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  1. https://twitter.com/Sun_Rise7777/status/1650064241133600768
  2. More than 100,000 people flocked to Yuzuru's second straight victory parade, but after it was over, there was almost no trash on the road! Yuzuru's fans are working hard to become Yuzuru's worthy fans (*^▽^*)
  3. 2nd consecutive Olympic victory parade anniversary


  4. A site called the Tokyo Journal is doing a popularity poll of Japanese athletes. Yuzuru Hanyu was on top for months, but overnight another player came out on top. The player's vote growth is unnatural, and there is a suspicion of fraudulent manipulation. Yuzuru Hanyu does not belong to a big management company, so he is often the victim of injustice, but let's unite and support him! https://www.tokyojournal.com/rankings/food-3/item/796-sports.html
  5. Mr. Hanyu said that he had run out of ideas with GIFT, so he is now in a neutral state. What would be the next step? Will there be any announcements before fantasy on ice? I want to continue to see his new challenges as he wants to expand his range of expression! !
  6. こちらのサイトが日本語の勉強に役立つかもしれません。 (This site may be useful for studying Japanese.) https://study.u-biq.org/
  7. こんにちは!みなさんの日本語の勉強のためになにかお手伝いできたらうれしいです。
  8. Hello! I'm a Japanese Yuzuru Hanyu fan♪I want to connect with fans all over the world! !

  9. こんにちは!日本の羽生結弦ファンです♪世界のファンとつながりたいと思っています!!

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