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Posts posted by Madita

  1. 3 hours ago, Ulrinis said:

    Couldn’t agree more. I didn’t know what to expect and had been worried a bit that this venue might turn out  unsuitable for figure skating. I couldn’t watch live since suddenly my daughter had a health problem and needed to stay in hospital. So after a night of big fears and almost no sleep, her dad and I visited her on Sunday, sat on her bed and watched the show on her laptop. Apart from everything you said to describe it, dear @Geo1, for us it was also healing, soothing, feeling taken care of, feeling embraced. In the middle of all worries, doubts, bad company, anxiety, stress, frustration, exhaustion - an island of pure wisdom, beauty, sincerity. It was exactly what we needed and although we rewatched the whole show several times, I still couldn’t grasp every detail to memorise it as I would love to. I’m so grateful for this GIFT and looking forward to getting a glimpse of Notte Stellata hopefully next weekend. (And by the way, my daughter is well and home again. 😊)

    So glad to hear your daughter is well :)

  2. 16 minutes ago, Umebachi said:

    Hi dear Satellites!  I hope you are all recovering from the aftereffects of the Gift!! 


    Like everyone else, I have found it difficult to express all the emotions that I felt watching the Gift.  Instead, I have been immersed in reading a whole new wave of people expressing their thoughts and emotions about the event.  


    Here is one tweet that I found particularly poignant, precise and effective in describing the experience.  Translation below:


    "GIFT is a creation that immerses us in the spiritual world of a wounded young man. His resurrection is nothing "cool" or special, just a process of suffering and struggle that one day brings light, and the only way to open the next door is to struggle in the darkness until you break out of your shell. That's what this work was for me. Even if you are not an athlete or an artist, there are times when you fight against your own limitations. This work is a gift to all such people, and while it is quite bitter and abstract, it also exposes the loneliness and anguish of the athletes themselves in an unabashed manner. Hanyu is capable of making any number of entertaining shows, but instead he has made a show about what he really wants to say now. Because that is what truly touches people."






    Just wonderful thoughts and description

  3. 4 minutes ago, tsubasanoyume said:

    Gift was too much for me, honestly. It was all my mental problems which I overcome last three years by Hanyu's words. I stopped crying after 4 hours. But I'm still thinking. Thinking how strong I became, how much I've learned and how hard I've worked to believe in myself, to proud and love myself.

    It was more than iceshow. It was more than gift. And I don't know how hard for him was to write all these words. He is very brave and pure heart person. I'm really-really happy that could watch it.


    Sorry for my gloomy mood message. ^^


  4. 1 hour ago, ImmortalBeloved said:

    The passing of a friend


    It is with sadness that I share that our fellow Satellite @Muffinator passed away early yesterday morning (USA time) after a battle with an aggressive cancer.  She had mentioned this illness on her profile last year. Some of you may remember her as spearheading a letter campaign last year where she showed tremendous determination in advocating for fairness in FS judging. Those of you who were part of the campaign can vouch for her strong organizational skills, her logical approach and leadership.    Muffinator was a deeply introspective person, and we would often chat about really existential-level Yuzu things.  She was never afraid to speak her mind both on this forum and in private. Her views were interesting and unusual.


    She was a devoted Fanyu and found so much joy in watching Yuzu's performances. Even during her illness she often remarked at how watching Yuzu's skating would take her away from the pain, even if it was for a short time. She was able to loose herself in his performances. Looking at Yuzu's photo books also served as a joyful distraction from her suffering. I know she was so grateful for Yuzu's comforting power.  She leaves behind her devoted husband and teenage boy. 







    So sad to read ... RIP and a lot of strength for her family.

  5. 8 hours ago, Beatrice said:



    In this past week, I went each and every day to the Disney.plus website in Germany (Help center - Give Feedback - https://help.disneyplus.com/csp ) and requested the "Yuzuru Hanyu ICE STORY 2023 GIFT at Tokyo Dome" to be streamed in Germany. I will continue to do so in the upcoming weeks ... perhaps it will have an effect  :fingerscrossed:

    Me too!

  6. Much too late but from the bottom of my heart i wish all satellites a happy, healthy, happy and blessed new year! I'm so glad I found the planet and there are so many nice people there. Unfortunately I couldn't be here for a long time for professional and private reasons, but I'll try to read every post since Christmas. Congratulations to everyone who got tickets for GIFT. Hopefully you will experience a unique time in Japan and I am looking forward to all reports!
  7. 7 hours ago, Hydroblade said:

    It finally happened...

    After years of joking that i would sacrifice my ankles to Yuzu, it seems he took my offer and i've been away due to recovery from a broken ankle :YuzuPoohSad:

    Dr said it was a "catastrophic" fracture (literally said, the worst one you could get. I might not be able to use high heels ever again lol), had to get surgery to put a plate and screws in and i'm looking at six more months of physical therapy. 


    I'm glad to come back and see he is still trolling everyone by suddenly appearing, skating and leaving :tumblr_inline_mm2wbaeqQM1qz4rgp:


    My best wishes for your recovery, get well soon 😊

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