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Posts posted by holina

  1. The step sequence has everything!  The sit twizzles from White Legend, the leap from Otonal, the twizzles from Notte Stellata, the bracket thingy towards the judges from Chopin <3  It feels like a crystallization of all the years.


    I need to watch this 50x again after work today (or actually, I will start during lunch break).  

    I am NOT ready for more 4A practice drama that’s gonna come soon though  (hides behind couch)

  2. Yes it seems that Shoma has really matured as a skater; he is good at skating to many different types of music now!  I am happy for him given how he struggled last season!  His jumps and landings are still a bit nerve-wrecking for me tough!  And it was only 4T-2T….and he got only a few points lower than Yuzu’s LMEY at Worlds which made me feel a bit salty since it shows how underscored Yuzu is always.

  3. Ok, imagine him showing up in Beijing and do another troll practice with single jumps followed by 4A at the end, and then bow and leave before his music starts :LOL:


    joking aside, I do wish to see him earlier, at JNats though!  

  4. This is not new but it came up on my YouTube suggestions and I think it’s really nice!  Makes me really want to buy it (I was holding back!). Maybe I will buy a bunch of Yuzu books together when this season’s new ones are released next year…cheaper shipping this way…

  5. Not gonna lie, I was a little disappointed not to see Yuzu today…and I agree with the opinion that while Naomi is a great athlete and I like her and what she represents (against racism etc.), it feels a bit odd to give the honor to someone who hasn’t even participated in the Olympic Games in the past.  

    I hope that if Yuzu goes to Beijing 2022, he will be Japan’s flag bearer!  He deserves such an honor!

  6. Definitely JNats with the excitement of revealing 2 new programs and costumes!  Plus all of us getting trolled by Trollzuru again!  Is it Robbie Williams or Queen’s version of LMEY?  Music already was playing at FS practice but nobody knew what music it is!  At SP competition during costume reveal the camera was so far away so all we saw was a tiny black dot on the screen :xD:

  7. Surely he won’t be able to fit in the purple pants of sin now though? :10742290: 

    edit: oh just saw there is another SOI thread, I will go there!

  8. 10 minutes ago, yuzuangel said:

    H&E for the free, something piano-y for the short

    I agree.


    6 minutes ago, Paskud said:

    Gosh, no! I need LMEY with screaming audience.:tumblr_inline_mqt4gi2T9v1qz4rgp:

    He can do LMEY as an Ex, the fully loaded version with 4S and 4T-3T and 3A - it would be such a flex :hairflip:


    About Yuzu’s training base.  Can’t he arrange something with TCC so that he can skate there alone at night time?  I’m pretty sure that’s what he’s doing at Ice Rink Sendai now when there’s nobody else at night.  TCC just needs to let him lock up the place after.  This way he can get both the physio and the ideal training setting in terms of space for his 4A (flying across the ice) and music rotation?  I am sure TCC would want to have Yuzu back so maybe they can make special arrangements for him.

  9. 53 minutes ago, rockstaryuzu said:

    For the sake of all our sanity, not to mention our poor hearts that can't handle such a shock, I am now half-hoping that ACI takes place without spectators because dying of a heart attack ringside is really not how I want to go...:confused0068:

    Um....better bring a stash of aspirin to comps next season (if we get to go) 😅


    This makes me think of how Yuzu’s life story is so “destiny-like”.  For example he got the 1000th Winter Olympics gold medal.  Perhaps he’s destined to land a perfect 4A and win a history making 3rd Olympic gold skating to another Japanese themed FS.  How perfect would that be?


    I wouldn’t write him off for Beijing yet, because anything can happen.  The pressure on Nathan to win in Beijing would be soooo much bigger than in 2018 because basically it would be his last shot at Olympic gold (if indeed he is going to focus on his study after), and he would be going in as a heavy favorite with even more pressure from the US media.  While Yuzu would be so chill with 2 OGM in his back pocket already.  

  10. About 4S vs 4Lo, he did get a higher GOE for the 4S at JNats compared to the 4Lo (I was so mad coz his 4Lo there was perfect).  So I am not sure if it’s worth the risk to put 4Lo in the short, given the last 2 times he faced Nathan, it was the fact that Yuzu messed up the SP which basically closed the door on Yuzu’s chances....

  11. I also like Roman’s skating the most out of the Canadian men, but I guess it’s really a lot of pressure on the one Canadian man who is going to Worlds since the Olympic spots are basically on this one person’s shoulders.  I remember when Roman won the Canadian Nationals last year, Skate Canada kind of waited to see how the guys perform at 4CC first before making the decision on the Worlds spot, and Roman didn’t do well at 4CC.  So perhaps that was considered too...It’s true that Keegan has an edge on Roman regarding BV and the men’s field is not particularly strong/consistent at the moment (other than Yuzu and Nathan who are one-two).  So Keegan may have a good shot at top 10 (or 12? Whatever it is). 

    (note I put Yuzu-Nathan as one-two in that order 😃)

  12. Because Canada didn’t get any Pfizer vaccine shipment this week, my second dose got delayed.  Now it’s rescheduled to 35 days after the first dose (provided that vaccine is available at that time).  So frustrating.  Hopefully it will still be effective enough.


    Some of my coworkers who got their first dose a few days before I did were able to get their second dose on schedule (21 days).  Almost all of them reported feeling pretty rough with an onset of about 20-24 hours later (dizziness, headache, difficulty focusing, one person got low grade fever too) and it lasted about between 1 to 3,4 days.  A few of them didn’t feel well enough to go to work.  Just so everyone is aware when you get the second dose!  Of course everyone reacts differently though.  

  13. 29 minutes ago, Anni said:



    The video reached today 2 million views  :smiley-happy105:
    current 2.002.048

    Oh yay!  I watched it last night twice before I went to bed - first time to look at him being cute commentating the program, second time to watch the actual skating 🥰

  14. Yes I was wondering where Yuzu can modify his FS layout to increase BV too, since Nathan has 5 quads in the free (and Yuzu knows that he cannot have 4 quads and rely on judges giving him higher GOEs).  Yuzu also did say in his JNat interviews that he wants to train “more difficult jumps”.

    So I am thinking that he WILL add 4Lz into his free (he was kind of successful at GPF Torino already even with Origin which is much more exhausting to perform, at least all 5 quads were landed).  Also I wonder if he will have 4T-eu-3F instead of -3S....and if he will go for 3A-3A again (I know, it’s kinda crazy 😜).   But his 4T-eu-3S looked really strong at JNats too.  One concern, as others have said, is that he does not have physio etc.  Actually can he show his innocent smiley face and ask Kikuchi-san to take care of him

    again while in Sendai?

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