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  1. That feeling of inability to do anything is the worst. I wish there was a way to use our anger for a positive change or anything good. There are so many of us, but not being even able to speak Japanese is so limiting. I wish we could protest to change the law or start a public debate about this, anything. Ignoring this type of content, not clicking the links, it all feels like not enough... I keep thinking about Princess Diana when she cried to the reporters that were following her: "You make my life hell!" It's been 26 years since she died after being chased by paparazzi and it feels like nothing has changed. How is it still legal to ruin people's lives like this, I don't understand. The harassment must stop, it's been going on for too long.
  2. I can’t believe it is happening... Here is full translation of the statement: https://nantejapan.com/yuzuru-hanyu-divorced-due-to-issues-with-media-harassment/ edit: The translation may not be very accurate, sorry. This post has been tagged by yuzuangel as [NEWS].
  3. Me too me too! I enjoyed every second of my dream coming true. Live music and the atmosphere of the arena is really something else. The applause and the screams were so loud when Yuzuru appeared that the air was vibrating. My friend was watching Japanese ice show for the first time and she kept saying “Yeah, it’s clear who is the main character here” and she praised his body movements and face expressions. I was wondering if he is really going to live up to the hype and he did. He always does. ❤️ I watched If live for the first time (as I was avoiding spoilers before the show) and the program was really the Only Yuzuru Hanyu Can Do This type of program packed with details and emotions. He was so dynamic and passionate you can tell he’s on a different level. I hope he was pleased with his last performance because it looked perfect. And he wanted to show us his 4Lo so bad I could feel his kuyashii when he popped it. 😅 4T was so smooth though and he still looked “so so” with how he ended it. I kept repeating “please don’t go” and he also hesitated like he didn’t want it to end walking slowly after two arigatou gozaimashitas. 🥺 I was bawling my eyes out at the end haha. Oh and the fans were amazing I got so many gifts for no reason. That surprised me so much I had tears in my eyes the whole time. I had no merch before and I’m coming back with a bag full of stuff with Yuzu’s face on it. I’m so happy. Here are my handmade bandanas that we waved. S section view.
  4. Does anyone have any tips for a live FaOI first timer? Actually for a total noob, because I’ve never been to the fs show. I’m going to Miyagi Sekisui Heim Super Arena. Is it cold or hot there? No idea what to wear. How early should I be there? I saw pics of insane queues before shows. I’ll be grateful for anything that comes to your mind. 🙏
  5. @Pammi my thoughts exactly. I've been following him for so many years and my feelings haven't changed. I'm always moved, inspired, worried, delighted, the whole rollercoaster of emotions. I've never been disappointed, even when these emotions cost me a lot of energy and mental power. How Yuzu always surprises me and touches my heart is incomprehensible. Sometimes I feel like it's not right that I can't give him anything in return. #羽生結弦の削った幸せ拾って返す会 is trending on Twitter right now. I hope he saw this and is content. 🥺
  6. Yuzuru's closing speech moved me so much. It opens wounds, brings back bad memories, but not without leaving a glimmer of hope, and encourages us to enjoy the little moments of happiness we have. I cried, but at the end, it's purifying. And the most dramatic HYK is just something else.
  7. Cześć nekodearu! Nie należę do żadnej grupy, nie mam pojęcia czy jakieś istnieją, jakoś dopiero teraz wpadłam na to, żeby się odezwać. ^^
  8. Przepraszam, że odkopuję zwłoki wątku, ale widzę na forum od czasu do czasu biało-czerwone flagi i pomyślałam, że się przywitam. Pozdrawiam z Olsztyna
  9. I did give up in 2019, I was too heartbroken and had to leave and forget fs exists for half a year and then Yuzuru called me back. He never disappoints. I don't know how he does that. I am so grateful I was able to watch the show live online and it was the best show ever, all my fav programs and so much more. He stressed me out with that olympic Rondo reenactment I stared to shake. xD It was amazing. I totally forgot it's this biggest never done before event ever, because it was so personal, and so for me and 100% raw Yuzuru Hanyu. Thank you guys for all the explaining how to watch the show, I owe you.
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