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  1. Also, just find the score from here : https://www.jsfresults.com/National/2020-2021/fs_j/nationalsenior/data0103.htm Yuzu's GOE is not that great... I mean only his 4S and 3A is getting about 4 from the judges. (If I calculate correctly...I'm not good at maths lol )
  2. Merry Christmas everyone !! Just saw Yuzu's sp and i have to say he indeed has entertained us all!! XD But I feel very sad when he is sitting alone waiting for the score... Can't believe that he's been training without coaches for so long. Yeah I also feel like he's not satisfied... not sure whether about the score or his performance...
  3. Lol 😂 so true... fans always says yuzu is like a protagonist irl XD his true story is already like a fiction story. Zuzu is amazing like that
  4. He looks so graceful in Hakama. Royalty feel ~
  5. I feel the same about the mattress and pillow campaign.... they’re really trying to take advantage of fanyu. 🙃🙃🙃 The only campaign I liked so far is indeed the Ghana chocolate one. Super lovely 😋
  6. The age old controversy questions... for myself, I’m guilty of buying fan art before ( in other fandom tho) But I think there’s the line where some are artwork and some are just products with his face on. I would absolutely not buy the latter (unless it’s official merch). I think you should judge the fan art whether it is really “fine art” or not in terms of whether the art work is transformative enough. Another thing is these yuzu doll probably doesn’t (?) have any implications of Yuzuru endorsing certain brands or products. As for Elizabeth Peyton, her portraits of yuzu is (probably) seen as a transformative art work and she’s not mass produced it as a Commercial product. Whether we think that her portraits of yuzu is more than just capturing the likeness of yuzu is one thing lol 😂 but i guess because she’s an artist with many different paintings, people are not gonna judged that too harshly to say oh that’s a infringement on yuzu’s (or other celebrities) public images.
  7. Wow 🤩 this program is so dreamy 🥰 thanks for the recommendation! Ice dance is so nice and smooth and the delicacy is truly amazing!
  8. Wow thank you so much for the introduction! I will definitely try to read up on the recent and past rules and hopefully understand more about FS. I knew they sometimes change the regulations because yuzu mentioned some bv changed and the impacts in some interviews. But I didn’t know that they keep having “small” adjustments each season. So much to learn and catch up! I’m only started watching ice dance because of shib sibs and I basically know next to nothing about how the elements are judged. Based on what you said and what I see in general, I guess I better just focus my energy into studying single’s rule for yuzu 😂😂😂 I mean I already got angry for unfair scoring for yuzu. I really don’t need to get myself into another hell. without understanding how they score, I can still enjoy shib sibs amazing performance. Maybe I’ll give pairs’s technical rules a go after the single rules. After all, pairs are so exciting!!! Yeah I think watching the ladies is not gonna work for me. Just from following some yuzu’s fan on insta and Twitter, I’ve already read so much of the Russian drama 😂😂😂 almost like a Korean drama show. I really don’t understand why FS in general is so political. Lol 😂 I thought this was supposed to be a artsy and fun sports. I’ll try my best not to get attached 🤦🏻‍♀️ But I do like watching Rika and thank gosh she’s Japanese and not in the mess (that I don’t know of ?? ). The Russian girls are all very talented and I’m just gonna try to ignore the competition side and enjoy the programs. I am first a yuzu fan and then became a figure skating fan (ish) so yuzu’s programs will always be what I watched the most XD thank you again for all the explanation and pointers 🥰🥰🥰 they’re really helpful!
  9. thanks 😊 i guess it’s more or less inevitable given how these judges panel works... well I’ll pay less attention to the scores 🤦🏻‍♀️
  10. Oh absolutely... I can’t imagine how They practice those... like the ladies are basically flying across the ice... the amount of trust between partners is amazing
  11. I think then I won’t invest too much into them then... probably just watch the program for funsy lol 😂 cause besides all the judging problems, ice skating is an art and should be enjoyed right!? XD
  12. wow 😯 Then they really are obvious if me ( a random/new watcher ) catch on of what they’re doing.... Well I guess I will try not to let the scoring bother me too much 🧐 because ice dance looks really fun and amazing 😍 their synchronization is *chef kissese* btw, is subjective judging a overall problem for all principles??? Because I haven’t decided whether I should start watching pairs and women’s competitions. If it is, I don’t wanna get too attached to them 😅, knowing that it’s not fair anyway.
  13. I see. Thank you. I guess now I have more understanding about why I always see comments in YouTube complaining about the scoring ... (not just under yuzu’s program but also in the ice dance, which I also just started watching) these judges seem not to be able to objective 🤔🙃 And that’s very sad 😢
  14. Really? That’s what they decided? I mean it does look like Patrick’s weight was off his skates tho. But anyway, thank you for you answer! 🥰🥰
  15. (Sorry in advance and I hope this is the right thread to discuss this) I have questions about 2014 Sochi Olympic men’s free program. I’m a very very new Hanyu fan and ice skating fan (like since a month ago) so I’m not very familiar with ice skating scoring and regulations. So I tried to learn as much as I can. One of the method i got recommend is to watch the programs with scoring sheet from ISU to familiarize with the jumps and different elements and how well they were executed, etc. So I was just Re-watching Sochi men’s free program with the scoring pdf and I’m a bit confused. So yuzu fell twice at the beginning of FS so he got negative GOE and 2 points deductions. And then I watched Patick’s program next and he also fell (with his hands on the ice?) twice in the beginning but he didn’t have deduction marks???? So I went to ISU’s website to find the regulation and technical rules. And rule 503 says: ” A Fall is defined as loss of control by a Skater with the result that the majority of his/her own body weight is on the ice supported by any other part of the body other than the blades e.g. hand(s), knee(s), back, buttock(s) or any part of the arm. For every Fall there shall be a deduction. “ Did they change the rules or something? Or is the rules for Olympic different ? (if so, where can I find the rules for that? ) Also, they say 1 point is deducted for the first and second fall. and 2 points deduction for third and forth fall. So does this means for the first two fall, each will be counted 1 points deduction ? And then third fall will cost 2 point instead??? Please help! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 sorry again for the long post question🙈🙈🙈 I’m at a lost 😅
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