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Baby Swan

Baby Swan (4/67)

  1. I'm not sure if I understand your question correct, but the result of the lottery will let us know the time window you can shop for goods. On October 31 (Wed.) the result of the lottery will be announced and you can buy the merchandise during your time window. However, some people may not be able to come to the Saitama Super Arena at the designated time due to flight times and other reasons. Those people can still do shopping after their designated time windows. In other words, you can be late for the time. You will not be able to enter the merchandise booth before the designated time, but will be able to enter anytime after your designated time. I hope this will answer your question!
  2. Preparations for merchandise sales have already begun.
  3. Hi, You can buy special newspaper at Tokyo Dome! According to the news of the offcial site: ▼会場販売商品について グッズ売り場では、下記商品の販売を予定しております。 「Yuzuru Hanyu ICE STORY 2023 “GIFT” at Tokyo Dome」オフィシャルグッズ GIFT特別新聞 English translation: About the products to be sold at the venue The following items will be sold at the merchandise booth. Yuzuru Hanyu ICE STORY 2023 "GIFT" at Tokyo Dome" official goods GIFT special newspaper
  4. I also went to Prologue last Saturday and enjoyed it very much though my seat was "standing room" I am very grateful that I could win this precious ticket. When I saw the word "当選"(the ticket is awarded)at ticket site, I couldn't believe my eyes and literally screamed and jumped up and down in the room. (Luckily I was alone at home at that time) The show was 90 minute long, so I wasn't tired much. If it had been FaOI, I couldn't have kept standing! My most favorite program at the show is R&J1. I saw this program also at the last day of CWW, but R&J1 here was more beautiful and sophisticated, and all the jumps were perfectly clean. I will remember forever how absolutely beautiful his 3A3T was. I think using a glowing bangle is a very good idea. It was fun to light up the bangle to respond to Yuzu. Just before the show began, a piece of paper was passed around to me. It asked us to light up the bangle blue to show Yuzu our support before PW. I read it through and quickly passed it to my neighbor. I was a little worried if this plan would work. When he finished Haruyo Koi and went to backstage, I made my bangle glow blue and anxiously looked up and down the arena. Then yes, I saw the venue was gradually filled with beautiful blue lights! We waved our blue bangles throughout PW and until his last lap. I hope he felt our love and support For now, I failed the lottery for Hachinohe, but I will keep trying.
  5. That's a great news! I'll be there on Saturday,so I will look around and try to find Ghislain!! I'm sure I'll be able to recognize him even if he is thin now Luckily,I have tickets for the three days in Makuhari. Now, I am writing this in the train on the way to Makuhari. I can't wait to see Yuzu after 3 months!
  6. I was so late to report my experience but maybe better than nothing? I went to J-Nats, and saw Yuzu's SP, Free and EX! The most impressive one is his short program, Roncapu!!(Sorry, I can't spell the formal name.) That night in the arena we didn't know almost anything about the program except the title of music. I was anxious because everybody's expectation was extremely high. When he appeared in that new costume, I thought "Isn't it too feminine? Isn't the color too similar to Otonal?? Isn't the style too similar to Swan???" To be honest, I didn't like the costume too much But, the moment he started to skate, I forgot everything. My seat was on the judge side. His 4S was perfect, 4T3T was slightly shaky, and 3A itself, he could have jumped even better one, but the move before 3A was so dramatic and unique. The spin right after 3A was very fast, and then the step sequence... It's unbelievably gorgeous. This is the most passionate step I've ever seen from him! All of us in Saitama Arena were stunned and overwhelmed by it. I felt like we were drawn into his skate, and also felt his soul shone, filling the arena with a dazzling blue light. We started to crap in the middle of the step sequence and just couldn't stop, so continued to crap though the last spin! We were on our feet even before the performance was over, waving the banners enthusiastically. I can't write well how happy I was at that moment. It was an honor to see such an amazing performance live! The atmosphere in Keyaki Square in front of Saitama Super Arena after Yuzu won the competition two days later was great. I won't forget that night's festive mood forever. We were all happy and excited, walking toward the train station through the trees decorated beautifully with Christmas color lights, and in the station someone was playing Yuzu's program music on a street piano. I read here that in Beijing there will be assigned audience, or at worst, no audience. I hope Yuzu will remember we always support him even if he can't hear our applause and can't see our banners. Well, I read on the twitter that some of the audience will be chosen from the universities nearby and one Yuzu fan was luckily chosen!
  7. KOSE has shown us Origin costume in their shop tour of Maison Kose Ginza (17:50~). You can also see Yuzu's photo in Believe orange costume (2:56~). https://www.instagram.com/p/CWS3m64j3_Y/ I went there to see Origin costume last Saturday between Dance FD and Ladies Free, but couldn't see it. Because too many people visited there to see the costume, they distributed the numbered tickets. My time slot was 18:30, which was in the middle of Ladies Free and I couldn't get out of the venue. I heard that the costumes will be on display until the end of January, so I'm betting on the next opportunity! This post has been tagged by yuzuangel as [NEWS].
  8. I was so shocked to hear the news about Yuzu's injury I haven't come to this forum for a whole week.... Yesterday a NHK Trophy pamphlet was delivered to my house. I regained some of my energy after reading Yuzu's interview in it. About NHK Trophy pamphlet, I sent DM to you. Could you please check your message box? Thank you!
  9. Yes, that's what I thought about the practice though I really need to arrive at the venue early to enter in time for Yuzu's practice. There must be a lot of people waiting in line in front of the entrance. I remember on exhibition day of WTT 2017 all of us dashed from the entrance to catch a glimpse of Yuzu practicing Swan, and the staffs said to us, "Please don't run! It's dangerous!" I tried to get a ticket for SP and EX really hard, but I failed all the lotteries. Having just one ticket for any day of this competition is very lucky, I think On second thought, the program we definitely know Yuzu will perform is only Ten to Chi to. The other two programs, Short and Exhibition programs, are hidden in a veil of secrecy. I'm wondering how we will know about them, especially a SP. Is he going to announce at the press conference before the competition?, which used to take place but in the corona era I'm not sure.
  10. WOW! Congratulations!! I also have a ticket for Men's free skating.... I'm a member of Ice Crystal, so when Yuzu said "楽しみにしていて下さいね(Please look forward to it!)" in the interview where he was seen wearing green pants, I already had a ticket, and I felt so scary, realizing 4A will come! It was about ten days ago, and now I am still very nervous but also getting exited little by little. I can't imagine how I will feel next Saturday when I will depart for Yoyogi Taiikukan. Have you seen the practice schedule? Perhaps we might see the practice if we go there early?
  11. Yes, I agree with you. The tone of his voice is very bright and confident. I don't know about the result, but I'm almost sure he will try 4A at NHK Trophy. I suddenly feel very scared... I just pray he will be healthy and happy
  12. I love this fan art so much, but cannot translate the mood very well. Please someone help me! It's about a jump challenge at SOI. Sakamoto: "Senpai, aren't you going to do that?" 「先輩は出ないんすか?」very casual way to ask. Yuzuru: "Ah, mustache thing is not for me." 「あー、俺ヒゲNG。」very very bossy.
  13. Yuzu's name is on the entry list, but according to Nikkan Sports; "He will cautiously decide if he will take part in the competition. The situation is fluid, but the chance of his participation in Japan Nationals is not zero now." https://www.nikkansports.com/sports/news/202011250000569.html So obviously, as of now he doesn't tell JSF any intention of WD, but it seems like he will see the situation of Covid19 in December and decide if he will go to Nagano. This post has been tagged by WinForPooh as [NEWS].
  14. Yes, you are almost correct. 特別な愛は特別なあなたに That's what he said, which means "Special love for special you."
  15. Last night it was announced that "Every" would air Yuzu's segment of 24h TV this evening, and we all waited in front of TV. Then the first scene we saw is this. I was like:
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