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    I like going to competitions and taking super low-quality photos (my profile and cover photo are from GPF 2019).
    Outside of figure skating I like video games and am a massive fan of JRPGs and visual novels
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    University Student

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  1. hiya, I'm really sorry for updating so late. A few details have changed but hopefully this will be the final change. I started a twitter account for the banner about 2 days ago and we got a pretty big response so we had to give the fans on twitter until the 24th to make submissions. Otherwise, the design has been finalised and it should take about a day or two to arrange all of the messages and then we'll send it for printing. With all things considered, the banner should hopefully reach Yuzuru by mid-May. I'll add the details of the final deadline and the twitter account onto the main post, I apologise for not doing this earlier Additionaly this is a bit of a minor change but we'll be sending the final banner to the JSF as they have a solid system in place for forwarding gifts to skaters and are a lot easier to send to than Sendai Ice Rink. Once again I'm really sorry for the delay, I'll also email everyone about this later today. Thank you!!
  2. hello @YuzuMeryFairy, i apologise for the late reply! absolutely, that's perfectly alright! i'll be accepting submissions until April 20th, so please feel free to take as much time as you need and send it when you are ready i look forward to it :)
  3. UPDATE: Hello again, everyone! Thank you for all the messages so far! There's just a few minor updates I'd like to highlight! I have changed the form so that a log-in is now not required. This does, however, mean that if you would like to send artwork/photograph, you'll have to email it to me. More details about that can be found on the form itself, or in the original post. Additionally, I've decided on April 15th as the deadline, however this may be extended to April 20th if necessary. For this reason, it would be great if you could send your messages as soon as possible to ensure you don't miss the deadline! I will also be reposting this in the general chat later on today so more people can see it, but I would be really grateful if you could share this post/form with anyone who may be interested! The more fanyus we can get involved, the merrier! Thank you very much for your support so far! Mika
  4. thank you!! i just really wanted to do something fo him because he looked so tired and disappointed... i think we all need something to lift our spirits :)
  5. Hello, I hope everyone enjoyed Yuzuru's performance at the gala earlier today! I wanted to do something to show the support of fanyus around the world, so I'm organising a banner with messages to cheer Yuzuru on into the next season and the Olympics! For this banner you can submit either a message or a picture/artwork. Handwritten messages are also accepted! If you would like to participate, please fill in the form below! Send your support to Yuzuru Hanyu! (Google account required to submit files. If you do not want to log in, please email/dm me your message instead) The original forum post with more details can be found here! If you have any questions, please feel free to PM me or email me ([email protected]). Thank you for reading, I look forward to recieving your messages!
  6. Updated [21/04/21] sorry this will most definitely be the final update. We've recieved messages from over 40 countries and are overwhelmed with joy at the response! As there are only 3 days left, we'd like to make one final push so if you haven't sent a message in yet please do so as soon as possible!!! Hello everyone! After watching Yuzuru skate at worlds, I wanted to do something to show the love and support of Fanyus, through both the highs and lows of his career. For this reason, I started this banner project which I will send to the JSF once completed. Let's cheer Yuzuru on into the next season and the Beijing Olympics! To participate you can submit either a message under 400 characters or a picture/artwork showing your support. If you would like to send a handwritten message please ensure it is on a white background and the photo is good quality (scans would be preferred). Please fill in this form below if you would like to participate! Send your support to Yuzuru Hanyu! (No google account required) Additionally, if you would like more frequent updates we now have a twitter account! The account is Fanyubanner_2021. DMs will be replied to more frequently so if there is anything urgent, please dm us on twitter if possible. To submit a picture/artwork/handwritten message, please send it to my email along with your name and a short message to accompany it. The deadline is 24th of April, 00:00 GMT We will not accept any submissions after this. If you have any questions, please contact me via: Email: [email protected] or [email protected] Twitter: fanyubanner_2021 Finally, a Russian translation of this project can be found here
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