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Everything posted by rockstaryuzu

  1. I meant to post it, got sidetracked:
  2. They could just donate the money in his name. It doesn't always have to be someone's face on the Burj Dubai. The J-Hope fanbases in China have built schools ffs. Why not sponsor a food bank or something? The flashy projects seem like they're all about getting the idol to look at them - that is, at the fanbase that did it. Never really about making the idol happy or keeping his wishes. About Godiva: it's still better than Lindt, which I'm thoroughly sick of. Anyway, if anyone's looking for a charity to donate to this Christmas in honour of Jin or Tae, I suggest Médecins Sans Frontières. For many reasons, but especially b/c they'll go places even the Red Cross or the UN won't dare to go, to provide healthcare to everyone, without conditions and without prejudice. They're real and true heroes and deserve the support.
  3. Check Global now, the chocolate is there. However, it looks like they only ship to Korean addresses. Which is fine. They're using standard Godiva chocs, so I can buy the same kind here and pretend they came in a 'Golden' Jungkook box
  4. Are you kidding me Yuzu said it straight out in his announcement - his wife couldn't even set foot outside the door without continual harassment from news media. And their families and friends were facing the same harrassment. No one should have to live like that. So they decided to part. It's as sad as possible a reason as it could be already. Making it worse by implying there's a 'rEaL ReAsOn' is just dealing in gossip. Don't go there. Please.
  5. Only 12 hours left to watch the Re_PRAY VOD on Beyond Live, everyone! The watch period end Nov 21 at 11pm JST
  6. You're going to need a defibrillator and a box of tissues. It was around 90 minutes? Maybe a bit less?
  7. He got RM to speak a few words...and apparently Bang asked why JK didn't invite him! 😅
  8. Does anyone have working subtitles? I have none
  9. I'm getting up to watch the live. I tried sleeping for the last 4 hours (it's 5 am here) and.. nada. Simply could not sleep. I have been scrolling twitter and enjoying all the ARMYs getting excited at the stadium and showing off the gifts JK is giving out. I'm also now wondering why the hell I didn't enter the raffle after all. Fingers crossed that Weverse doesn't crash!
  10. That makes this situation all the more frustrating. Logically, it should be a matter for the police to deal with, no? No need for the announcement & the rest of it. It just makes me wonder even more what the heck happened that Yuzu has to go to such an extreme.
  11. That's the standard for proper, fully accredited journalists, true. But are freelance paparazzi bound to adhere to that code? Since they're the ones usually selling 'scoops' to the gossip rags
  12. Just a minefield all around, not only cultural. But we can certainly amplify Yuzu's own words without fear.
  13. No. His words were precise and intentional when he called her a non-celebrity. Therefore it's our responsibility as his fans to take him at his word and refrain from speculating or twisting his words into anything other than what he actually said. Even though it might appear harmless to do so, it's not.
  14. Yuzu straight up said in the announcement that she was an ordinary person, a civilian. Not a performer. Not the violinist. And sentences like this drive the kind of speculation that brings the tabloids to Yuzu's door. Please refrain.
  15. I had the same thought, that at least some of the frenzy was driven by curiosity and the hope for a 'scoop'. I'm assuming that Yuzu's wife must not want her face known at all, and that's why they didn't go this route. Ok, good to know.
  16. Yes and no. He'd have a lot harder time getting one very basic need met here: private ice. Rinks in Canada are always in high high demand for hockey as well as figure skating. Trying to find any rink that could give him two uninterrupted hours of ice time daily would be REALLY difficult. I think for us as fans, the important thing we can do is make every thing Yuzu does professionally, more wildly and incredibly successful than the world has ever seen. Naysayers won't get far against that kind of thing. Let's lift him up wherever we can. Sign up for his YouTube channel membership, buy the CLAMP book, buy the show tickets, donate to all his causes in his name, etc etc. Let the whole world know how much of a treasure he is. And then we'll see what happens.
  17. What the h*ll?! Not going to lie, now I hope that the wrath of JFanyus falls so heavily upon that particular company that they're forced out of business for good.
  18. Ah, that was my mistake then. I thought Team Sirius was kind of a celebrity management/PR agency
  19. Amidst all the emotions I'm feeling though, I do have one question: didn't Yuzu engage a PR/management firm way back when he first turned professional? Is there no one there who could help him and his wife to navigate this situation so that they don't have to break up just from being stalked by the media? He's not the first famous person who's had to deal with this issue, surely there's someone who could help him with it? Unless it's been tried, and failed, which would suck even more.
  20. And I have no doubt that once they saw these conditions and thought about how it might be in future, were they to have kids, it was simply unbearable to think about. Why do some people (stalkers, paparazzi) think that they have a right to the details of another's life? I don't even ask my colleague of 23 years how his wife is for fear of prying too much, for crying out loud...
  21. no, it's ok, I got it set up: https://w2g.tv/?r=zf1lpnkuysntxjrpfc
  22. Oh no! I'm all mixed up - thought the time change went the other way. Shall we do it in a little bit? I think I might be the one hosting today so just let me get set up
  23. Since no-one's answered in the private chat, I'll ask here: What time is the watch party starting? 40 minutes from now, or an hour and 40? Daylight savings has got me a bit mixed up
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