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Everything posted by Perelandra

  1. No doubt, you are correct, but what exactly and to what end would anyone gain satisfaction from actively seeking to destroy another person's life. The other party is behaving in a disgusting manner
  2. https://www.ifj.org/who/rules-and-policy/global-charter-of-ethics-for-journalists This is the International Federation of Journalists Code 8 sets out respect for privacy 15 specifies adherence to the code There are many Professional regulatory bodies around the world and although there will be country specific points. However, most professions have broadly similar good practice codes, for their respective professions. Doctors irrespective of where they obtained their Medical degree or where they practice will be bound by the first principle of their oath - 'First do no harm' As a professional it is abhorrent to think of other professionals breaking their respective professional code and the trust in their profession for their own gain.Sorry
  3. There is a list of publications, which has been posted on tXt, mainly weekly gossip magazines, which have been implicated as being the main parties in the ongoing rumour mill. Obviously people are entitled to engage with or purchase what they like. Perhaps if people did not buy the magazines and circulation fell markedly that might have the most influence on what the magazines choose to publish in the future and also reflect on the means by which the information is obtained, should they conduct some market research. It is doubtful that institutionalised poor practice would improve, but one can only hope
  4. Quite correct, a powerful and wealthy corporation has clearly had little care about whether the reporters, paparazzi etc have been obtaining information for the articles/photos through ethical means. The just want to publish stories which will sell publications in order to make money. Even if the petition was submitted to the relevant ombudsman or equivalent, there is a possibility that the petition would be ignored or that any follow up action would be so feeble as to be be ineffectual and as you say, only serve to aggravate the situation further. Sadly, these large corporations which do not demonstrate good practice standards, only understand one thing, which is loss of income. Boycotting publications and not purchasing is the only way to get the message through that people find their practices repugnant and will no longer spend money to give them profits. Unfortunately, some people's desire for gossip is insatiable and the readership and income will hardly be dented by Fanyus not buying the magazine or paper.
  5. There is an International Code of Ethics for Journalists and Reporters, which sets out professional standards Whether anything will follow is a debatable issue, because each country will also have its own regulatory bodies. If the country has strict codes which are upheld then journalists and reporters are expected to abide by these codes. However, reality often demonstrates that some countries do not uphold the professional standards and reporters and journalists flout the rules without fear of consequences, thus descending to appalling depths in order to pursue a story by any means and often hiding behind the phrase 'It is freedom of press' because they know that they will be paid handsomely if the readership wants the story badly enough and the publication to whom they sell the story has high circulation and is making money. Sorry to be cynical but this really is a case of money being the root of evil.
  6. There is one already I managed to sign both before the other version closed This post has been tagged by yuzuangel as [NEWS].
  7. Is this the sort of campaign you had in mind? This post has been tagged by yuzuangel as [NEWS].
  8. This is a good idea to bring the issue to the forefront
  9. Hoping that the sack is filled with gifts - messages of love and support for Yuzu and those he holds dear
  10. Whilst the idea of Yuzu residing outside of Japan might be unpalatable and a final resort, it may be a practical solution even if temporary. There are many places which would offer some kind of anonymity and thus allow Yuzu to have some privacy. Sorry to speak with levity during this difficult time. However, I would gladly offer Yuzu a place of refuge at my house. My youngsters are grown up, one living and working in another city and one at university. Yuzu can stay as long as he likes, the bedrooms have their own bathrooms and my house does not even appear on some SatNav apps, (under a concealment spell). There is an ice rink 30-40 minutes drive from my house and it is barely used on a weekday morning, maybe 5-6 people skating. FS is not terribly popular in UK so it would be doubtful if the average passerby would recognise Yuzu and certainly in the towns and cities around London there are enough residents, including myself, of East Asian descent that Yuzu would not stand out. Apologies, this is written with good intention, because each and every fan would do anything in their power to help Yuzu. If I could I would open my house to him if it would be of any help edit: I only write this because like most other people, I'm feeling helpless and at a loss as to know how to let Yuzu know how much we fans care about his well being Plus we have every game console ever invented
  11. Thank you What an awful situation. Yuzu gives so much joy to his fan base, it is a huge pity that collectively there was nothing that could be done to protect Yuzu and his loved ones from the onslaught from this relentless pursuit of gossip. There are naysayers who spend their lives with feeling of jealousy and bitterness and act with determination to spread misery because their own lives are filled with sadness. Rather than improve their own situations these ghastly people seem to revel in tearing apart happiness from those who have worked hard to build a good life for themselves. Maybe there is still something that can be done to show support, caring and affection to Yuzu and those he holds dear
  12. A translation has appeared. It would be greatly appreciated if someone who is fluent in Japanese could corroborate the accuracy. Many thanks in advance This post has been tagged by yuzuangel as [NEWS].
  13. This is desperately sad for Yuzu and his loved ones. Just hoping that he will know that many fans care about him and will continue supporting him I can't bear the thought that some horrid people will gloat about this, because as we know there are those who enjoy Schadenfreude
  14. Please can someone fluent in Japanese help to translate. Auto translate is far from ideal. It seems that something momentous has happened This post has been tagged by yuzuangel as [NEWS].
  15. Hehehe, if that sword is Excalibur, then Yuzu has been judged worthy to rule over England
  16. Are we perchance having the sense that somebody is desperately missing Yuzu?
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