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Ballade No. 1.3

Ballade No. 1.3 (29/67)

  1. I didn’t know Yuzuru had scholarships helping him afford what it isa very expensive sport I’m very happy about it! also Citizen ,another stellar example of hanyu economy 😌
  2. This is just great,this guy is not into figure skating and has no idea who Yuzuru is….but our guy made him change his mind! almost the birth of a baby fanyu😉 This post has been tagged by yuzuangel as [NEWS].
  3. It doesn’t matter if its on yahoo,what matters is helping the people so thank you very much for posting it ❤️ (it works with vpn ) He’s so real in his emotions ,innocent like a child but also deep and experienced like the grown up man he is! I’m glad he can hear first hand the impact his skating and his help had on those people,also these ladies are amazing 🤩
  4. Mura helping the girls up and down the stairs and Yuzu speaking in english
  5. that soft sound of the baldes is one of my fave things ever I agree,DB is so beautiful
  6. Daichi Mao is a forse of nature, I wonder if there are any of her performances on you tube I'd really really love to warch it and my stream just froze
  7. Satoko CB is amazing, the puppeteer bit is really really well done...and that 3A was simply deamy!
  8. my jaw hit thefloor many times....my god I want to marry the whole Carmina Burana program I adore it so much.Daichi san is amazing, she has that presence you have to watch it and she's a perfect match for yuzuru's charisma. And Yuzuru is even better, always all the times he surprises me ,never he goes for the easy way Considering then less the a month ago he was still doing RE_pRAY it's incredible if you think he not only has a new program but two!
  9. The last years were terrible especially for the lack of respect from both ISU and JSF. Maybe because I finally saw Yuzuru skating live but I honestly had the impression he’s really free from many balls and chains and frankly I don’t miss his competitive years that much. As other have said I watch FS competitions when I can and I still fret but way way less 😛
  10. I'm so proud of him♥️ As he said I hope to watch him skate live again and I hope one day to come back to Japan because I really fell in love with it and with it's lovely people !
  11. Me too I love the hoodie It hit me as soon as I post the message ,it’s lovely but it makes you think about the terrible experience Yuzuru went through
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