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Everything posted by Hydroblade

  1. Just checked, there's nothing mentioning him here http://www.fujitv.co.jp/mezatv/index.html
  2. If only he treated us like Pooh... Also, this one seems to be still up so... Looks like we aren't going to be able to watch it and will have to stew in desperation
  3. I've failed you guys, i don'[t think i can get a stream for that one...
  4. I think this is the first time i've seen someone make a mistake on japanese tv haha
  5. I live in the Great Fuji TV Salt Flats
  6. In case anyone wants to stalk mezamashi with me
  7. Links for FujiTV: Stream 1 Stream 2 For the other one, just click on the number 006. In case you want to stalk Mezamashi too...
  8. It's not here anymore: http://www.ntv.co.jp/program/detail/21861704.html
  9. You're all welcome to visit my home, at the Great FujiTV Salt Flats
  10. Maybe they look different to me bc i'm too used to watch him wearing them hahahaha IDEK NOW
  11. He used the green and purple last season too, so i don';t think so?
  12. Is it me or the boots look different too?
  13. eek i don't like the colors haha. I liked the old comforting purple and green ones...
  15. i still remember how people were putting together probable versions of LGC from snippets taken from a lot of programs
  16. I don't remember how it was last year tbh. But if that's the case then why clarify that it won't be the whole thing? (i'm not really thinking atm)
  17. but will be debuted during ACI. will be debuted during ACI. debuted during ACI. during ACI. ACI. so i am going to be there the first time he skates it in public... HOW AM I GOING TO SURVIVE THAT
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