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  1. Translation of the article based on the exclusive interview with Yuzu by Xinhua News Agency, the official state news agency in China. This is yet another proof of how popular and admired he is in China. [NEWS]
  2. Source Another funny and cute comic by Kotoro-san with translations. Haru-chan is so adorable!
  3. Yuzu is a role model for so many people!
  4. The Echoes children are literal children in a daycare center. Poor Guide-san needs a helping hand.
  5. https://www.japantimes.co.jp/sports/2025/01/11/more-sports/yuzuru-hanyu-interview/ The Japan Times article is now available online!
  6. We will always cheer and scream for you, Yuzu!
  7. Like a beautiful painting in motion. Gorgeous!
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