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  1. I try to find a B3 seat detailed pic from internet but I can't figure out which to choose. Which direction they face or where is K&C region? I would be great if you could help me. It's totally confused.
  2. Sorry if I interrupt, which area is close to K&C area? D or B? Thank you in advance.
  3. Not yet, thank you so much! But how to define a "GOOD" seat..... It's still a tough job.....
  4. Every one, I would like to have a good seat in Megasports Arena, but I still can't decide which one will be a "GOOD" one. Never been to the spot or even see a real competition of figure skating. Who can explain simply that which one shall be good one? Thank you.
  5. 【微博搬运】@柚子飴 【关于cor】基本情报总结: ①开票时间:8-9月,无预警。 ②形式:单日票,分开卖。网络通贩,在线选座,支持visa/master,电子票(自己打印。裁判席正后区域不卖。有当日票,但是有柚子还是不要期待当日票了。 ③赛程:19日OP,20日SP,21日FS,22日GALA。 ④场馆:megasport或luzhniki。(如果mega修缮好了肯定是mega (p4万恶的栏杆。。。 ⑤OP:非公开。以前没有卖过OP票。据@小哥哥的贝尔曼 问毛妹的结果,当日OP也没戏。 ⑥俄冰协Email:[email protected] (p5-p8注册毛子邮箱教程O网页链接 * 16年cor恰逢法定节假日连休三天,因此卖出了2万张门票。然而江陵4cc卖了3万多张 (基于以往情况的总结,不保证准确性。其他诸如酒店交通请自己动手丰衣足食 高亮提议: 英文好的可以时不时写邮件给俄组委会吹下牛能提升的消费比如住宿餐饮购物,关键是可以售OP票或者三天打包+OP套票!我准备拿出一天三封邮件给SCAC组委会的劲头去游说了,不过这种事必须要人够多才行,大家努力写起来吧!
  6. 别忘记芬兰挑战赛,那地方是福地……牛又是一只迷信牛……
  7. 其实clean的还是不是比赛版本的叙一3.0,这个是商演简化版的,步伐衔接正式都要做调整,不过牛不愧是牛,所有跳跃都是大赛质量和完成,一点点都不打折 而且商演彩排时不是出了4Lz2T么,所以他的总体配置……不敢想啊
  8. 微博上一位党员说的很好:“用新节目挑战别人远比挑战已经近乎完美封神的自己简单得多” 能够战胜羽生结弦的只有羽生结弦啊……
  9. No. 1 & 2 is quite nice. Why there is so few guys votes No. 47? Don't you think he is watching you and smells so sweet~~~~
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