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  • Member Title
    floating in space

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Haru Yo Koi

Haru Yo Koi (66/67)

  1. robin


    Hi, yes we‘ve received it! Thank you for your contribution 🥰
  2. robin


    Sorry for the late response! Can confirm thanks
  3. robin


    Thank you so much for your donation, we did receive it just now!
  4. robin


    Thank you so much you guys! I’m so sorry for the late response. But we only received a single donation on the 2nd of Jan without a message so I can’t tell which of you it is! I just want to let you know in case you sent it to the wrong person.
  5. robin


    On gofundme you can donate via credit card
  6. Oh Yuzu. It’s been a journey. It’s the end of an era but the state of the sport had already ended it after PC. I’m sad considering I have been watching him and feeling with him for almost 6 years now. Waiting for comp season to watch Yuzu has been a yearly routine. But I am also really happy Yuzu has finally let go! I would have loved to see the 4A but I was always worried about the cost to his body and his mind. He has achieved so much, he does not need to prove himself to anyone, also not to his younger self. His retirement is to the sport’s detriment not his. Anyway, mixed feelings. We love you Yuzu and will support you no matter what. Aaaand his retirement also marks my release. I won’t have a need to engage with a single competition or anything related to this shit show of a sport anymore yay
  7. robin


    Thank you, we received it. It wouldn’t be a home without the people living in it
  8. robin


    Sorry for the late response, it did arrive ok!! Thank you lots
  9. Now we got a FaOI thread! Sorry for being so late with it
  10. Well you're right. I added a "Member bio" section that will show up under the profile photo. Unfortunately it won't work on mobile, but if someone clicked on a profile, they'd have all the info on mobile as well. @napofagalaxy Feel free to use this option as well! edit: Added a pronoun option, as well.
  11. robin


    Thank you!! And to everyone who has donated the last few days (and years).
  12. As it is you could use your signature to add any info you want! It's an old-school forum feature not many people use anymore, but you can. It would show up under all your posts You can edit your signature here: https://planethanyu.com/settings/signature/
  13. robin


    Thank you so much!!! Can’t believe it’s been 5 years
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