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Everything posted by Lynn487

  1. Thank you Yeah, I've decided to take a break from twitter. It will pass like you said- I hope happier times come soon. Thank you- the aftermath really was unnecessary. Also, I really love the first lunge picture and think that the ina bauer photo looks beautiful! It doesn't even look low res! Thank you. It's been draining especially for the generalization and media play. I'll stay on here and hope things get better soon. Also thank you for the video- it made me smile
  2. Hi ya'll. I don't know why I'm typing this here since online forums usually make me nervous but I don't know... I've been really sad the past couple of days. fs twitter has drained me and there's just been so much negativity thrown towards Yuzuru and fanyus. It's all just been so draining. I guess it's cause I'm still semi-new to everything. Again, I'm not sure why I'm typing this here- feel free to delete this if it's too negative, but I just needed to let this out somewhere I guess. If anyone has some positive news or cute pictures, I could really use it right now.
  3. I was too excited when I found a link haha
  4. Thank you for the response! So then if I wanted to post the channel one cup here, I would need to download those videos and then reupload it somewhere else to finally upload onto here? Also, what category would these kind of events go under in the videos tab? Thank you so much for the help again! 😊
  5. Hello! I'm new to this website, and wanted to know about video posting. Can only moderators post videos? What are the rules on this? Sometimes when I'm scrolling through YouTube or looking through twitter, I find Yuzuru videos that I haven't seen on this site yet. I was also wondering about event videos- like the Channel One Cup that just occurred- and other skater videos. Can those kinds of videos be posted here as well? I apologize for all the questions. I'm just really excited that I found a site like this and wanted to see in what ways I can engage on here. Thank you! Also, I really love this website
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