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On 12/27/2024 at 6:32 AM, fuzz_ball_21 said:





This is so great! In 2018, after discovering Yuzu, my family  ordered the Onmyoji DVD to understand what Seimei is about. Seeing them collaborate is just a dream come true. What wonderful performances, Bolero and Seimei! 

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On 12/31/2024 at 4:10 PM, Yuzurella said:


Yuzu could easily fill big arenas and stadiums in China and around the world! :cheer:

I was confident the live viewing in Shanghai would be in demand, but sold out in 30 seconds is really spectacular! This is clear proof of how popular Yuzu really is in China.:ganba:

I wonder if live viewing in cinemas in Europe will also be an option one day. They have livestreams from the Metropolitan Opera at times, so why not Echoes or Yuzu‘s next programs? I guess fans would travel within Europe to attend such venues …

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On 1/23/2025 at 7:56 PM, Yuzurella said:

Yuzu is a role model for so many people! :cheer:

Yuzu keeps inspiring people all over the world, and more physics students who read this PhD thesis in the future (and are not necessarily interested in figure skating itself) will find him and will be fascinated.

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Kenshi Yonezu seems to be a figure skating fan for a long time, or at least he watches them. This was his tweet from 2014, he said he was impressed by Elena Radionova's Dance Zombie.



It's a figure skating exhibition. Radionova's zombie thing.

RT@mngsmgs What has impressed you recently?





By the way, Yonezu's costume for his 'POP SONG' music video was designed by Tsuyoshi Takahashi, who is also the designer for Yuzu's NOVA costume. 

Saqulai (also Echoes designer) congratulated him in the comments too.






The CG/composite of that music video was done by Yoshihumi Sadahara of the company <MARK>, who also worked on Echoes.


These people are all connected to each other. :laughing:

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:loveshower: Huge Hurrah !!!!


edit: A thousands thanks to Sarah for keeping us informed


The Masterpiece collaboration 'Bolero' will be released on Nippon TV's YouTube channel. This is fabulous news and everyone will be able to watch and enjoy the wonderful performance again:tumblr_inline_mp4i2vHXDy1qz4rgp:

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