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Everything posted by Anony

  1. They're showing him pictures from the bad pictures of Hanyu championships tag, that's amazing
  2. The cartoon characters on the shirt look like Cuphead characters I approve
  3. I was scrolling on mobile and saw you scream newwws and for a second I was ready to scream alas the world is cruel
  4. Ngl I expected waaay more than 3000 kcal(about 4000-5000 kcal) since the average person's daily calorie intake should be about 2000 kcal anyway. Good on him anywah though for managing that finicky appetite
  5. It seems ELLE Japan is doing some kind of body feature(tips on getting the best body?) and Yuzuru is featured in a page
  6. What a face also reminder to start checking the FaOI thread if you guys want full FaOI updates. Yuzuru content will probably still be posted here since this is the Yuzuru thread, but if you want to see the full cast, head over
  7. i-is that a Go-chan pen what Edit: a penda if you will
  8. How ironic that this would happen right as Yuzuru is out there effectively promoting FS
  9. It's the most important question
  10. PSA from Yuzuru Hanyu for everyone to remember to get their Vitamin E
  11. Guys, check out Jeffrey's IG story, it looks like they're starting rehersals for CiONTU already
  12. So this is the trophy they're awarding to Yuzuru for being Happy News Person? Can anyone clarify
  13. Not usually... but they can Lysacek did
  14. still better than Turandot at least...... or *wheezes* Carmen speaking of which good timing @kaeryth to bring that up considering Shohei was amazing this week or did you bring it up because of what happened?? either way I love legends who stan other legends
  15. I'm just saying between Turandot and Rach, we all know who's the lesser of the two evils
  16. If we MUST skate to a warhorse..... listen I'm always here for anyone skating to more Rachmaninoff
  17. Re:Shizuka, I don't want to spread false info, but there has been some rumors going around Shizuka might be expecting and if you look up May/June/July shows, she hasn't been confirmed for any. Please please, please do NOT take my word for it, like I said it's only rumors, but I thought it's worth mentioning that for whatever reason Shizuka is holding back on shows this off season
  18. ____ someone's socks off just generally means that the subject is really good at ____. Like: he will sing your socks off. Would be something along the lines off, he's so good at singing he'll blow you away. In this case though Yuzuru just talks a LOT
  19. Basically what I'm getting from this and the CiONTU merch designs is that Yuzuru has good taste in graphic designers, and those graphic designers are g o o d
  20. Ah yes Yuuto Hasegawa from San Jose
  21. The shirts are already sold out sasuga Yuzuru power
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