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  1. It's the anniversary of the iconic Seimei and the first for 66 years back to back Olympic Gold... it was also, in one of those so Yuzuru moments, the 1000th gold medal of the Winter Olympics. And coming off that ankle injury...
  2. Todau is the anniversary of Yuzu's iconic short program at the Sochi Olympics, the first man ever to break the 100 mark...
  3. A video show 800 (and as the makes says, it's not the total number) magazine covers Yuzuru has been on from 2011... I mean, eight hundred!
  4. Yuzuru's Super Slam was featured on wikipedia's first page 'On this Day'...
  5. He was incredible! But you could see he was exhausted at the end of three!!!! encores, he needs to rest now.
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