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    French lady living in Ireland
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    science, travels, music, sport
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    problem solver at industrial company

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  1. Well, he's going to the GP France I'm going to if I'm right. I will watch his performances.
  2. That's the sns, full of toxicity. Don't expect anything to change. I also remember it and it was a Yuzu joke. You should just ignore it.
  3. That's a very long and very interesting post. I'm very eager to see how Kao develops over the next years.
  4. Well, Shae Lynn should know what she's doing. We'll see that at the competitions.
  5. Maybe because Yuzu trained it with a difficult entry?
  6. Still about Mai, she was skating in front of us just after her last jump, and she was smiling from ear to ear. She knew she has made it. And that gorgeous spiral
  7. In ID, I really like the programmes of the Georgian couple. In Men, I discovered Graham Newberry. He has lots of potential, but he needs a better coach to develop. In women, I was surprised Isabeau skated that well. With more artistry, she would be great. Pairs were as I thought. I like the Georgian one as well.
  8. There is a Japanese couple behind me and the lady was crying non stop. Everyone gave Mai a standing ovation. I'm over the moon.
  9. 2 things from yesterday. Shun checked the podium with his foot before climbing on it. Filip Taschler from ID gave me a heart sign because I was the only one in my block to have a Czech flag.
  10. Saturday is always the longest day of a competition. At my first competition I did not know and I just crashed into my bed.
  11. The announcer for the women must have been as sleepy as me. She kept messing up with names and nationalities. Young You dress is gorgeous. Her practice was fine. Mai had her practices clothes and skated beautifully.
  12. I'm back at the ice rink. Will try not to fall asleep during the practices
  13. As said, for the men, stunning performance from Deniss with a standing ovation from everyone in the arena. He was so relaxed before his skate, smiling to the audience. I feel both so sad for Roman and so happy for Shun. At the victory ceremony, only Shun had a flag given by his coaches, so Deniss and Daniel got flags from the audience and duly returned them to the fans after the photos were taken. Deniss fan asked him to hold the flag so she could take a photo and then she asked him to sign the flag. Shun gave some autographs to fans as well. Also, Deniss and Daniel got the wrong medal on the podium but they realised it immediately so they swapped them. Fingers crossed for Mai to win tomorrow.
  14. Deniss wore Japan tracksuits today. From Koshiro? 4 couples in the same group at Pairs second group practice, got some close encounters between them, nothing too serious.
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