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Everything posted by rockstaryuzu

  1. I thought so but I haven't seen any Weverse announcement yet
  2. I just got home from the live(-ish) viewing, and I am so thrilled for Yoongi. J-ARMY did a really, really great job! They cheered him on so much, I was so impressed. Other thoughts: I think the staging and the VCRs have been changed a bit from what I saw in NY. Seemed like some of the more shocking bits of the VCRs were gone. And Yoongi definitely has a bad cough; he was okay for a while but from Life Goes On til the end of the show, he really struggled. I felt bad for him.
  3. J-ARMY started the show by chanting 'Min Yoongi! Min Yoongi!' And waving their ARMY bombs.... cute!
  4. Watching Sowoozoo 2 years later, after having been to the PtD concerts, really makes it hit home just what and how much they were missing during the shutdown times. Makes me so glad I went to all the effort to record and send in my utterly terrible fan chanting for the songs they added ARMY's voice to at Sowoozoo. Even if my voice is one of thousands, it's still in there cheering the guys up.
  5. There's nowhere streaming it near you ?
  6. Yes, we paid to watch it live, but I'm happy for the rewatch b/c the video quality i got on the live broadcast was not great, and I had missed things. Ended up half rewatching Sowoozoo, half emptying my dishwasher...so now I have a clean kitchen and a happy heart. And I was really happy to watch the Seoul muster b/c I hadn't seen it in it's entirety at all. Slept thru MOTS though. Which is fine. I have it on DVD. Got my ticket for D-Day in theatre tonight, and I am so much looking forward to it, you've no idea. Even if it's delayed livestream, it's still going to be amazing. I've read on Twitter that J-ARMY were really responsive to Suga's show and even stood up and sang along
  7. Seriously? I'm watching on YouTube and it's crystal clear for me
  8. Who's watching BangBangCon right now? They started with Magic Shop 2019 Muster in Seoul.
  9. okay here we go! Run Beautiful Run! https://w2g.tv/?r=04zpr1cvvceb5zd5st
  10. I'm dying 🤣! I subscribe to some writing/writers websites. This one sends out weekly prompts, and this week they clearly have FESTA on the brain. Two of these prompts are directly BTS inspired...I'm . Must be ARMY working there. https://blog.reedsy.com/creative-writing-prompts/
  11. I hope you have a Wifi hotspot - not sure how else you could stream it while moving around
  12. More posters and billboards from BTS have been spotted around Seoul and other parts of Korea. It's showing up in my Insta feed but won't embed here. Anyway, looks like the boys are taking their cue from all the ARMY billboard fan projects over the years! I wonder if they'll put ARMY on the Burj Dubai like the China V bar did with Tae. 😂
  13. The teaser for the next Suchwita is out - the guest is Jin!
  14. Here's another. The inscription says 'Apobangpo'
  15. I wonder if it's going to be more of those pop-up ARMY photo op things like they did last summer?
  16. I read some translations and discussion on Twitter. It seems that the K.I.A. team needs to encourage families of the dead to submit DNA samples that will be used to identify the deceased that can't be identified any other way. It's been 70 years since the war, so time is running out to collect direct survivor DNA. RM was asked to be ambassador, in part, to help raise the profile of the project in order to reach more people quickly. It's so weird to see him get something like this on his own, and not as the leader of a group of 7. It actually seems like something that would work even better if the whole group were the spokesmen
  17. Link for live coverage of Joon's ambassadorship ceremony: https://www.youtube.com/live/WwKf4YziPls?feature=share
  18. I saw a tweet about this yesterday from a Seoul-based K-ARMY. She was pretty angry about the alarm because, basically, it was sent in error and done incorrectly, and the event that triggered it ( a satellite launch by N.Korea) had been announced in advance. I can't find the tweet back now but it was quite the rant. It boiled down to 'our current incompetent leadership did this for political reasons'. So I'd assume from that, that there's no danger to the SK military, or Hobi & Jin, from this particular event.
  19. I'm completely surprised about the new OT7 song for Festa.... and also about RM being appointed an ambassador for what I assume is a military thing. Does this mean that's where he'll serve once he enlists? ( a little side note about the whole remains recovery thing: I was once seated on a plane next to a ex- US Marine who did this exact job. He was flying to Vientiane to collect some then recently-identified remains from the Vietnam War. I was really curious and got to talking about it with him. He'd been all over the world and brought back remains in all kinds of conditions, and he was really passionate about the work. He told me the Marines never leave anyone behind even if it takes decades to repatriate the bodies. It has a lot of emotional impact on the families of the deceased to be able to properly bury their loved ones. He was clearly a man who lived his convictions every day and I was deeply impressed by the impact of the work.) If RM is getting involved in that kind of thing, he's going to be doing something more meaningful than he can possibly imagine right now. Like, really deeply serious work. Way beyond the scope of the music world and being an idol.
  20. this article popped in one of my feeds today. It's not BTS-specific but it is relevant, especially for all of us who go to/want to go to concerts someday: https://time.com/6282468/taylor-swift-concert-memory/?utm_source=pocket-newtab
  21. Skinny's a given with him. I think that's just his body type.
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