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Everything posted by Anony

  1. All I can imagine is Yuzuru hanging on to a pool floatie for dear life
  2. Tbh I think people underestimate the chances of Otonal costume being purple. Warmer purples are definitely autumn-y looking especially in combination with orange/orange-yellow. Origin costume is the bigger toss up between the two me thinks
  3. He took off left and landed left instead of right like he would if he was doing an axel so unless there was a particularly terrible tech panel which is very possible he should be fine
  4. Layback ina bauer-3A was unbelievably seamless, I'm in awe. He really looks like he was floating
  5. Meaning he has fully rotated and landed it..............
  7. Takahashi won gold at 4CC 2008 and 2011. Mura won in 2014. Nobu in 2006 and Takeshi Honda won 4CC in 2003 edit: Takeshi Honda won 4CC in 1999 too
  8. In order to stay true to the spirit of Yuzuru Hanyu we have decided to make our announcement intentionally vague just as Yuzuru Hanyu, troll supreme would
  9. Yuzuru I hope you're seeing this and having a good laugh somewhere in your cave because b o i
  10. Our benevolent king is so generous he has cometh to bless us
  11. Tbh this is why if I must watch with commentary, I'd go for the Japanese one. All they do is call out elements and list positions/variations and it's as boring as it get commentary wise, but also that's rly all the info any viewer(or at least I) need I guess I just don't care about the commentators' opinions as harsh as that sounds, but personally I just want commentators to talk about skating in an objective manner. Some backstory abt the skater and commentary on the music would be nice, but not necessary. Idk, but personally if I want to know about opinions on the skate there's always Twitter and fs forums which provide a much more diverse perspective anyway
  12. I'm craving Yuzuru content rn and that tiramisu Chopin isn't helping I just have to keep reminding myself new Yuzuru content next week, soon best Disney Princess will bless us with his presence ssssoooooooooonnnnn
  13. Tfw Winnie the Pooh isn't there....... we could have had it aaaaaaalll
  14. Tbh this pisses me off quite a bit more, breach of privacy and being a decent human being aside, Yuzuru is usually so comodating to interviewers and reporters and such, I get you want to make money and all, but is it really worth it uuughh at this point I just hope whoever the tabloid sent didn't follow him back to this apartment(condo?). Not that the entire thing isn't terrible enough already, but f*** I mean look I'm desperate for Yuzuru content, but I'm not that desperate
  15. I will fight all of you for the blue TFTT costume smh
  16. Naahhh media day isn't a TCC thing, it's a Yuzuru thing. Media day just what people like to call the one(1) day in which Lord Pooh shows us mercy and allows mere mortals into his cave to report his various doings........... It's like Christmas for fanyus
  17. This is so great, but also Mr. Hanyu what else have you seen
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