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Everything posted by EisElle

  1. Starting!!!!!! I don't think I can get used to the different speaker😅 Ahhhhh I went from sleep to HYPEDX100 as soon as music started!!!!!
  2. Hi! I finally found my password for the japantv thing (after trying...several XD) so I'm relying on that this time (but keeping liveqq as backup) I'm still half asleep, one eye open and the other refusing to cooperate still...the things I do for you, Yuzu! crossing fingers for happy FaOI and esecially happy safe Yuzu! channel is still showing Nobu programs...ah, FaOI always gives me feels, first Zu event I livestreamed
  3. Oh my, all the pics I'm seeing are gorgeous😍😍😍 Super happy that this time Yuzu doubled his programs and that we'll get more Danny Boy, now I absolutely need for all days to be broadcasted!!! Glad he felt well enough to execute 2programs with all spins and jumps, less pleased with him going for 4T in the opening cuz gosh Yuzu, was that truly necessary???? He's so stubborn, I swear, even if he's always the only one doing such an insane intro...but I am pleased he got revenge 4T, that must have made him super happy! and he looks in general so happy in the finale so who am I to question his choices about what to do on the ice? so while I'm still worried (because "take it easy" and "Yuzu" belong to different universes, still) I'm so happy to see him and to see him doing what he loves best (which would be: blowing our mind) Jeez I love him so much Gosh Danny Boy is truly one of those program where every single move is a work of art, not one pic that is not stunning! Curious to see his self choreo to Meteor, also color me NOT surprised he went for a Gundam seed op😆 Is this the song? Posting because it has eng lyrics sub I can't say the song is my cup of tea even as far as anime openings go, it has...kinda very old anime vibes IMO (even older than it actuallyis!), but it is a skateable song, certainly not crazily fast paced like..idk Resonance would have been, so I shouldn't worry about Zu bouncing around crazily a la Ashura-chan, at least (that can't be pleasant when you have a fresh lump on your head, however superficial). The refrain motif is catchy in a gentle way and the lyrics...yep sound something Zu would pic😁 I fully expect I'll be humming it alongside by tomorrow performance and, maybe most important, I can see now why Zu has those expressions in the pics, fitting for the theme I read (from Marika?) that artists sang well, so I'm crossing my fingers for tomorrow🤞 ETA: I haven't even talked about costumes! Well, save them not being outrageously innovative (opening one especially gives me vibes of mash up of previous designs) they fit Zu very very VERY well, and he rocks them both in looks and expression so... Meteor costume has a bit of Otonal 1.0 vibes and I like long sleeves&gloves with intricate patterns on him! only thing I would have had different maybe the shoulder ruffle, would have liked it less stiff. I wanna see how the whole thing looks in action tho Anyways, I still remember the...ahem...surprise from my first FaOI program costume reveal (that would be Dory, because for FaOI17 he skated with Chopin2.0), so I am very thankful this year😆 I think tho that my fave opening FaOI costumes are still Flowy-DoS for A Cruel Angel Thesis and the disco gangsta outfit
  4. Happy FaOI start!🎉🎉🎉 and plz healthy&safe Yuzu, he better not try to overdue😒😒 who amI kidding, he'll try to overdue but I hope for my peace of mind he'll refrain for jumping or spinning too fast at least here, honestly there's no need, Yuzu! Just...skate in the least painful and safest way plz Curious about the op and ed and the song collab for him, sad that he may not be doing the choreo he'd planned(I wonder what kind of move he was doing when he injured himself? Some Goliath rolling over? A severely miscalculated low hydroblading?) but I hope he'll take care, I expect the songs to be fast paced a la Ashura-chan so, Zu just...don't go all out plz!
  5. I hope one day they'll broadcast Miyagi day 1 too, it's the only one missing and has the 4th H&L and perfect Dark Messenger,I wanna see🥺
  6. I'm watching liveqq but it's being very freeze-ey thus far...or wait no, Fleeting dream is going smooth Eta: I loved when they showed Zu going on the ice and thanking light technicians one by one, he searched for the projectors and waved at them and there was a greeting back though flickering light😆 too bad that my stream was flickering just as much, I only got a few scenes, but looks like it stabilized
  7. Happy birthday to our Planet!!!!!!! And happy day to all of us! Thank you mods admins and everyone here I'll celebrate rewatching RE_PRAY Miyagi again! which reminds me, it's the last day Beyond archive is available. Now I miss Yuzu
  8. OMG Wow My gosh One of those programs that has me in mystical silence from start go end There's that little sequence,about halfway,of notes one after the other punctuated by arms movements and it's so simple yet so powerful? So emotional? In FS, I'm always been firmly in the camp of "look at the feet!" when evaluing a program but gosh if a well done upper body choreo doesn'tleave is mark! (And anyway there's also plenty of blade choreo in Danny Boy😁). Really really love DB Gosh was the camerawork always so good? I have not one complaint My fave ending! That InaBauer with those lovely, lovely moves to enrich it killed me softly Oh no freezing for a moment...and back! The greetings are always so bittersweet, why must it come to end?🥺 I miss Yuzu already! Yes, despite nothing one but two streams today! Even if I must still watch RE_PRAY Yokohama day1 and tomorrow starts the archive viewing for Miyagi🥺 I want more🥺
  9. Various long-winded babbling as I watch Rika H was always quite a good performer (her Riverdance is famous for a reason), in this program she shows her softness, imo also better than when she competed, less tension in her upper body I quite like Keiji's program, had some good choreo accents too to match the music, tho at times felt like the music was carrying the performance (not the very last bit but the leading part to it I would have liked more energy) Violetta is such a charming performer! like Shae in Waka Waka, she really comes through as really enjoying what she does, so she pulls you in Jason! There's little to say, we know his skills😁 tho I confess for me he is like Patrick Chan, as in, I love their qualities but not my fave (Yuzu aside who us in his own league for me, they don't naturally draw me in as Roman S. or Jun), still lovely to watch. It's a pleasure to see him🥰 Satton with Voilà🥺 she's so sensitive to music and gives nuance to every program Tbh when this song was competing for Eurovision I was shamelessly rooting for Ukrainian Shum, and being also patriotic a d rooting Maneskin, so I was in no disposition to appreciate the Voilà, but it is a very beautiful song, and certainly good structure for a skating program Javi doing something he is very good at, a charming character, a bit tongue-in-cheek. You certainly need to have the skill to pull it off convincingly AHHHHHH CARMINA BURANAAAA It feels too soon! I wasn't ready!! Yuzu always good at contrasting soft vs strong, gentle flow vs dramatic sharpness and shows it here. Omg that beatific smile during the 1st half? Really looks like he's in another world of his own. I wonder if this is why I find his way of performing so entrancing and believable? Looking up, or to the ice, closing his eyes,smiling to himself....it often feels like his skating is something private, not something designed for the eyes of thousands of people, yet of course those programs *are* designed for the audience they will be performed for. Yuzuru doesn't need to "meet" the audience gaze all the times to draw them in, on the contrary, looking at things in his own mind he makes everything feel more true Oh gosh I love this so much! I didn't remember the camerawork being so good???? Yet I already watched the program? What is it with all Yuzu things that I see to discover them anew even when I have watched them many times already? Is it because I lose myself in the performance everytime? Ahhhhh this was so good AHHHH Yuzu dancing on screen🥰🥰 Quite the whiplash after Carmina Burana high drama😆 Jeez he's so soft and cute Also, idk how he looks so tiny a d pocket-size there, but then you see the behind the scenes and he has those tights 😲 I love Violetta x2 I love Satton too! Yet, at the end of this particular program here, I do *feel* that the emotion, however wonderfully portrayed, is a performance. Idk when watching Yuzu going to the final pose of NS, or HYK, Requiem, Danny Boy...it feelslikehe was entranced too, not only me watching him,as if he, like me, is waking up from the mystical world the program belonged to and coming back to the present. Idk,I can't explain coherently Beautiful Akiko she is one of those skaters that I always like watching, still thanking FaOI for making me discover her My stream gives slight signs of wanting to freeze, Zu approaching Yep it's now freezing on Mao's musical number, sigh
  10. I wish my stream had actually loaded for the special (sigh) but at least it's working for the full stream! Yay! NS is mesmerising. I have already watched the program when first streamed but my gosh feels like I never did?so breathtaking on fresh ice, my eyes were glued to his blades and the ice tracing, it's so beautiful 🥺 also, his arms were killing me Now the opening I love the ending morebut the opening is so good too! The music and the choreo! And skaters understood the assignment. NS had such a wholesome, caring mood,unlike any other show (or non-Yuzu show, CiONTU had gorgeous group choreo too) Oh it froze for a while, glad it resisted till Zu was skating😆 Ahhhh swanyu back on stage (idk why I'm even so surprised, it's not like I've never watched NS or didn't know at the end of the opening he holds a speech...idk it's just swanyu sudden presence still surprised me🙈)
  11. The moment he sprayed the camera, or rather buried it😅 I was worried for that poor camera, I guess someone went and cleaned it up😆 he was extra aggressive in Megalovania today, to the point I worried if he wouldn't be too spent for Dark Messenger...I shouldn't have worried! He really must have trained extra hard! So glad that hay fever didn't hinder his hard-earned stamina here
  12. Ok NO special announcement 😆 just saying he hopes one day to see us again😁😁 He heard our voices... so he really should give us another show, another story🥰🥰🥰 (not verbatim) "The end ist just the start of a new beginning"👏👏👏 My smile us stretched so wide it's hurting my face😆😆 THANK YOU YUZU!!!! see you next time!
  13. Dancing on the greetings song! He's so extra! (There's more skating here than in some entire competition skates) Omg now it's the scary type of winded, plz Zu take a breath! He's so moved🥺
  14. Roncapu! Clapping g at my screen! So good! Yuzu happy! I'm happy! Yes, people screaming because that's what he deserves, all that love!!!!!! ahah he had said he wouldn't sing but he did! (IMO better too😜)
  15. SEIMEI!!!!! did even a bit more of choreo before the spin! So good! People screaming! Me too! And he doesn't breath as hard as the other time, normal winded, not scarily winded! I'm glad!!!
  16. Uh he really shook his ass. Like, really. Yasss clean!!!!! And he has such a big smile!!! So 😎😎😎😎😁😁😁 omg I'm loving this Camerawork too!! That choreo RIGHT into camera! Omg so good! ETA: LOL he's kinda wiped now😆 but not in a worrying way LMAO Trollzuru is in the house! Playing with audience Said we're all beautiful today🥺❤
  17. Awwww he thanked me!!!! Thank you Yuzu! He mentioned the rain and that due to recent earthquake some live viewing weren't possible Awww thanked all the people who came, from abroad too LOL he's so playful Awww he heard people came from 30 countries Trying to think of all the languages he can say thank you😅 and he's gonna study more afterwards😂 He said GRAZIE!!!!🥺🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 Thank you italian fans for representing me!! Thanking all the staff and collaborators! And he's really super cute and upbeat about it!😍🥰🥰🥰
  18. 🥺🥺😭😭 And Ending credits!!! Estopolis lunge and spin in A Fleeting Dream costume have my whole heart Still waiting for him to upload the whole thing Awwww Yuzu in black tee Noooo wait I had forgotten this was the last last show😭😭
  19. Already (or still) sweating when entering the rink for HYK🥺 How can his arms be fo soft and his feet so light? Hydroblade killed me, those hand gestures HYK killed me and revived me, it's so...luminous?
  20. One Summer's day Beautifully soft Bit of costume malfunction, the back gradually opened😅 like Ballade costume in 6min warmup in Boston... I was worrying it would distract him but looks like I was the only one being distracted🙈 He did a bit of different choreo on the spin when he takes the stripes up
  21. Requiem in Miyagi😭😭😭 I'm tearing up, I was tethering on the verge of it then idk why but the twirling he did before last spin did it Eta: forgot to add that it was clean (I noticed he opens 3Lo really early, which makes me wanna see 4Lo again🥺)
  22. 2nd part started! That smile, the softness of his moves, his gliding... (The "s" on the ice in front of camera, great shot) Omg Yuzuru's arms are killing me, so good Oh my he looks so happy, and free? This time camera didn't botch my lunge Really, how does he manage to make something good even better? Sound of blades!
  23. I just realized I can't remember the last spin, my brain was so fried, did he do the layback or not? I have no clue😱😱
  24. Yes, he just can't help being like that, gotta love him for that😆
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