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Everything posted by nekodearu

  1. I especially love this piece as interpreted by Hilary Hahn I hope Yuzu likes it, it's still the same Romantic era as Saint-Saëns, although the concerto was composed at the end of that period, some 40 years later than the Introduction and Rondo Capriccioso. As for the 3rd movement, I like in particular the part starting from 33:45 and I'm crazy about how Hilary Hahn played the harmonics. I can imagine young Yuzu with his Zigeunerweisen-like type of skating performing to this part To be fair, I would count One Summer's Day as part of the classical genre. Much of contemporary film music uses the fundamentals of music from the Classical and Romantic eras and Joe Hisaishi is one of the best examples of this (and one of my favourites too). The question is: in the nearest future, will Yuzu be mentally in the right place to convincingly perform classics? I would certainly like to see more dancing from him, I really enjoy the innovative If and the energetic Ashura, but he has dived so deep into popular music and is so eager to explore new territories, that I wonder if it distances him from the emotional states specific to more traditional compositions. His performances are at their best when he skates from the bottom of his heart, according to what he really feels at a given moment and what kind of story he has to tell. If he's living hip-hop, J-pop or K-pop now, I'd rather see that than a somewhat forced rendition of the classics.
  2. Exactly. Isn't also Finland Yuzu's favorite European country? The beginning gives me always goosebumps, it's almost ASMR for me. This piece contains everything that Yuzu is best at: subtlety, fragility, nostalgia, monumentality, drama, power, dynamism, contrasts and so on. It is also.. how to put it... Skatable? I just hear all the deep edges, steps, spins, arm movements, Yuzu's genius slow-downs, stops and jumps. I can't say the same about some of my favourite Chopin pieces, so that's already a big advantage.
  3. OK, it's time to cool down for a while before more death-defying photos emerge. This season has come to an end and I am wondering how I can reach Yuzu with my music request. Any ideas? I wont him to skate to this:
  4. I'm dead But WHY did they cut out his jump?! I want that jump in full, including the landing!
  5. The last notes are killing me. The whole auditorium seems to have held their breath, the time has stopped for a moment. This silence is almost palpable. As one Japanese journalist wrote in a photo with Yuzu performing One Summer's Day at SOI: this is just yuugen 幽玄.
  6. Oh, my, it's perfect... Especially 1:43-46, I love this part.
  7. Thank you, @YuzuJay, for your incessant work to keep us informed!
  8. Or... like a planet? Cool outside, hot inside, boiling with energy capable of tearing apart continents, sinking lands and elevating mountains. It continually surprises humans with what else it hides inside, leading to ever new discoveries, much more exciting than this year's Earth's "innermost inner core" hypothesis. How multilayered is the planet Hanyu and what mystery does it hold at its core?
  9. The muscles, guys, the muscles! I want some of those too! What a beautiful quadriceps
  10. Well, that's the point, I wouldn't say he is focused, on the contrary, he gives the impression of being detached and absent-minded. Besides, the overall atmosphere of this year's FaOI seems to me much less playful than last year. But maybe I'm just overinterpreting things.
  11. I just noticed that SP has disappeared and I am so upset! The only Disney content I can remember now was Pooh, but if that's the cause, then wtf, Disney, you should PAY him for making it part of his personal brand! Edit: Thousands of childless adults bought an insane amount of this toy just because of him. He is the one promoting the Disney brand, not the opposite.
  12. I wonder why they are still not sold out. If I had the chance, I would apply for Sendai tickets in the first place.
  13. Big thanks to Marika Can't wait It was worth keeping the subscription, yayyy! What a day to start with such news!
  14. As a sidenote: that's exactly why I don't think Ashura-chan is easy.
  15. I had a very busy day, however I managed to watch IF a few times and I don't want to be mean to anyone, but it's been exactly a year since I once in a while say in my imagination to an unspecified person: "Remember that skater praised for 'adding some modern swag to figure skating,' as opposed to Yuzuru Hanyu? Lol, just watch this". Yeah. Just watch this. Although not exactly my type of music and I won't even try to compare it to One Summer's Day in terms of this season's best or my ever favorites, but man, he is progressing so fast as a dancer! I love this kind of energy from him. I love this precision. I love the fusion of skating, dancing, jumping, steps, upper body and arm movements, all with such a natural flow. I love the outfit. I love the two little steps/turns right after the opening spin. I love the rap part. I don't like the fact that I only got a few minutes of him. Spoiled fanyu in pro-era
  16. I like the header: 想像の はるか上へ Yuzu Fantasy 止まらない 進化 Please correct me if I'm wrong, but this would mean: Far beyond imagination Yuzu Fantasy Evolution/progress/development that does not stop
  17. I miss last year's opening&finale costumes
  18. Very interesting essay, thank you. Shout out to Sun_Rise, who's constantly digging through the academic databases, finding new and surprising evidences of how unique, inspiring phenomenon, beyond the sport itself, Yuzuru Hanyu is. Although I would have expected from an academic text to refer to the artist by his family name (Hanyu, not Yuzuru; but perhaps that's not a norm in Netherlands, I don't know) and to name the author of the choreography in question, David Wilson, I have learned something new and am grateful.
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