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Layback Ina Bauer

Layback Ina Bauer (9/67)

  1. That's why I am eager to see the recording of Hiroshima day 1 - I was there and couldn't understand a word of his speech.
  2. As yet, we have no greeting from him from the venue after the performance on Menship. Contrary to previous experience, I hope he forgot or didn't find the time. But I'm afraid he was so exhausted that he couldn't shoot a video.
  3. I'm not very good at remembering that. So please: Errors excepted. From the English subtitles (I don't understand Japanese) I think I remember the following: He said that nobody's life can always be happy. But he hopes that someday, when we need it, we will find comfort and hope in the story / his skating / the dancing of Elevenplay / the words of Echoes. That we can look forward (again), that we can grasp the future, that we can make the most of life (is perhaps my interpretation). He was sad to say goodbye to Nova. After that, he wanted to lighten the mood again. He briefly explained his intentions with Echoes, apologized for the “bad” explanation of the audience choreography (LMEY), saying that anyone who didn't understand it could just scream. And Mikiko would have done this choreography by the way (probably Troll-Zu). He used “roulette” to decide which side would start the choreography. He was happy with his jumps today, the ice was really good here, now he unfortunately had to say goodbye to this ice. He hopes and looks forward to seeing us again, until next time. At the end, he repeatedly wished everyone good health and "be well". Sorry for any inconsistencies, perhaps these are no longer faithful reproductions, but rather my interpretation.
  4. @rockstaryuzu Thank you! I enjoy the livestream very much and I think you and your fellow viewers in the venue do a fantastic job, too. Please scream in behalf of us in LMEY! Have fun!
  5. I would freak out entering those top tiers, knowing that a few hours later the entire venue would be full because of me and I would be performing down there alone.
  6. Ha ha, he looks the most relaxed and confident in his costumes without the products. I like that.
  7. These positive comments about today's Echoes are great to read and make me happy! Thank you! I wish for everyone in the audience that this experience may stay a long time with them as a fresh memory. Already looking forward for the day we, at home, will be able to watch Chiba d1.
  8. I was shocked when I saw him collapse in the video - even though it's more than understandable. I know that it's his desicion to always give 120 percent, he is absolutely aware of what he is asking of his body (and not only his body). I just feel sad and guilty because we are sitting on the other side of the curtain and we are the reason why he shows us his brilliance and then collapses a few meters and seconds away from us. Nevertheless, I am grateful that he is now - again - letting us see this recording. It increases my admiration for his personality, if that is even possible. I don't think I've ever given 120 percent. So, thank you, Mr. Hanyu Yuzuru, for your incredible hard work.
  9. Pourvu qu'il ait un livestream de Hiroshima, c'est vraiment autre chose de voir le spectacle en direct qu'en archive! - Bien que moi, j'ai la chance d'y aller personnellement. Je suis déjà tout excitée, c'est mon premier voyage au Japon. @Yuzuwinnie Non, je suis Suisse alémanique .
  10. @Lou En ce qui concerne archives, je pense qu'ils ont changé la période de vente. Ce n'est pas tout à fait clair, à mon avis, il y a une contradiction. Sur la page notices est mentionné qu'il n'est plus possible d'acheter un ticket pour les archives, mais que la période de diffusion termine le 21 déc. Donc je crains qu'il faut attendre jusqu'au prochain show qui sera diffusé en direct.
  11. Absolutely! After all, we're satellites ... I can say with satisfaction that I am following Mr. Hanyu's wish to travel to Japan to watch Echoes of Life, not because of the museums - which I will certainly also visit. He is a trigger that makes us do things that we have never done before, that we don't normally(?) do, or for which we have to jump over our own shadow. He exemplifies this courage for us, that is why we perceive such effort to be worth it. I may not think deeply about Mr. Hanyu's philosophical questions, but I certainly recognize some points in my actions that are influenced by him and may be considered a search for answers.
  12. I am proud of the Fanyus. From all corners of the world, we send the same, numerous and profound birthday thoughts to Yuzu - it's impossible for him not to believe our sincerity. Fanyus overcome all hurdles and help each other to get a ticket for a show that we knew nothing about apart from the title and the main character. In a sold-out venue, Fanyus can hold back to allow him absolute focus and then sing Happy Birthday together. December 7th was a day to smile.
  13. Oh wow, just GOAT! How can he always give his best and keep reaching this incredible level? Thank you, Yuzuru, I like it very much! And I'm so glad he's happy with his starting show! My first personal thoughts before the specialists write their review: Absolutely sure that Echoes of life is a big, big success. And yeah, Yuzuru, I hope you know that you are a world star. Because you deserve it with your tremendous work, discipline, sacrifice and dedication. Thank you so much!!
  14. @ the satellites at the venue: I hope everything goes smoothly for you to find the venue, seat and other fanyus there. Have a funny time with Yuzu, enjoy the show, let us know how the atmosphere was like! Please sing on behalf of all of us to celebrate his Master's birthday when the right moment comes!
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