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Everything posted by Perelandra

  1. It will be OK People can write on Hanyu Yuzuru channel and give short testimonials about how wonderful Yuzu's performances were at Beijing When Yuzu launches his own channel people will be able to post comments there too. Fans can recreate the comments that they wrote " History is written by the victors" Fans will champion Yuzu as their Champion and everyone will know that it is Yuzu who won the hearts of FS spectators at the Beijing Games
  2. These cats are very pretty, they look lovingly hand crafted. The photos on the instagram feature the Kitties in different Yuzu outfits with different poses. There is Kitty dressed in Origin 2.0 propped up against Yuzu in Origin 2.0 at the wax work museum. This is such dedication. and the original model is pictured nestled amongst the toy kitties, handsome white cat
  3. Hi Wintek Please send the message and drawing to @Anabel at the e mail address on page 1 of this thread. Then Anabel can put it into the file to send to the photo book maker. That is the most important thing. If you are able to share your drawing here as well, it will be admired and appreciated by your fellow satellites.
  4. Yes, the new Pooh tissue cover from Japan Disney store seems to be based on the Old Man Pooh san model. Short fur and no yuzu fruit. The face expression is slightly different. The link had several for sale, there may be one remaining. The price was £68 pounds plus £7 postage. It seemed quite reasonable compared with some of the other sellers. So around 85 - 90 euros as @turquoiseblue quoted
  5. @turquoiseblue Wow, wow, wow - Thank you for sharing These Pooh and Kitty dress up tributes are really cute and the makers are super talented. I just want to gather them in my arms and give them all a cuddle. Yuzu would love them, he must have a huge room full of fan gifts. The Cat is unusual and really sweet looking. That is the sort of toy that would probably become one of the chosen few to be taken back to the Hanyu home Just peeped at the Instagram page, there is a Kitty Notre Dame de Paris, Real Face and Raison with a superimposed AR Yuzu.!!! All gorgeous photos
  6. I've just ordered Pooh san tissue box cover, just this evening. I will have to wait a couple of weeks, Pooh will be travelling from Japan.
  7. Tissue box cover, a new one in old style from Tokyo Disney store, no yuzu fruit and short fur, not 'floofy' like yuzu Pooh.Found it on eBay, inspired by the link that you posted, £75
  8. Yes, yes please more photos, messages and all of your support for Yuzu and don't be bashful, post your lovely words and photos on the thread so that they can be admired by your fellow satellites
  9. Couldn't resist Pooh san's smiling face, so I have bought him. He's coming from Japan. I will be able to squish his face and hug him. I hope that my kittens will snuggle him and not be jealous of him!!!
  10. @Anabel @Yuzuwinnie https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/394170492235 This one is cheaper than the other one, about half the cost. Clearly not designer brand - hehehe
  11. @Anabel @Yuzuwinnie Agreed. Unless it was made by Chanel (or Prada ) it's a bit too expensive for a soft toy
  12. The sachets are - Magma: Athlete Barley. There's a picture of them on the Fanart thread
  13. It is very well done if it has been made by a fan and it's clever way of presenting what the tweeter wants to say, a serious message in quite an amusing manner. Honestly, I have no idea if the newspaper is real or not. When I saw the post, I laughed straightaway, because the meaning behind the picture is cleverly done and funny, even though I do not understand the Japanese. The visual impact of a graph, hammers home the message that the post is trying to convey and what fanyus have suspected may well be the truth of the matter. I take my hat off and bow to the creator of the picture.
  14. Graphs are great, especially when they are conveying Yuzu's awesomeness In the immortal words of Po ( Kung Fu Panda ) - "There is no charge for awesomeness, or attractiveness" This post has been tagged by yuzuangel as [NEWS].
  15. Not sure if this genuinely counts as fanart, but the ears really blend into Yuzu's hair as if he really is a black furred cat. Anyway, still cute
  16. The Hanyu Yuzuru channel has received over 7 million views over the 3 videos combined. Fly Yuzuru
  17. Can you imagine 'Learn to Skate, with Yuzu" there will be lots of onamatopoeia for the jump techniques descriptions. Yuzu will be saying "cross roll, one, two, twizzle, lean in then shuuu, pull your body around arms tight, arms out and pah, land, into spread eagle...." Looks around at camera, smiles "Ok, again" Everyone else, lying on the ice and either gazing at the ice or the ceiling.
  18. Beautiful message and composition. I'm so impressed that you have Edea skates. Pooh looks happy
  19. Yuzu has mentioned that he is studying dance from videos, because his presence at a dance class might be disruptive. The Ballet dancer Yamakai has made tributes to Yuzu, inspired by Yuzu's programmes - Rondo and Parisienne Walkways so far. Imagine if the next SharePractice was a collaboration of Yuzu taking a dance lesson under the tutelage of Yamakai. They are both supremely talented, athletic and committed to the continued evolution of their respective performance pursuits, it would be really fun and also productive When Yuzu starts a fan communication page and there is some provision for fan requests, this will be one of my suggestions.
  20. There are 3 recognised take off techniques for Axel jumps with a nice little demo video to accompany this. The twitter thread points out how clean the ice marks are for Yuzu's 3A, referencing Yuzu's second video on the Hanyu Yuzuru channel. Axel a la Yuzu is take off 1 = super clean Axel, one of Yuzu's signature jumps. Yuzu was instructed by Tzusuki sensei that the Axel is the King of jumps. If Yuzu's 3A has >90% success rate throughout his senior competitive career, in my humble view, surely this equates to Yuzu being the King of Axel Jumping.
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