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Posts posted by Madita

  1. 46 minutes ago, caramelicht said:

    i want to watch today's 3-hour special but couldn't find where it is...it seems they are talking about all details things about yuzu, the unseen ones. He's so kind even to an insect... i can't :tumblr_inline_mqt4gi2T9v1qz4rgp:

    Is it today? I thought it will be Saturday?

  2. 17 minutes ago, lajoitko said:


    TBS will show 30 minutes program of never before seen scenes on Saturday. Saturday seems to be a super Yuzu-day. First we will have FaOI broadcast, then this TBS program and then Yuzu will be live (?) on tv Asahi program. Hopefully someone has the exact times. My brain is overworked right now trying to process everything at once.



    And hopefully it can be downloaded and there will be a translation. This would fill the emptiness I feel at the moment ...

  3. I really really hope, that Yuzu will not only appear in Ice shows in Japan but all over the world. Or otherwise, that there will be many broadcasts and we have a chance to witness his greatness and skating this way. If I could hope for this, my sadness would be a little bit less. 

  4. 14 minutes ago, Perelandra said:

    Thank you Planet Hanyu

    For everything and especially existing on this exceptionally challenging day

    For being here to host our cheers, fears and tears

    You have introduced us to new friends and helped us share the love for it's one and only inhabitant

    Wishing all of the satellites ongoing fellowship, united in our support for Yuzu

    Let the next adventure begin




    Super sorry for spreading a cheesy sentiment, but it's genuinely meant and I just wanted to say Arigatou gozaimasu, before I forget, 'cos I'm happy for Yuzu but still crying for me :YuzuPoohSad:

    My hypoallergenic cats are trying to comfort me



    Thank you for expressing your feelings, they are mine as well

  5. Normally I am a silent reader but now I try to put my emotions into words. After seeing Yuzu in Beijing at the gala performance and seeing him touch my heart, I watched everything I could find of his on youtube, taking a journey through his incredible career over the past five months. It was a very intense time. But in the process, I've also realized that he hasn't been fairly valued in recent years. On the one hand, I'm sad because now I don't have the opportunity to experience a competitive season with him, but on the other hand, I'm much happier for him that now he doesn't have to feel this constant pressure, which would break him in the long run. My heart breaks when I read that he couldn't eat after Beijing. I just hope now that we will have a lot of opportunity to see Yuzu on the ice. And I am so glad to have found a community here that shares my feelings. Thank you very much!
    On to a new era with a happy and liberated Yuzu :heart:


  6. 5 minutes ago, TokyoDream said:

    Same - I only got to see him from Beijing... makes the retirement harder for sure!

    Me too. He captured me with bis Gala Performance in Beijing and since then he is in my heart and will always be.

  7. Thank you very much all of you for all your effort to share these videos! I am new here. Since I saw Yuzu for the first time at the SP in Beijing I fell immediately in love with him. Since then I have been watching everything of him on Youtube. I didn't have the opportunity to watch this livestream today (working) but because of you I am able to see Yuzu's highlights and I am really very thankful :heart:

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