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Everything posted by rockstaryuzu

  1. The way that whole entire crew of supremely talented skaters ( + Kohei!) were all standing there, like "Choreo? What choreo? All I know is watching Yuzu?" while he did all 7 BTS members' dance parts by himself, though... Yuzu, you're a legend! Never change 💜
  2. Who wouldn't? As long as your camera is fast enough to capture him, Yuzu's the perfect subject!
  3. I'm so pleased that the photographer uncles are giving us so much gorgeous photographs of these shows. As much as I want to see the show in full, seeing it through still photography adds another dimension. I want to comment about the 3.11 show but none of the words I have are adequate to express what I am thinking after reading the translations of Yuzu's speech and seeing those photos. My heart truly, deeply goes out to him, and to everyone affected by the 3.11 tragedy, that's all.
  4. Wow! That worked out well! Talk about synergy!
  5. ☹️, but it's understandable. The penalties for copyright infringement are severe in Japan
  6. No, seriously, this is probably it. I have no idea if his mom recommended Sekkisei products specfically, but stop and think about how much time Yuzu has spent not being in the sun. His lifestyle as a figure skater has probably done more to protect his skin from the aging effects of UV damage than anything else. Also, he seems to eat a low-sugar diet, which helps prevent inflamation and glycation, both of which age the skin. When it comes to his skin, Yuzu is literally reaping the benefits of being an athlete in an indoor sport.
  7. Is Hulu the only source? Does anyone know if the show will be on any of the Japanese TV networks? B/c then we can watch using ForJoy...
  8. Just watching the latest NTV News story about Yuzu and Kohei getting ready for Notte Stellata and he looks so cheerful and happy! I think Yuzu's havibg fun with this.
  9. Thank you so much for this account. I've been dying to hear what is was like inside the Dome. So glad to know that Yuzucon and all the fan feelings of love for Yuzu is still part of the festivities too! Fanyus never disappoint 🥰.
  10. Oh P.Chan, why so oblivious... always, always so un self-aware...
  11. If you go back far enough, I believe there was a time when men did them too? I may be wrong. In any case, I never liked them. They only make sense choreographically like the way Yuzu uses them in One Summer's Day, to create an image of something else. In a competition program, they always seemed to drag the music and the momentum of the program to a screeching halt. Ina Bauers and spread eagles are better choices for that little pause
  12. Spiral sequences used to be mandatory in competition programs, but various rules changes swept them away years ago. Now almost no one does them, for any reason. Which is why you haven't seen them
  13. JSF would never. https://twitter.com/swanyukao/status/1632519961196339201?s=19
  14. Write something lucky for Yuzu! Pooh-san says, "rabbit rabbit white rabbit "
  15. Out of everything he said in his monologue, I feel like this is the most important. It at once explains both his achievements and his struggle. Nobody else will achieve your dream for you, but there's sure a whole crowd of 'Nobody Elses' who will try to prevent you from achieving it.
  16. There's a ton of overlap - in the end, it would be all the fanyu ARMYs duking it out amongst themselves vs Ticketmaster's shady sales practices
  17. Try to imagine how the stages would look...is there even a venue that could host such a thing?
  18. But actually normal for ice shows in Japan. Yuzu's been the exception
  19. Yes but does Yuzu really want to skate a 10-minute program? Genuinely asking. I can't figure out if he does or not. Everything you've described, except for your final paragraphs, is just the details of how to convey the overall theme and story of a show. But where you start talking about Yuzu possibly exploring the philosophy or art, culture, and life, that's what I was trying to get at. If he's going to keep doing solo shows (and who knows if that something he will continue or not, it's a LOT of work and pressure), then he needs something to talk/skate about, to structure the show around, and it can't always be the history of his career. Sooner or later, he'll have to move on to other topics.
  20. so I've been thinking about this idea of what comes after GIFT for Yuzu. (obs, he literally has Notte Stellata in two weeks, but after that). The issue at its core boils down to: he's been a wildly successful pro skater so far, how does he keep that going? It's not a question of technical prowess or even artistry anymore. He has proven himself in both those areas. Though his physical stamina obviously plays a role in what he is able to do going forward - i.e. is the pace of 1, 2 hr or so, solo show put on for 2 or 3 nights every month or two, really sustainable? - it's also not going to affect whether he can sell out arenas for years to come. No, the challenge is different from that. The real Everest here, is content. What does he fill a two-hour show with? GIFT, like Prologue before it, and even CiONTU before that, is a show that finds it's basis in Yuzu's own life. It draws on all of his experiences so far to create an engrossing, moving depiction of what it's like to be the boy who follows his dream at all costs. This is rich source material for his creativity, but even for someone as much like an anime protagonist as Yuzu, eventually all the good stories will be told and he can't go back and keep re-telling the same ones every time, no matter how compelling a personality he is! (And he is wildly compelling to listen to! I could do it all day. ) He has done it his whole career. Every character he's played, every story he's told on the ice so far, has had elements of the real Yuzu in them: SEIMEI the wily warrior who vanquishes the monsters. The flirty flaneur of Parisian Walkways. Romeo - and Juliet. Phantom. Swanyu. etc etc all have succeeded because either the character has something Yuzu also has, or Yuzu has been able to find a bit of them in himself. The prime example of this being LGC, during which Yuzu so much embodied Prince the resemblance seemed uncanny - yet at the same time was sublimely himself, dragging the audience along on a swaggering rock'n'roll soliloquoy about the meaning of life. Now that GIFT has monumentally expressed all of that in one exquisite, one-time-only, 3 hour-long package, has Yuzu come to the natural end of his autobiographical style of storytelling? If so, what stories can he tell next? what should he skate about now? Stagnating is out of the question, of course. Other skaters have done that - moved through the years and the decades with the same limited bag of artistic tricks still earning them places in ice shows. Hanging on because they once were good, even as their technical skills faded. Pleasing ever-smaller crowds with the stuff they used to do, never exploring new avenues of expression. I don't think any of us want Yuzu to do that, no matter how much we love Ballade or H&L or RJ 1.0. It's plain to see from what Yuzu has said in his interviews since turning pro, that he doesn't want that for himself either. And I certainly can't picture him doing any of the common ice show cliches. Nor Disney on Ice (unless it's the story of him and Pooh-san, told for kids.) So what should he do, in terms of finding program content? What stories should he tell? While I can't tell him what he should do, I can point out that the answer lies exactly in what he's done with GIFT. By taking his own life story and re-imagining how to tell it, Yuzu also was taking intensely personal reactions and emotions and opening them up into a more universal truth. As he said himself of the loneliness and alienation expressed in GIFT (i'm paraphrasing) "All of us are like this to an extent." It's that thread of universality, I believe, that would serve him best, going forward. As he starts thinking about next moves and decides what kinds of shows he'll continue to put on, as long as he keeps looking for the threads of common human experience that underpin not only his own story, but all the best stories, he'll be able to continue to be fresh, innovative, and enthralling in his chosen art. Each thread contains the potential to lead him in many directions, opening up whole worlds of expression he's barely begun to explore. It's an exciting prospect!
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