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Nam Nguyen will be retiring.


Nam Nguyen takes down his shingle




Nam is only 23 years old. (24 years old on May 20).



I have already posted this in Team Canada, but thought it would not be entirely out of place here since Yuzu and Nam were Cricket Brothers.


Nam Nguyen takes down his shingle




Nam is only 23 years old. (24 years old on May 20).



:pouty:From a children's Q&A program in China





Shinya Kiyozuka also talked about Rondo & Yuzu 







Look at these pictures...  Yuzu really does not age  :devilYuzu:





Welcome @caramelicht:wave:  Have a great time here. 


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From Daniel Grassl's IG stories

Question: "How did you start skating?"


Here his answer :agree:




Nice words from a surgical doctor to Yuzu:

"Yuzuru Hanyu I don't know since when, you have become the reason for my persistence."





There are so many people who feel inspired by Yuzu.:heartpound:

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Daniel Grassl's favorite program of Yuzu is Seimei. :smiley-love017:


Source: IG stories




This is also one my favorite programs. :heartpound:






Congratulations to Yuzu. He is the perfect tourism ambassador for Sendai. 





So beautiful :loveeyes:


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Yuzuwinnie, do you have a link for me? I found this on Amazon. :smiley-love017:




"We asked if he would continue to work with us & he gladly accepted ..." 🙏





Info for new Fanyus :happy:





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There is a new poem for Yuzu from the Polish theater actress and poet Edyta Slaczka 





Rough translation of Ryuju's words about Yuzu from the Shueisha Sportiva article :10636614:



I hope, he, Yuzu and Keiji will meet again someday.



Another part from Ryuju about Yuzu's 4A in Bejing (see text below)
English translation

Hopefully there will be a better translation soon.





Thank you Yuzuwinnie for your kind message. Yes, I will answer you.:yes:




By the way 

We have reached 8000 members here on the Planet.:happy0065:Welcome to all new satellites.

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Gosh, this is so painful to read. I watched his practice live. That was such a devastating experience. :tumblr_inline_n18qr8XewT1qid2nw:

But Yuzu is such a fighter! He is such an inspiration! :tumblr_inline_n18qr5lPWB1qid2nw:


No wonder he won the hearts of so many new fans after Beijing Olympics and remained the biggest star without winning a medal. This is the kind of spirit and courage that touches and moves people. This is the stuff of legends.


I think if Yuzu's health permits it, he will continue on his quest for landing the 4A, not just land it, but land it his way. I believe we will still get to see much more even better and more amazing skating by him. :ganba:



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Yuzu talking about his 4A entry and take-off in Ice Jewels. I think Yuzu's epiphany to return to his roots and his Axel entry as a novice was truly a game changer. That's why I believe he'll continue pursuing the 4A if his health allows it. He was so close in Beijing.


But no matter what he should decide to do, I will always support him. I just want him to follow his heart and do whatever makes him happy and content. :heartpound:





This is why Yuzu's performance of Tenchi at the Olympics is such a masterpiece despite the falls. If you ask me, the falls even added to the story Yuzu wanted to convey and show him as a warrior who never falters and perseveres with courage in the face of obstacles and setbacks. :ganba:





What a good start to the May. :loveshower:

Yuzu's giggle :grin: :smiley-love017:


I miss him too. :mellow:









Here more from this doctor 

''Yuzuru Hanyu is the reason why I could hold on.":softYuzu:





"Yuzuru you are my spiritual pillar, perseverance that does not fall motivates me to insists."  :snonegai:





Wow ... that are really touching words. :tumblr_m230o5o5Gg1qfamg6:


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Speed skater Ayano Sato feels inspired by Yuzu :agree:


Here the video





I read that Toshl visited the Yuzu exhibition:smiley-cool14:👏




Unfortunately I don't understand what he says in the video. Maybe there will be a translation later.

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We initiate FaOI month (May!) with Ajinomoto crumbs :YuzuPoohLove:



He was asked what he has been addicted to recently, and he talks about watching gaming videos and gaming. Waiting for a proper translation. 

edit, translation: 




God, I miss him lol 

This post has been tagged by yuzuangel as [NEWS].

i see, same goes for me! it'l become our first ice show then:tumblr_inline_mg16hfnAAr1qdlkyg:


idk if anyone has talked about this but it seems we will get new crumbs from yuzu this week:puddingpooh:




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New blog from Toshl :happy:


Here the direct link 




Updates from the exhibition 🙏


So good to read this. How I would also like to see the exhibition. :girlsigh:





I wonder who this mysterious man could have been.:coolio:

At this photo exhibition in Beijing there is also a photo of Yuzu with Bing Dwen Dwen :smiley-love017:





These cookies look so cute:tumblr_inline_mqt4grU8ua1qz4rgp:


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Here is another translation of Toshl's undercover challenge:smiley-cool14:






This photographer from Reuters said about Yuzu  :heart:
"It was an amazing experience to photograph this figure skating genius Yuzuru Hanyu of Japan. He is giving all soul while performing. Such a beautiful and extraordinary art!"


(Pictures from the Gala in Beijing)







New post from photographer Yaguchi-san :tumblr_m230o5o5Gg1qfamg6:



Yuzu's determined look (right)💪


Information about the radio show tomorrow: :music:




Toshl's undercover challenge part 3:smiley-cool14:


On this page you can find his video




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Here also the translation from Toshl's blog part 3 






"Truly, for the opportunity to perform in FaOI and meeting with Yuzuru Hanyu was a precious thing, irreplaceable for my life."🙏



Here more :68271262:








Yuzu & Roman "jointly" perform Parisienne Walkways :peace2: 🎸


Here is Roman's post from back then (2017) :agree:





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Nana Fujita (singer, theatre, musical) also visited the Yuzu exhibition :happy:


Rough translation with DeepL 🙏





Yuzu & Boyang:peace2:




Yes, mee too  :yes:



By the way Sportschau LMEY has now  reached over 3.4 Mio views :clap:

...and here LMEY from Beijing :heartpound:





Here is the full video from today :war:







I hope there will be a translation later.




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Pino from twitter has uploaded the radio program for us foreign fans. I hope it is okay to share the link here.





scroll down until you see the red play button. Press it and you can listen the program.

If you want to download it, right above the red play button is the text ダウンロードキー and after it the empty box. Write "yuzu" on the box and press the button on the right side of the box and the download begins.


I hope you can understand my instructions, I feel like my English is failing me :dbana:

edit. you can listen/download it till Thursday 12th.


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Since the chat is moving slowly, here are the official FaOI goods for the image training. It is just three weeks, we can do it!




This post has been tagged by yuzuangel as [NEWS].


This is nothing like a complete translation, but I can tell you in general terms what the video is about.


Kurihara-san of Ajinomoto has been providing Yuzu with support and advice regarding his athletic dietary needs for 10 years. Yuzu’s basic problem was that he did not really enjoy eating. (I will accept this statement for the purposes of this discussion, but I find this a little contradictory when I think about the video about him shoveling back huge mouthfuls of TKG – tamago kake gohan – raw egg on rice – with a full tray of other goodies at the cafeteria-style restaurant.)


Anyway, back to the video. When Kurihara-san heard this – that Yuzu did not enjoy eating – he made it his mission to provide him with food that is not only good for him, but that he would enjoy eating.


The one turning point was when Yuzu told Kurihara-san that he enjoyed gyoza and that he could eat gyoza with every meal. From that point, it wasn’t just a case of trying to make a healthy, good tasting gyoza for Yuzu, it was a case of “it will be done” for Kurihara-san.


In order to develop this gyoza for Yuzu, Kurihara-san did a survey of 100 athletes to find out whether they enjoyed eating gyoza and discovered that over 90 did. The problem was that they enjoyed eating gyoza, but it did not fit into their athletic preparations.


So Kurihara-san started experimenting with gyoza to make it healthy and when he thought that he had the proper formula, he had some athletes taste them. When he asked them how it tasted, they politely said that it was “tasty”, but without much conviction.


Kurihara-san went to a professional chef and asked him to taste the gyoza and the chef said that it did not taste like gyoza at all. He suggested making changes that would make it tasty.


As a result, they finally came out with a gyoza that they tried on Yuzu and they show a picture that was taken after he tasted it and he had a big genuine smile. This was proof to Kurihara-san that they had found the perfect formula for healthy and tasty gyoza. They included gyoza in every meal for Yuzu.


They started producing two types of gyoza. Ultimately, Kurihara-san suggested including these gyoza in the diet for Japanese athletes competing in the 2020 Tokyo Olympics and later for Japanese athletes competing in the 2022 Beijing Olympics.


Therefore, as a result of Yuzuru Hanyu, Ajinomoto developed a gyoza that was not only healthy, but tasty, and this was an important part of the diet for many Japanese Olympians in the 2020 Tokyo Olympics and 2022 Beijing Olympics.

This post has been tagged by yuzuangel as [NEWS].


Many thanks Geo for your detailed summary.:thanks:

A thank you also to Mr. Kurihara for his support of Yuzu over the years. 



Beijing costume cookies :tumblr_inline_nhkf0oKdhx1qid2nw:



New blog from Toshl 













Short video with English subtitles.


Yuzu wasn't kidding when he said he loves gyoza. These must be really delicious for him to eat them at every meal. :tumblr_m9gcraReGL1qzckow:

I love gyoza too, but eating them every day might get a bit boring for me. :tumblr_inline_mqt4grU8ua1qz4rgp:



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