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ISU Calendar of Events

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I was looking on ISU site. The dates for the Grand Prix events have been published, but the event arenas have not yet been allocated. The Rostelecom/ COR is still listed for Nov, but due to international events there was a previous notice on ISU site asking for applications for replacement venue to host COR.

Does anyone have any news about venues for each GP stage and which country/ venue might host alternate to CoR?





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Yes, the Nov 25-27 was originally Rostelecom/CoR

ISU posted announcement on their site requesting applications from potential venues to take on that event, the earlier Nov 11-13 was CoC. Maybe it is other way around, but either way two GP stages are currently without venues

When I last checked it was not clear which hosts had applied and I could not find anything to say that a decision had been made. These are spread sheet downloads so not easy to follow the relevant pages

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I would really like to see Yuzu skate irl. if he is maybe considering further competitions. Previously, I had work and family commitments, then pandemic.. 


Then critically ill in intensive care with COVID. Now recovering from long COVID but I realise I should not put off doing things because time can suddenly run out without any warning. ( I may tell story in COVID thread another time )


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I'm glad you're recovering. It must have been hard on you and your loved ones. A big hug and a lot of positive and healing energy for you <3


Let's not lose faith, one way or another we will see Yuzu irl :ganba:

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