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Everything posted by EisElle
Not my horrible luck of getting a call RIGHT before Zu Meteor replay😥🤬🤬 But I still got MY MOMENT😍😍😍 MY GOSH CAN SOMEONE CUT IT ALREADY I can't be the only one obsessed with it??? I'll do myself when the higher definition vids get posted but in the meanwhile... They replaying the end too
Uh was the opening posted? I swear I saw it but can't remember if here or I found it on my TL Posting this anyway, but no opening song, just the FaOI intro song Eta: in case it wasn't posted already, full opening enseble song, in 2parts in the thread
The ending song performance! Rocking the rink! ETA: LONGER VERSION! They've replayed the aerials, so I expect now P/C Stephane and Zu and they better give me BOTH programs! Stephane now!
Was DannyBoy posted?the same account also has other skaters
Full here noticing more details of the choreo now, I feel like I missed half the stuff on 1st watch😅 THAT MOVE killed me again
They're replaying Adam??? So I need to wait for Zu replay???
Today is photo day, it looks Awww bb I see the plaster now, I was distracted while he skated, now he's taking the pic I see it😢 heal well bb, and pl don't go too crazy! Aww sweet Zu Keiji pic Well, he's having fun Aww the way he bowed with that flourish Greeting everyone out AHHHHH ARIGATOU and then he bowed again with a flourish Yuzuuuu
Several people jumping, spinning AHHHHH 4T3A but fell and was mildly kuyashii😅😆 4T was good and he even did intro steps lol I predict he gonna try to one up himself next Plz Zu take care tho jeez Cameramen tricked me with the opening and are now most severely failing me, I want yuzucam🥺
I'm not particularly into ending song, I preferred the opening but Yuzu looks great so who cares! Cameraman kinda failed me at times losing Zu Awww Naoto san so good to see him again Plz can we have encore in next stop even if there will be tour b?
Ok there's a MOMENT when he throws his head back that...ahhhhhy'all who haven't watched will understand when you'll see it😍 idk it's so simple but so darn effective? All jumps good! 3Agood!and twizzles out I think Loved the dramatic intro of the music and how he went into the last spin! LOL he was losing balance on ending pose😅 who cares? Not me! But wasn't the program SHORT??? feels like lasted too little😮 Eta: Ok gonna be honest and say I can see it's not Danny Boy level of choreo but I wanna rewatch asap especially THAT MOMENT I'm so gonna obsess over it my gosh Imo it holds on Zu's expression rather than complex choreo, so I especially I hope someone will make a subbed edit For the singer he was good but I would have liked he'd kept less emphatic like in the version I listened yesterday Jeez Zu looks so beautiful I need to rewatch
Ok Yuzu time!!!!!!!! Wait my stream kinda went back and repeated Stephane last part wtf Oh finally!!!! Meteor! Omg I knew I'd be melting as soon as the song started I converted quickly
Ok Stephane...in what at first I thought naked torso but is kinda-nude kinda see through tee and purple pants😅 Ok this program look a lot more conceptual art than Adam ETA and he can pull it off Music swelling g in later part, some lovely elements accents imo LMAO what was with the way announcer said Stephane name at the end??😅
LOL one of the guys in the lifting ropes team was wearing a sombrero Eta: P/C then Stephane then Zu? Idk why the change skating order, it's destabilizing to my countdown🙈 or maybe Stephan has collab with TMrev too? Not P/C going for all black too😩
I feel Adam still has not reached the gravitas and nuance to express properly a program that wants to be kinda conceptual and lacking obvious dramatic highlights Jarvis collab was nice, at least the singer was, for about the skater I was paying more attention to the tourist village shirt 😅 today I'm easily distracted by outfits OMG aerials look like cosplaying Disney Coco movie but not with the soundtrack, for example the Llorona song is not the movie version, but maybe the original one? Idk So dramatic with the skeleton costumes
Omg so beautiful, so moving🥺🥺🥺🥺 All jumps floaty, everything so...oh my gosh Speechless The IB🥺 The hydroblade! I squealed The way every blade move us attuned to music Only...at times...argh the camerawork! camera plz, no need to make all those cuts. why the urge to pan all the way out from Yuzu? Why cut his legs? Why cut all of him to just have his shadow in the last spin? P/C now??? (Preparing the audience for tour B?) Tbh putting anyone after Yuzu is a mistake, I wasn't focused at all
AHHHHH ZU ALREADYYYY so p/c just one program? Anyway YUZUUUUU
I keep being distracted by the hanging things, I watched them rather than the skating with I wanna zoom in
(Maybe the singer just handed it to him, seems it could be out of his wardrobe😆) Wait after Stephane who?P/C and then Zu? Or not? Ne me quitte pas, I have Carolina nostalgia ETA and to no one's surprise,black outfit Seems there's...things hanging from his tee, idk they remind me of the Christmas lights you put on trees and shops LOL but they are Nnot lights. Could be little bells? Balls? At least better that the shredded cape thing he put on once
Group number to...Freedom? Idk the song byt heard the title thrown around in the guessing game and he said Freedom repeatedly so I'm guessing😆 I could be wrong tho Eta: there's a skater who seems a bit more experienced in dance moves Is he the same who just cartwheeled twice? Am I even using the right English terms? Whoa Keiji in dashing RED suddenly appearing (ok the dashing is not for the outfit per se but for the sudden appearance and Keiji expression)
Yuna? with costume that reminds me of marble, nice Very sweet program, spiral placement nice
Adam with dark outfit but at least has splash of color Dramatic blade sweeping ice well timed to music I'm so out of the loop I can't even recognize the music tho I know it my gosh my brain just can't connect with my library🙈 Ah yes the dramatic blackflip
G/P collab, with brownish outfits that remind me of one of their comp dances from maybe a couple years ago? Can't tell if it was the same shade of color tho
Thanks! And should we count how many men wear black or other unremarkable outfit? 😆 at least Zu bringing variety and bling Nice not-black costume for Satton collab Quite liking this singer, stage again on the rink ETA: wait did I dream that stage on the rink??? It's normal now, or they moved while I wrote? ETA2: yep, I'm not seeing things at least Singer thanking and speaking
Wait I'm out of the loop with current FS, who is she? Leotard mostly pink, seems like she is having fun, tho music cut of this mix is the kind that just sticks together two songs with minimal editing effort Rena? Idk I'm really dreadfully out of the loop
OMG ZU JUMP CLEANNN I SCREAMED!!! my poor neighbors🙈 Eta: I feel like they lowered the audio of the cheers compared to music, for half of the intro song before Zu came I could barely hear anything, but come Zu I did hear😁 OMG immediately starting with Zu solo (gorgeous opening SE) then with 4ladies, singer on square stage in the middle of the rink He makes me want to know the lyrics to better understand the expression Camera mostly understood the assignment (to keep Zu in focus😆😁whenever possible at least) Ahhh I definitely wanna rewatch to better pay attention, I was still on successful intro jump high