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2 時間前, kaerb said:

I really admire interpreters so much, especially in high stakes situations like politics - so much pressure!


So do I!!  I may be a translator, but I've never dreamed of becoming an interpreter, because I'm a lazy bone and I hate my scull crashes by interpretation!!


* Translators can look up dictionaries or make researches whenever they need or want to, but interpreters have to get all those knowledge/information in advance in their heads, because they can never say "Just a moment, I have to find out how to say it in English by my smartphone"!! :)


2 時間前, kaerb said:

I used to use Jisho.org a lot and I enjoy using my phone because I have the written input in Chinese so I can literally trace the kanji and it usually registers. 


I'm just wondering, is your Chinese simplified or traditional?

For Japanese people simplified Chinese letters look more like some kind of "symbols" rather than letters.


I don't know whether it will turn useful or not, but here are my sources for translation (perhaps you can use it vice versa).


・Eijiro:  Everyone's favourite!  http://eowf.alc.co.jp/   Actually I use Eijiro on the Web Pro Lite, which can be used if you register, free of charge.


・Weblio:  A great source.  Must for translators.  http://ejje.weblio.jp/


・Wikipedia:  No explanation required.  But I learned one technique from the web.  When I do E to J translation and cannot find any results in the above two source, I look up Wikipedia (English page).  If a result is found, I look at the left side, which shows the same article in other language.  If 日本語 is there, hurray!!!!  I can find its Japanese explanation by clicking 日本語. :)



2 時間前, kaerb said:

Just listened to Nathan Chen's interviews - he does speak quite fast, though I'd say I've heard teenagers talk at that speed when excited or nervous about something, particularly kids who are quite book smart or fast to react to things. He doesn't take many pauses at all and definitely gives a similar vibe to Yuzu. I also find the American accent (Nathan's in particular) tends to cause people to 'nip' off their word endings, so that's harder to catch too, for interpreters. 


That's a quite interesting analysis!  So Nathan Chen always talks like a teenage girl quite excited or nervous!?

And the last segment was interesting as well.


* A little info (whispers).  I don't know anything about Chinese translator, but as for Japanese translation, the lady who's always there is not a professional interpreter.  Actually she is a sports writer.  As you can easily imagine, being able to speak/write English and being a translator is completely different matter.  I often get stressed that she cannot convey full of what Yuzuru is trying to express.


You can see a "true" professional interpreter at the conference held at Foreign Correspondents' Club of Japan.

Her work was a masterpiece.

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7 分ぐらい, Hydroblade said:

I am so sad about that :sadPooh: his trusty companion can't be with him, it's not fair!


I've heard through a grapevine that this was from 大人の事情 (grown-up's issue).

What Yuzuru calls まずい水(hideous-tasted water) is actually a special sports drink (not custom-made for Yuzuru, but it's very sports-oriented and high-class), and its inside has to be disclosed!!



13 分ぐらい, kamotejojo said:

BB Romeo! :sparkles.001: And I miss his matching bottle covers. :sigh:


I just wonder what "BB" stands for?

Because we Japanese call that Romeo 旧ロミオ(old Romeo).

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On 6/20/2017 at 6:07 AM, sister555 said:


I've heard through a grapevine that this was from 大人の事情 (grown-up's issue).

What Yuzuru calls まずい水(hideous-tasted water) is actually a special sports drink (not custom-made for Yuzuru, but it's very sports-oriented and high-class), and its inside has to be disclosed!!


I just wonder what "BB" stands for?

Because we Japanese call that Romeo 旧ロミオ(old Romeo).

Is that the Amino Vital powder mix he advertises? :laughing: He was complaining to Mura during NHK 2015, right?

Baby.  The younger Yuzu as Romeo.

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5 minutes ago, sister555 said:

I just wonder what "BB" stands for?

Because we Japanese call that Romeo 旧ロミオ(old Romeo).


BB stands for baby, so its baby Romeo. When referring to younger yuzu we also call him baby yuzu or bb yuzu

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On 6/20/2017 at 6:12 AM, kamotejojo said:

Is that the Amino Vital powder mix he advertises? :laughing: He was complaining to Mura during NHK 2015, right?



No no no.  It's MUCH MORE high-class and expensive!!  Sorry I forgot the brand name.

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1 分ぐらい, MrPudding said:


BB stands for baby, so its baby Romeo. When referring to younger yuzu we also call him baby yuzu or bb yuzu


Baby Romeo!!!  And Baby Yuzu!!

He might as well crawl towards us in the ice rink!!

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19 minutes ago, sister555 said:


So do I!!  I may be a translator, but I've never dreamed of becoming an interpreter, because I'm a lazy bone and I hate my scull crashes by interpretation!!


* Translators can look up dictionaries or make researches whenever they need or want to, but interpreters have to get all those knowledge/information in advance in their heads, because they can never say "Just a moment, I have to find out how to say it in English by my smartphone"!! :)



I'm just wondering, is your Chinese simplified or traditional?

For Japanese people simplified Chinese letters look more like some kind of "symbols" rather than letters.


I don't know whether it will turn useful or not, but here are my sources for translation (perhaps you can use it vice versa).


・Eijiro:  Everyone's favourite!  http://eowf.alc.co.jp/   Actually I use Eijiro on the Web Pro Lite, which can be used if you register, free of charge.


・Weblio:  A great source.  Must for translators.  http://ejje.weblio.jp/


・Wikipedia:  No explanation required.  But I learned one technique from the web.  When I do E to J translation and cannot find any results in the above two source, I look up Wikipedia (English page).  If a result is found, I look at the left side, which shows the same article in other language.  If 日本語 is there, hurray!!!!  I can find its Japanese explanation by clicking 日本語. :)




That's a quite interesting analysis!  So Nathan Chen always talks like a teenage girl quite excited or nervous!?

And the last segment was interesting as well.


* A little info (whispers).  I don't know anything about Chinese translator, but as for Japanese translation, the lady who's always there is not a professional interpreter.  Actually she is a sports writer.  As you can easily imagine, being able to speak/write English and being a translator is completely different matter.  I often get stressed that she cannot convey full of what Yuzuru is trying to express.


You can see a "true" professional interpreter at the conference held at Foreign Correspondents' Club of Japan.

Her work was a masterpiece.


Ah thank you for all the resources, I'll definitely have those on call. My Chinese is simplified so it's not as useful as traditional since kanji is mostly traditional (unfortunately only Taiwanese/Hong Kong use traditional). But my Chinese reading/writing skill isn't very good anyway so it doesn't matter so much :facepalm:


Oh I've seen the Japanese lady interpreter in the Helsinki press conference. Interpreting depends a lot on the subject - some people are very considerate and take breaks and others talk for a long time. Yuzu tends to string thoughts together and speak for a long time (and Japanese sentence structure makes it difficult to translate into English because you often have to wait until the end to get the full meaning of the sentence). I was STRESSED FOR HER as he was talking hahaha. 


Nathan...I wouldn't say he talks like a teenage girl or that he's necessarily excited, but he talks like he's in a rush and has a lot to say. He also tends to speak in quite a monotone so it increases the feeling his words tend to run together. I have friends who talk like this too, and they're usually quite intelligent (in an academic sense) and think very quickly. You can hear the difference between the way Adam and Max tend to talk more slowly and take time to pause and think through their words, whereas Nathan replies very decisively. It might also be because he's nervous (he's still young). 

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1 分ぐらい, kaerb said:

I was STRESSED FOR HER as he was talking hahaha. 


Lol.  ( ´∀`)人(´∀` )ナカーマ♪ (comrad)


1 分ぐらい, kaerb said:


Nathan...I wouldn't say he talks like a teenage girl or that he's necessarily excited, but he talks like he's in a rush and has a lot to say. He also tends to speak in quite a monotone so it increases the feeling his words tend to run together. I have friends who talk like this too, and they're usually quite intelligent (in an academic sense) and think very quickly. You can hear the difference between the way Adam and Max tend to talk more slowly and take time to pause and think through their words, whereas Nathan replies very decisively. It might also be because he's nervous (he's still young). 


Hmm.  Another great analysis.  Perhaps Nathan's speed is running way too fast in his brain!!!

Decisive and nervous at the same time - What a teenage dream!!  (In Japanese slang, we call it 中二病 (chu-ni byo, 14-old disease)).

No, I'm not telling Nathan is suffering 中二病, at least he is seventeen!!!!!

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