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Everything posted by Faithyu

  1. Got everything but the last one right....and not sure if JK was that honestly with the last question😜 The thread is great, but sadly I can't copy the korean versions🫤 New Mang episode
  2. This makes me incredible happy😃. Sounds like they have an open minded person doing the playlists. Still feels kind of unreal that the boys are headliners for Lolapalooza. And I hope they (bighit) will finally find time to give the boys an in the soop or bon voyage experience. Of course its still kind of work, but it is different and they would love to go (and it would be a way for them to finally get more then three days to spend their time like they want, especially with in the soop). New Video of JK&CK😎
  3. My bet is currently on Tae or RM going last....
  4. Beeing on the same base would be nice, but beeing in the same unit could be really hard for them. Just imagin having Jin in front of Hobi (and other guys) shouting orders.... This would turn in a try not to laugh challenge for Hobi, same with any of the seven. ....or that These pictures make me feel all cuddly and warm inside
  5. https://weverse.io/bts/artist/1-118067798 Hobi looks quite cute🤭💜 Still not sure why the image embedding doesn't work...
  6. .....helloooo Agust D, welcome back. Looking forward seeing more of you
  7. Ja, bei Prologue ging auch nur über worldshopping, aber ich bin einfach nur froh, dass es überhaupt eine Möglichkeit gab. Der Pulli ist durch die erste Wäsche durch und ein bisschen knapp geworden an den Armen (also die Länge), er passt grad noch so mit etwas stretching😅. Allerdings habe ich auch recht lange Arme.
  8. If the translators got it right, Hobi said on his last live that JK adjusted his schedule so he could be there.... But maybe a detailed meaning was lost in the translation. We will know when he lands in SK. Anyway, Hobi said they had drinks before JK left to say goodbye (probably when the mini live happened with JK doing his laundry).
  9. Oh, this sounds like so much fun. I looked right away if there is something similar close to me and it's rare and only k-pop-partys, not bts-partys but, well....I do things alone, but wouldn't go to a party by myself. BUT: while searching for this, I discovered that there is a bts candelight concert in Stuttgart, where they play bts songs with classic Instruments. Of course, sold out, but I will keep my eyes open for such things in the future. LOL, the best comment I saw was along the lines off: "Im proud to hear this, but if anyone would hurt Kookies face, I would go berserker" Hope he could still enjoy the festival....
  10. I watched the ladies and mens free skate WTT, just some quick thoughts: The atmosphere looked really nice and the audience changing their flags for every skater was such a nice thing to do. It looked like the skaters had a party in their booths and just enjoyed it, nice to see. Kaori and the Bodyguards part II: This was so funny, when she was waiting for the scores and these two guys got moved into the booth, looking all serious and the others putting Kaori paper faces in their hands😂. (but, are these real bodyguards or is it like a joke? Because why would she need bodyguards, the reason is most of the time not a good one and I hope thats not the case....) Jun winning the free!!!🥳😁😎🤩😍 Jason doing the winners interview for team america in japanese and letting the translator only speak for one question was just😎💪😁. And him beeing pure sunshine. Hope all get a good rest. Will be interesting to see what will happen next season.
  11. I finally watched Yoongi at IUs palette....🤣 this was so much fun, did not expect this. The teasing, Yoongi not holding back with what he's saying, I enjoyed it a lot.
  12. https://w2g.tv/room/?room_id=5r0kxnr0ykifb1xgmf lets laugh with Hobi and the guys
  13. Most likely... Weverse posted about the docu and that there will be content only available on weverse? So, you can watch on disney+ or buy it on weverse with additional content? I'm confused..... Apobangpo guys, Apobangpo💜
  14. Tenso? Noch nie gehört....was ist das?😅 Es ging über worldshopping und die haben es mit Dhl verschickt. Bei FedEx bekommt man eine separate Rechnung per Post oder Mail, Dhl handhabt das anscheinend anders (und ist teurer). Ich habe S bestellt und trage Größe 34. Ungewaschen passt er gut, mal schauen wie es nach dem Waschen ist.....
  15. woah.....where is it from? And he still had his really long hair
  16. Yes, but it's...well...not like that at all, it just has a cringy feeling in parts... This hits so different, I love it.
  17. Hey, Falls ihr Prologue Merch bestellt habt, kleine Vorwarnung. Ich habe heute meinen Hoodie bekommen und musste dafür dem Paketboten direkt die Zollgebühren zahlen....in bar und passend (22€)! Was ich extrem unverschämt finde, da es dazu keinerlei Information vorab gab, hatte Glück das Geld passend da zu haben. Legt euch also am besten Geld bereit, wenn ihr was bestellt habt.
  18. Question: Do you also have "trouble" watching the show Jimin and Yoongi were on? And I don't mean technical trouble more like "cringe"/"ugh, let's skip this part" kind of thing🙈...... It's such a strange show. A mix between awkward, comfortable, chaos and....I don't know, had to stop watching. Or maybe I was just in a strange mood today🤔🤷🏼‍♀️😅
  19. This was so, so sweet, but.... ....oh my, poor Yeonjun😂. Now I absolutely get the messages he left on weverse before the episode aired. And his weverse posts after the episode with Taehyun😂 (roughly): Y: "oh, it ended like this?" T: "you also don't remember this part!?" Y: ...... .....no worries, I'm totally fine....
  20. ...damn this guy is so fine. Guys, important question: have we ever heard/seen a rumor that Namjoon has a tattoo on his back? Because I'm watching memories of 2022, the Ptd MV making clip and one can see a black shadow on his back under his white shirt and it confuses me quite a bit... Edit: memories 2021 of course🤦🏼‍♀️
  21. Why am I not surprised.....🙄 Wuhu🥳, nice to see😃. So, I think he will do a Jin😉. LOL, IU looks so stiff and like she's shocked.
  22. Some interesting insights and statements. Sadly, they didn't sub the questions🙄, but one can guess most of them with Yoongis answer.
  23. Certainly not disagreeing I kind of expected to see Pdoggs name on the producer list, have never heard the other one.... And yes, J-Hooooope🥳😃
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