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Everything posted by MeowZu

  1. I love how Javi said that Yuzu is his only rival and that he can beat Nate and Shoms if he performs cleanly.
  2. I feel so attacked by HabiYuzu love right now omg
  3. The thing about Nathan is he isn't even half the things they tell he is. He respects Yuzu and never got ahead of himself in spite his impressive abilities. They are not friends, that's for sure, but they respect each other. It's a shame the media can't leave them alone.
  4. Whatever, Johnny Weir. You keep dragging him into the mud. You do not deserve his admiration. You could have not mentioned him at all when you talked about Nathan, you know. Also, it's unfair to Nate that his achievements are always compared to Yuzu.
  5. Our kind sunshine boy. Never change, Zazunori Hangu.
  6. Petition to change Otonal to LGC pls hahahahahaha I know I'm being petty but that Johnny Weir doesn't deserve Yuzu's admiration
  7. Apparently, they weren't banned. It was D*ve himself who deleted/deactivated due to the threats.
  8. GUYS I KNOW THIS IS OT, PLEASE TELL ME IF I HAVE TO DELETE IT. TSL's twitter and YT have been deleted. Some said it's because of the Coughlin issue. He apparently received death threats. I know we don't like them, but this is just not right. D*ve was very vocal about the issue when many outlets wanted to sweep it all under the rug.  Edit: He indeed received death threats accdg to the the other guy named J*nathan.
  9. But can we also talk about how Brian looks like a father who's stopping himself from crying. My gosh. These TCC people are brutal for making us feel all kinds of emotions.
  10. "I KNOW YOU'RE NOT COMING BACK..." Gosh I almost sobbed. No. No. No.
  11. Also, throwback to sneaky Brian and his then plenty hair hahahahahahahaha and hip hop Yuzu
  12. Okay so I was listening to Michael Jackson's songs on Spotify when my imagination went wild about Yuzu dancing to Billie Jean and Beat It. He can totally own them. Like damn.
  13. Imagine the possibilities. Many will be left dead in a ditch somewhere if he wears his hair like this for SP and LP next season.
  14. No, it's not. It's from a magazine. ☺
  15. In lieu of TCC's family reunion, here is Yuzu cheering like there's no tomorrow for Habi
  16. Here's a clearer video of Daniil finally having the courage to talk to Yuzu after all these years of stolen glances hahahahahaha I forgive him for lusting over Yuzu in that infamous UA shirt removal video
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