna do the quad  (video is playing) *here the commentator makes a sound* exactly.


J: There Yuzuru complained there was a hole. I don't think it was hole and directly think it was his foot, his right foot that at the moment of sliding, this is a  just a support foot *touching the boot* that we put on the ice just a few moments before jumping. If at this very moment your foot stays a bit behind, you arrive at the back part of the blade, it picks the ice and slows down completely your rotation. I think this is the true mistake that Yuzuru had. It's true there could be a surface inside the ice that might've disturbed him too but that's a game we all play. The ice is a surface that ,like in the ¿??, the snow is for everyone. If there is a hole it can affect you or another person. To me that's a problem but not an excuse, at the end the mistake is done, it's true it's a shame but I put it more on his jump entry mistake on this foot *ẗouches the boot* (lmao) than on the hole (So basically what I understand is he thinks the hole was there but that his mistake was more due his own take off than on the hole) 


Other dude: it's to be careful on the details. To be an olympic champion you need to check everything to the minimum detail. *Irrelevant chat with the other dude, the third dude just says he has worn skates once and felt it was very hard, etc*


Okay the part where they talk about the gifts:

* They show the photo of the letters Yuzu got* 

Dude 1: this is a pic about the thousands of letters that people have sent to the japanese. Please explain this fan phenomenon and if it's normal, or if it's only for him (the letters I think) or if other skaters receive them.


J: No, this is something totally for Yuzuru. It's a fan phenomenon he has in China and Japan. He is at the end a very famous and followed person. He has millions and millions of fans that follow him in, at times, a crazy way. We can see all the the things that he receives. I've seen a lot of these gifts in exhibitions (galas) where I'm with him and you can't imagine what (other people) gift him *lol at his expression here*. I'm talking about very expensive brands: shoes, t-shirts, things that can even cost 600/700 euros per gift. 


Dude: and does he answer any letter?


J: No because imagine the quantity, you just saw *referencing the letters pic* 


Dude: or does he pick one randomly, is there a way?


J: No I don't think so, at the end the level (quantity of the letters) it reaches is very extensive to answer because if you answer to one you need to answer all of them




Thank you :) 


So it is worse :( 



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