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Everything posted by Xiupia

  1. I am an introvert too! That's why I "boxed" him elsewhere LOL But truly, no one is 100% one or the other, and not through their whole lives! My impression of him comes from his interviews, especially the ones pre-sochi, roughly till 2015, before the overstepping against his privacy and boundaries got too much. He clearly enjoys drawing energy from the audience and people around him and is very easy going. But the pressure on him is immense, so it gets truly tiring and burdensome even for someone outgoing, is not like he can be too relaxed in public. And he seems to be a natural homebody in any case. Regardless! This whole article and the shock coming with it is yet another illustration of how public image and translations are difficult to handle LOL He has cursed / sweared in public before, but making an english equivalent is, well, tricky. I love calling this a moonson @gapil27!
  2. The impact of the way he says it, like @river properly put it, is at least "damn". He said in a way "fucking free". "Damn free", "freaking free"... Yuzu is polite, so the language itself is not the problem, but the impact for a japanese audience is indeed "fucking free". Not the first time he has said "kusou" in public by the way. Edit: I don't think I made it clear, that the word would be considered a "swear word" regardless of politeness hehe
  3. Well, well, well The article: https://www.asahi.com/articles/ASQ856HNNQ84UTQP023.html How the article quotes him: 今年2月の北京オリンピック(五輪)は4位だった。その後、エキシビションに向けた2月18日のサブリンクでの練習では、2連覇を達成した2018年平昌五輪のフリー「SEIMEI」をはじめ、過去に演じた九つのプログラムを次々に披露。終了後、報道陣にこれまでの感謝を伝えた上で、こう語っていた。 "公開練習しますか。くっそ自由な。本当に皆さんには取材とか関係なく、ただひたすら仕事も忘れて、飲みながらでも何でもいいんで。見てもらえる時間がいつか来たらいいなと思っています" I'm posting the quote separately because I know people will get very confused at Marika for her translation LOL edit: LOL as soon as I saw the qrts I knew Marika would delete her tweet! WIll post the whole article here on spoilers: Also a reminder that this is not the first time he says "kusou" out in public. Not even the second LOL
  4. @Fita he is very private, but more of an extroverted than the other way around, I believe lol This was 100% on his schedule, probably thinking about all of this since the presscon, so glad for this. Should I expect the logo and header by then?
  5. I already have my notifications on, but so good of them to actually let us know beforehand (more than 24hrs!) LOL
  6. @rockstaryuzu you get it! I haven’t been on facebook for quite some time so I’m missing the reactions and reach in there, so this is fun to me: Also, thanks Miyakawa LOL Edit: a shout out from the Olys channel, finally lol
  7. I’m really happy for Yuzu’s little channel milestones now All his numbers are pretty good for his standing, I’m very excited about the future! I will put this out there already because I can already see this behavior being a cause of discontent within this fandom, and I’m sure is only going to get worse. Take it from someone who spent years on kpop and stan social media; I really, sincerely, hope the more militant members do not come demanding from other fans a type of commitment with “streaming” and “counting views” that is so very discouraging on kpop. Yuzu’s greatest appeal is with the general public and how organic his reach is, and although we can work together to steer the algorithm, “numbers” is not what Yuzu’s skating and dedication is resumed to, hence why he left the competitive scene - numbers there are meaningless. And so is the extreme of kpop streaming wars (groups with millions of views who make no impact in their own industry). So this is just my early appeal, that we treat this as a fun thing, that we enjoy what he himself puts out there. No streaming wars please. (also please be nice to him on the comments…)
  8. That, or a case of bot-net - youtube freezes or slow downs spikes on views and subscriptions for some time while sorting out if the numbers are legit. I remember this happening a lot during my kpop days, hundreds of thousands of view jumps in a matter of 30 minutes or so, because youtube finally let the accs through. As for searching, Yuzu’s channel is not searchable for now. He didn’t properly set the configurations for it I reckon, just posted the video as a preliminary introduction. Thanks to Miya, Nobu, Shinya and etc for spreading the direct link for it around.
  9. Yuzu’s channel is now at 277k subscribers I’m certainly not above this, I’m just happy at his numbers and how big his reach has been, while with a freaking non searchable channel LOL edit: I really want for him to open the metrics of his channel this morning and see where the views are coming from, breaking down age groups and all. Fans always wanted a way to show him how loved he is, well, there you go. He will see.
  10. LLOLL This and the actual broadcast news is so funny! Also, I noticed the “Hanyu-san” there, starting to get used to it…
  11. Can anyone make a list of the channels instead? Clicking on these videos give them engagement, which is something we should avoid. Reporting from homepages is safer, you can report videos individually from there.
  12. How cute! edit: also, as this accs says Youtube moves “disliked” comments to the bottom under videos, so feel free to dislike any malicious and weird posts (don’t respond to them, just press negative and move on).
  13. People have already translated, but let me add this one from Marika! Also, I’m giggling a little because I’m seeing fanyus moving like kpop fandom now LOL Youtube is the best for someone like him; Miya, Shinya, Suga, all participate in the platform. Is perfect for collabs. And he has full control over it. Guys, I literally prayed for this LOL Thank you Yuzu! (now please for the sake of my heart stay away from other sns)
  14. J fanyus usually come after english translations because of copyright issues, so you probably will not see any full translations for some time, just general takes. Spanish should be alright for now! For those who can watch it, Nagoya Day 2 should be streamed today, Suga-san has been talking about it hehe He comments that the battle between him and Yuzu on day two was quiet fierce and Yuzu’s overwhelming victory was quite frustrating (jokingly). I imagine this was the performance Yuzu screamed on Real Face LOL
  15. You can make your own edits and gifs, this acc is just asking people to not re-upload the videos FaOI has posted on youtube. Meaning, don’t repost the videos elsewhere in a way where traffic to the video is not counted on youtube, they are saying that we should keep in mind views on the youtube official channel are going to be taken into consideration by the uploaders to gauge interest. They are going as far as to affirm this somehow affects Yuzu’s personal revenue which I doubt, but regardless. If we post the youtube link here on the forum the views are counted to the video normally. The thing is, just, don‘t reupload the video outside of the official channel. Pretty sure we couldn’t because we would be hit by copyright strikes now, but the advice is this.
  16. He does, I don't think there's much margin for doubt anymore LOL He is aware of reactions~ More from the interview:
  17. I will share a few more snippet translations from our diligent fanyus on twitter, thanks to them!
  18. On the video shared here, small translation from a snippet:
  19. Has this been shared? Tenchi tanabatas on display! Tenchis from 20-21 and 21-22 now together! zuihoden’s official ig for anyone wanting to pay a visit:
  20. Haven’t see this shared yet! By the end of the month, something to look forward to I guess!
  21. We don’t know if he will attend the event personally, send a message, or anything concrete just yet. The tanabata festival firework competition had some ingenious participants! It looks really cool!
  22. According to some tweets from Japanese fanyus that have read Number magazine latest issue, the one where there’s an interview with Brian Orser, Yuzu DID contact his coaches about his decision before the presscon: If anyone manages to share the interview! LOL How interesting, so according to Brian, him, Tracy, probably Ghislain (and maybe his japanese coaches?) were quite aware of what was going to happen in the coming days. Very sweet of everyone involved to keep quiet about it, and the interview seems to speak highly of Yuzu‘s character as well. [NEWS]
  23. That’s Yamakai-san, the same one who made that funny video about Yuzu’s retirement LOL (for those who don’t recognize him!). He is very much a fan of Yuzu’s hehe I really liked the video, and the effort, been waiting for someone to try Rondo’s choreo on the ground! I will spare everyone of a rambling on why this is THE short program of a decade, but the intricacy of the details of the arm and foot choreo just cemented it as my favorite sp. Thanks for sharing!
  24. For the magazines / photobooks collectors: [NEWS]
  25. Did people here also speculated that FaOI B tour opening costuming was “recycled”? Well, apparently! LOL The best costume FaOI pulled off (imo of course) is the amalgamation of the best of previous years~
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