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  1. Kose Ginza is rly a Yuzu paradise !!! Those photos are stunning
  2. In no order of preference bc I can't rank them but R+J1.0 at Nice Seimei Pyeongchang Tenchi Beijing Rondo GIFT Origin 2.0 Skate Canada
  3. HAHA hochi knows what the fans want... Hoping we get photos today since there's no livestream !!
  4. Yes !!! The smirking while thanking the audience at the end? Totally in character for Ashura-chan, super cool !!
  5. All my predictions for this SOI have been wrong - I thought Yuzu would do a new program, and then I thought he would do POTO as well during Day 2. Not even going to try to predict what we'll get tmr! Btw does anyone know if tmr's SOI show will be livestreamed? I checked and it seems like it won't... Hoping I've missed something!
  6. I think the first program I ever watched Yuzu skate was SEIMEI at Pyeongchang in 2018 on YouTube, but I didn't pay that much attention other than thinking "he makes skating look so easy". It wasn't until Beijing Rondo that I became a fanyu - it was something about the mixture of his longevity in the sport (I remember thinking oh Yuzuru is still skating?) and the unfortunate hole in the ice + his upcoming 4A challenge that drew me in finally
  7. If it wasn't for Yuzu, I'd never have had a chance to go inside the Tokyo Dome
  8. Today's top 5: 1. Origin 2.0 2. TenChi (black belt) 3. LMEY 2.0 4. Notte Stellata 5. Firebird Yuzu has so many beautiful costumes !! My top 5 change from day to day
  9. yes we should organise a singapore meet up !!
  10. hi all !! like many others i'm posting here bc of the 10 post requirement to view the videos - i think it's a great initiative to make the forum more lively! anyway i'm from singapore and would love to make friends with other fanyus
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