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  1. It's the contents that count not how many thousand posts been posted! I just felt the same as fanz (stabbed in 🗡️🫀) ... the statement may be unintentional🤷 or everyone can write and interpret in his or her own ways! Have a nice weekend 😁
  2. Forgot to say, You think Yuzu is G.O.A.T but he didn't even achieve three time world champion🏆🥇😵‍💫 as compared to Kaori🤣
  3. Oh no! Never stopped watching figure skating competitions! ISU needs the funding desperately 😂Everyone has a right to do what he or she likes. To like a particular skater who is good at certain elements. Feel free to do so😁 I still watch figure skating competitions (from YouTube only) despite Yuzu has retired🤗 May be I am just a different kind of fanyu from you (in my opinion)...just like Yuzu is different from other male skaters 🤪
  4. I totally agreed with you! I thought I was looking through comments in the wrong website 😳As a fanyu, I am looking for my 'motherland' - Planet Hanyu where all beloved fans of Yuzu gather🥰 Yuzu, I will always support you and you are at different levels to the current competitive skaters in many ways👍👏👏
  5. A pity that Kaori cannot do 3A even as a 3 time world champion (even at this era 2024!) Same old boring 2A and triples jumps like in the 1980-90s. Never really a fan of hers though.... Ladies figure skating competition is kind of boring😴 Yuzu can do 3A from standstill both on ice and off ice. He still have very strong quad jumps as well. I think is not fair to compare Yuzu's world championship achievements with Kaori whom can't even do 3A despite a 3 time winner😂 Many comments on the current standard of ladies' competition is equivalent to the standard of the 1980-90s 🤪
  6. Is it just me ? thinking that Yuzu always like to tease David Wilson😂
  7. Managed to watch these 2 video clips from Reddit before disappeared😭 Carmina Burana definitely a theatrical act collaboration between Yuzu and Mao Daichi San😍I really like that part when Yuzu was trying to get out from a room ? By knocking the wall (kind of reminding me of Adam Siao) around using his fists...that was new to me.Hope I can watch the clip again🙏 Danny boy, our ice prince in white costume😍So many new spins😘His skating skills just unbelievably good. Since he turned pro, he can hold his hydroblade and Ina Bauer (IB) longer and in better control.Even though, Cha Jun Hwan can bend his back lower but I think still can't compare to Yuzu's IB.Yuzu hold his hands, back and legs in such a majestic pose🤴
  8. It was fun when we watched Notte 2023 last year! To be honest, I mainly watched Yuzu's part and the hula hoops skater🤪
  9. I suppose if a retired violinist (not a performer anymore!) can also be called a civilian/ordinary individual since she is retired. I also used 'rumoured' because they are so many speculations about who was his real ex wife 🤔 (and I only quoted rumoured). I am not sure which one either. We all want Yuzu to be happy both for his skating career and relationship. Time will heal everything and he has all his fans support no matter what decision he has made. I am a retired orthodontist who has not been practising for few years now. I consider myself a civilian, just an ordinary individual who is not legal to treat patients because I don't have a practising certificate. Hope Yuzu can overcome all the obstacles and take good care of himself🙏
  10. If Yuzu's wife is the rumoured violinist, she wants to settle down and have a family. Child bearing time is ticking for her. How long would she have to wait for all these harrassment to calm down or disappear?It would even be worse if there is a child esp Yuzu's child/ children.Surely, there would be harrassment in school etc. Yuzu's children can't have normal life.Being responsible couples, may be they decided it's the right choice to part ways🤔 Very sad indeed😞
  11. Perhaps it's just bias...lol Taemin has lost so much weight after military service.A dancer shouldn't be too thin. I prefer Taemin's pre - military service era. Nobody can do better 'Move' dance than Taemin himself😍
  12. Shoma's jumps could be quite painful to watch at times.The low jump height, the wrong jumping techniques, the cheated pre-rotation and at times he has to deep bend his knees to save jumps😢 What to do as I have been spoilt by Yuzu's textbook jumping techniques😂
  13. Shoma seemed to skate to energy saving programmes nowadays...kind of boring.Adam is an interesting skater and very creative.If he can have solid quad jumps,he surely will be amazing and a podium winner in 2026 Olympics🤗
  14. I think blue one will get dirty easily and can see wrinkles easier because of lighter colour. This Size S hoodie is a bit baggier when compared to prologue size S (according to one fanyu). Lighter colour will also make you look bigger in size as compared to black🤪 I ended up buying black hoodie size M ( prologue size M fits me nicely but size S a bit tighter) and size S. I should have waited for comments from fanyus who have bought and worn them prior to placing my order. I might need to give away size M hoodie now😢 This blue colour hoodie is quite nice though🤗
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