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Everything posted by Skrimblo_iced

  1. yuzuru press conferences really make us fanyus go thru all seven million flavors of grief within a second LMAO
  2. this picture more than ever is making me wish that we could have given him a pooh rain, we'll give him a pooh avalanche in the future if possible!
  3. raf's defining character trait is that he's a bitter old man who hates everything about the sport, including his own students.
  4. look at how ppl aside from fs fans only started caring about kamila and co. because of drugs + the gold medal. i hate this mindset so much because with it ppl ignore that something terrible is going on behind the scenes, or conversely ignoring/insulting an athlete who performed at the highest capacity they could because they didn't medal--i saw quite a few disparaging comments about jason who thought he shouldn't have gone to the olys just because he doesn't have quads Why would you choose to overlook his raw artistry?
  5. get in, get that medal, get out XD let's not derail the convo from yuzu too much shall we XD
  6. MED SCHOOL you say? i thought he was studying business
  7. i swear im a more upbeat person usually its just that this week has got me hitting probably the biggest dip in my mental health since like forever lmao 

  8. a warm welcome to the forum! it's great that yuzu continues to inspire people in ways not related to figure skating
  9. i hope yuzu knows that we are all very proud of him for not following what anyone else (heck, even us fanyus to an extent) in pursuit of his own dream
  10. it really feels like the whole skating world is against him even if it's all smiles on the surface, and the thought hurts so much
  11. does anyone have his olympic sp + fs without the commentary? i just want to enjoy it without the commentators dramatically gasping at his mistakes
  12. why does this week feel like an eternity omg i vaguely remember 2018 and it wasnt this lmao even though the stakes were higher
  13. god my one wish is to see yuzu in person and participate in a pooh rain...goodness knows i need that after what this quad has been
  14. we're all bitter about yuzu being robbed tbh he's always been robbed of a fair and just score, even on wrs ive seen the nathan bootcams and there's nothing there. everything he does is in preparation for a jump, unlike yuzu who uses jumps to emphasize; with the step sequences being the main highlights of his programs.
  15. to be fair he could go to another olys for the sh*ts and giggles but i dont think he wants to. brb gonna go watch 2018 olys and start crying again, time sure passes fast...
  16. personally nathan is someone im very torn on. on one hand because im chinese american i want to be proud of his achievements. on the other hand im aware that his achievements are from overblown scores and his skating is flat. and of course not to mention he is apparently involved in nfts and the infamous "as a straight man in a homosexual dominated sport"... so i amended my post to say that i can respect him to an extent because he did redeem himself on oly ice at least. i have yet to watch his routine(s) because i think it would be too much for me to bear (the emotions surrounding the situation have yet to dissipate + the fact that now he holds the wr for oly sp score+the media doing overtime in making nathan propaganda) but as far as im aware he was clean all three instances. all in all i am still confused as to how to feel about this man
  17. hi guys! i woke up to the news and to say im devastated is an understatement. he deserves so much more... i would like to send love to all of you guys. we put up with a lot this quad and lets continue supporting yuzuru as he continues to challenge the 4A! im always gonna be proud of him for making the hard decision, especially on olympic ice. im a bit torn between treating the olys like a sham (ms. yuna kim being robbed of her gold is still mind boggling) but at the same time there are positives to this situation! we got to see yuzu skate again, even if it wasn't at 100% and that's a blessing in and of itself. furthermore there are two japanese men on the podium! and one chinese american man. i may not like nathan's skating as much as yuzu's but i respect him to an extent, and after what happened last olys to him im glad he could prove himself on a world stage. hopefully yuzu will have a restful break after this whole debacle, i hope he's not too hard on himself he really tried his best! and lastly, im excited for pairs and (maybe a tiny bit) ladies. oh boy will the latter be laden with drama, but i really want to see the japanese ladies perform well! that's really all i want to say. guys, again thank you for supporting yuzu, and thank u for supporting each other.
  18. ive been caught between (like most of the community) wanting to cry and laugh at the absurdity of what happened...but knowing that yuzuru is clear that it wasn't his fault, that he would've skated clean otherwise, that he did skate the rest of the program without mistakes comforts me man, being a fanyu sends you into all sorts of emotional turmoil...the lowest of the lows, but the highest of the highs too. all in all, at the end of the day im so glad you guys r here supporting him and each other! we can do it!
  19. im sorry but what r the chances if any he's still in medal contention? perhaps this is a good thing for him because he has less pressure so he can focus on landing 4A, but i still want to know ;w;
  20. ahhh i didn't catch it ;w; but i heard...im gonna cry EDIT: OH HE POPPED THE JUMP ;w; I STILL BELIEVE IN HIM, GAMBATTE YUZURU KUN
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