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Everything posted by Luminous

  1. Music during warm-up was scary. I've never been so anxious. Even during 'big'competitons.
  2. Hello everyone. Have a good time and smooth Internet connection. Prepared a huge pack of paper tissues
  3. Yes. And some people from the staff too
  4. https://soundcloud.com/realpeakboy/sevenpeakboyremix?ref=clipboard&p=a&c=0&si=1e58fdcf7bfa4dff9bb74d3940f6a110&utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing Jungkook - Seven (Peakboy Remix)
  5. Will we have a stream (or video or something) of Tae's fanmeeting?
  6. ARMY know that Grammy is awful and won’t watch it. Remember how this year JK’s live had as much views as Grammy. They will support everyone if it hurts BTS somehow. Stupid
  7. This is my daily task during breakfast
  8. I received my copy of Layover yesterday. Since it was my first order I decided to buy small Weverse version. Well……..after unpacking I ordered one more version of Layover, Indigo and preordered Golden My friend said “This girl will be hungry but very-very happy”
  9. Are these new photos or from Paris in May?
  10. I listened to them only once and just for new clips from MV shooting. AG Cook remix is okay and others are weird.
  11. “everything that an average 26-y.o. person knows” not “everything in the world”. He just asks people not to treat him as a child
  12. Jimin is defenitely prepearing for something.....
  13. ANA-san, I hate you😭😭😭 Call me maybe by ShibSibs is a masterpiece😭 Yuzu was such a cute kid that time
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