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8 hours ago, Anni said:
Performance with an orchestra :smiley-shocked032:

Maybe it's like "Music with wings", that Yuzu's skating performance is shown on the big screen.:shrug: We can only wait and let us surprise you.:10636614:

Maybe Yuzu has learnt to play Taiko drum or Japanese flute and will join in a performance of Seimei soundtrack

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1 hour ago, Perelandra said:

Maybe Yuzu has learned to play the Taiko drum or the Japanese flute and will join in a performance of the Seimei soundtrack.



There is also the Shamisen played by the Yoshida brothers https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shamisen  and whose sound we hear in "Change" by the group Monkey Majik whose Yuzu skates on this music and at the beginning, we hear well these Shamisen :heartpound:




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2 hours ago, SaluYuzu said:

This performance is one of my favorite!

Sameeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :animated-smileys-angels-151:


Anyhoo, I was watching FaOI 2019 - Cruel Angel's Thesis (not so fun fact - I always thought it was a fan edit lol don't @ me, I've failed as a fanyu) my first thought was these skaters doesn't do justice to this song. Why is everyone so lethargic, is it the third day, or were they conserving energy? And then, bam! Out came Yuzu, giving me exactly what I want to watch. This is why I love Yuzu, the performance he gives matches what I have in my head. And he never disappoints. That's made him so special to me. Such a joy to watch and always giving his all. 






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2 minutes ago, YuDai said:



I feel slightly embarrassed looking at this picture, I see they went full shoujo-mode this time 


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I may or may not have already pre-ordered both editions...:tumblr_m9gck4P2Jf1qzckow:


I think AERA tends to do shoujo-mode for yuzu? but, i feel so grateful since this mode is such a gem hahahaha:tumblr_inline_mg16go8gBg1qdlkyg:

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