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Everything posted by cronkite

  1. So happy to see Stephen, Boyang doing great. And Dabin, welcome back! My memories of ACI 1. Costume reveals and scream of course. 2. Security guard solely hired every year to protect Yuzu (Jfanyus called these guys "Bob" whoever they were. Reason unknown.) 3. First quad loop ratified. 4. Roman holding on to Yuzu's waist. 5. "Mom, I've got 2 right gloves!" incident. 6. Keegan holding JPN flag during VC. Love him. OK, I am being a bit nostalgic.... Anything else you guys can remember?
  2. This is how desperate fanyus are becoming regarding the tickets. The demand of creating "Any day, Any place, Any price, just let me IN!" tickets are actually there.
  3. HOME-->Space Battles:Competitions and Events-->Community Talk: Tickets, Meetups,etc.--> International Fans Tickets (Voila!) This is really informative.
  4. Resume Helpful in creating an ice rink. Possible Disney endorsement. Experience in Music/Entertainment industry. A pro singer. Prestigious family background.
  5. I bet the high-end BINOCULARS will run out of stock in Tokyo soon
  6. I always thought Espoo is pronounced as ES-. OK, so it's Es-Paw.
  7. Wow, I just realized after checking NHK's schedule that they actually have "Closing Banquet" on Sunday. Banquet.... haven't heard this word for some years.
  8. Time Violation for Shoma and Camden??? Wow
  9. Link is here. Colored Time Schedule Result Details
  10. Thank you so much!!! It is a bit sad to hear that though. ACI was once thought as the most sought-after CS competition. At least we fanyus have the fondest memories especially "costume reveal and scream".
  11. I may sound so stupid to ask but... What happened to Autumn Classic International? It seems to have disappeared. Anyone?
  12. Every year, for top RUS and JPN skaters, being assigned to the last of GPS is pure torture. They have to go to 3 competitions within 6 weeks. GPS(6th)------>GPFinal---->RUS/JPN Nationals In addition, there's Jet Lag to think about.
  13. I am quite positive the announcer said "Touki Olympics" and it means Winter Olympics. Touki=冬季
  14. Yuzu is my light and in a way a curse. I get a stomach ulcer especially before Olympics. I accept. Both.
  15. Do we know which countries are going to judge Men's FS at Beijing Olympics? I've heard somewhere that there won't be any US nor JPN judges. Since I still hold a gigantic grudge against Ms. Lorrie Parker, I'd feel better if that's the case.
  16. Totally agreed. What they write is mostly scandals and trashes. Even if they actually obtained his thesis, it is possible they only used the part which they feel suitable to their conclusion. Unless I see his whole writings I would not believe a word of their report.
  17. (MY rough translation) 1) "Legal Wife" Pooh: Yay! 2) On screen: Yuzu "Are you in pain? So sorry..." Pooh: Wut? 3) Recalling how he has been abused endeared. 4) Wut ????
  18. Be the light photobook is going to be huge and thick. Check the comparison. This post has been tagged by yuzuangel as [NEWS].
  19. Mr. Richaud: Can't read. But I'm in. Me: Yuzu in the front. Yuzu's ad in the back. The world at peace.
  20. Just for the record The number of LIVE viewers during WC2017 men FP replay on May 17 2020 End of grp 1: 5200 End of grp 2: 7800 End of grp 3: 14000 Warm-up grp 4: 16000 Yuzu's H&L: 16800 Rest of grp 4: 13800 plus or minus Victory ceremony: 11000 These numbers are rather small compare to actual live streaming (eg: official practice at SCI or NHK), he can usually garner like 30000 or more despite the time differences.
  21. Any hope for FaOI (late May and June) ?
  22. Thank you for the info. As long as "the Holy Trinity" are present at WC, I would be happy. I bet he is having a field day practicing 4A while all his coaches are at Canadian national
  23. I am wondering about the coaching situation at WC. How many TCC coaches can go there? With Yuzu and Jun qualified, Brian and Ghislain got their tickets, but how about Tracy? Med is out, so do we have to wait for the outcome of Jason? Is Poland sending Kurakova not to WC but to JWC? What if Tracy is going to work for a Canadian TV, she won't be available? Sorry, too many questions.
  24. 1)JPN Nat the highlights and backstage scenes BS fuji 17:00-18:55 (JST) 2)MOI extended version BS fuji 19:00-20:55 (JST) To the best of my memory, the highlights often include "not-yet-aired" scenes. Kinda afraid it's more about Dai's "last competition" though. Either way I'm looking forward to it.
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